“ | A benevolent creature, 0² rarely presents any trouble in the cloud levels of Shiver Star. | „ |
~ Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards Strategy Guide |
“ | It's hopeless... | „ |
~ Game over screen • Boss Battles, Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards |
“ | As Kirby and company blast off for Pop Star, all is back to normal.
Or is it? |
„ |
~ Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards Strategy Guide |
Sometime after the defeat and destruction of the Dark Matter who invaded Planet Popstar, and their leader, 0, another group of Dark Matter invaded a planet in the universe. They mind-controlled beings across galaxies to acquire a weapon that could hinder them. Their leader this time was 0², and its relationship with 0 is unknown.
Powers and Stats
Tier: 5-A
Name: 0²/Zero-Two
Origin: Kirby 64: the Crystal Shards
Gender: Genderless
Age: Unknown
Classification: Dark Matter being (Member of a species of mysterious black clouds), Leader of the Dark Matter beings, Angel-like creature, "Benevolent creature" (Infamously called this by a strategy guide, but they might have purposely been inaccurate to overlook 0², as it later gives no further info about it to keep hidden that it was the secret final boss. It could also just hold a twisted sense of morality)
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Non-Physical Interaction (Scaling from Gooey, another Dark Matter. Its influence presumably affected ghosts such as Noos), Self-Sustenance (Type 1), Flight & Spaceflight, Inorganic Physiology (Type 1, Dark Matter are repeatedly stated to be clouds, even with their eyes visible), Regeneration (At least Mid-Low, likely Mid. Can quickly recover its tail-like formation coming from inside its body/head, which is larger than it, and destroying it causes Zero-Two to explode), Immortality (Type 3), Possession, Intangibility (Scaling from Dark Matter its natural state may be intangible), Corruption, Morality Manipulation, Madness Manipulation (Type 2), Self-Size Manipulation (Entered inside the Fairy Queen as clouds despite being a few times larger than her), Poison Manipulation (Can shoot toxic gas clouds), Resistance to Morality Manipulation & Madness Manipulation
Attack Potency: Large Planet level (Fought evenly with Pre-Canvas Curse Kirby with Ribbon's Shard Gun as a final boss, after Kirby had defeated Miracle Matter and being above any other Dark Matter at the time, its defeat somehow leading to a planet made of continent-sized Dark Matter beings blowing up), can ignore durability in some ways
Speed: Massively FTL+ (As its defeat blew up a planet made of continent-sized Dark Matter and 0² is their leader, it should be above the 3 regular Dark Matter who flew past 8 galaxies in 7 seconds while chasing Ribbon, who was doing the same. Kept up with Ribbon and Kirby in combat while flying)
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Striking Strength: Unknown (May upscale from other Dark Matter beings, but the bandage in its head and proven lesser regeneration may imply it is having some unknown issues with its body)
Durability: Large Planet level
Stamina: Very high. Fought a Kirby that was constantly shooting at its eye and could not be defeated by this method alone, despite 0² getting blood blown out of its body with each attack at its eye
Range: Standard melee range physically, intergalactic with Morality Manipulation, Madness Manipulation, and projectiles (Dark Matter's influence affected 6 different worlds galaxies away from each other, Dark Matter was only physically present in the first and last of those worlds. 3 regular Dark Matter beings physically scattered the Crystal Shard around those 6 worlds, Zero-Two is above them combined as when he died a planet made of continent-sized Dark Matter blew up)
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: Unknown
Weaknesses: Its eye and halo
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Corruption: Despite not being visible where the victims are, Dark Matter can corrupt others with dark clouds and potentially without them: Dark Matter was stated to control others with dark clouds, this is shown in Dream Land 3 as a massive cloud of Dark Matter dispersing through the planet "luring the inhabitants of PopStar to evil". While going through the planet and fighting the victims, the Dark Matter beings and dark clouds are nowhere to be seen until defeating the bosses of that game and expelling Dark Matter's influence from sectors of the planet. In Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards it's indicated many times in the Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards Strategy Guide that Dark Matter had influenced beings on the 6 different planets Kirby & co. travel through, despite the fact that once again Dark Matter beings and dark clouds aren't shown while travelling for most of those planets (it should be noticed that said guide has several inaccuracies in it, however, it is still an official guide, the information is repeated numerous times, and the game alone already suggests this by having the randomly scattered Crystal Shards hidden and guarded by enemies. Additionally, Ripple Star, a planet that was completely took over and covered by Dark Matter, doesn't always show dark clouds in its levels). All of this indicates that Dark Matter are able to influence others without physically entering inside of them, and presumably without using mind-controlling clouds.
- As Dark Matter's influence was stated to have affected Planet Popstar and other planets in general during Dream Land 2 and Crystal Shards respectively, it presumably also affected Wapods and Noos, regular enemies present there that are ghosts. Though not all inhabitants from those planets were affected.
- This corruption shows to work on robots such as Pluggs and HR-H in Crystal Shards.
- The dark clouds that mind control others seem to also be called Dark Matter.
- Possession: Dark Matter can enter inside the body of a target and take control of it. While doing this, it is able to manipulate the victim's body, make it levitate, or transmute it entirely. Along with the Corruption, Dark Matter usually begins an encounter with others by possessing them as shown here, here and here. One Dark Matter took control of King Dedede off-screen by possessing him in Dream and 2, and Zero-Two has used the power to possess the Fairy Queen off-screen (It's unclear if this was done with fellow Dark Matter or alone; Much like Zero, Zero-Two should be able to appear as a black cloud and reproduce Dark Matter beings from him, so those other Dark Matter beings could have been created after Zero-Two left her body).
Notable Matchups
Discussion threads involving Zero-Two (Kirby) |