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MinecraftMinecraft: Story Mode


The Wither is a floating, three-headed powerful boss mob, and is the second boss mob to be added to Minecraft after the Ender Dragon. It can be summoned by Steve via placing three Wither Skulls on top of Soul Sand in a T pattern.

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least 8-B

Name: Wither

Origin: Minecraft

Gender: Unknown

Age: Unknown (Summoned by player)

Classification: Undead Monster

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Flight, Forcefield Creation, Regeneration (Mid), Large Size (Type 0, is at least 3 meters tall), Healing (Heals upon landing a killing blow), Explosion Manipulation (Can fire exploding wither skulls, creates huge explosions upon being summoned and upon death), Enhanced Senses (Can see invisible beings and can see in pitch-black darkness), Death Manipulation via Wither Effect, Darkness Manipulation (Turns the sky dark when spawned), Summoning (Can summon 3-4 Wither Skeletons when close to defeat), Non-Physical Interaction (Can harm Vexes), Corrosion Inducement (Via Wither Effect), Immortality (Type 7), Self-Sustenance (Types 1 and 2), Resistance to Status Effects (Includes bad luck manipulation, poison, blinding, corrosion, magic, gravity and statistics debuff), attacks from undead beings (Practically immune to attacks from undead on its level), Fire Manipulation, Ice Manipulation and BFR (Cannot be forcibly teleported)

Attack Potency: At least City Block level (Can trade blows with the Ender Dragon and Steve. Upon spawning, it releases an explosion this powerful. Can casually break down obsidian, which is immune to the explosions of Charged Creepers). Can ignore durability with the Wither effect (Targets affected by it will slowly wither and decompose away) and possibly via Blue Wither Skull (While its exact mechanics are unknown, it can destroy material much stronger than its own attack strength. However, it cannot damage objects on the level of a Command Block or Bedrock)

Speed: Athletic Human with Subsonic combat and reaction speed (Comparable to Steve)

Lifting Strength: At least Class 100 (Comparable to Steve)

Striking Strength: At least City Block level

Durability: At least City Block level (Can easily survive its own attacks). Regeneration and magic resistance makes it hard to kill

Stamina: Infinite

Range: Hundreds of Meters by flying and throwing explosive heads, Low Multiversal with sounds (The sound it produces spreads through the whole infinite worlds of Minecraft)

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Unknown

Weaknesses: Healing magic can harm or kill the Wither. It will lose its ability to fly higher than the target after losing half its health

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Wither Skull: Projectiles in the form of skulls are shot at the opponent. They fly in straight line and aren't affected by gravity. On impact, they explode and give to everyone caught in the radius the Wither Effect.
  • Blue Wither Skull: A special kind of Wither Skull. Unlike normal ones, they treat every material as having durability equal to that of wood, making it easy to destroy even the toughest materials.
  • Dash: If a Wither is severely damaged, it will sometimes use the dash attack which destroys all material and hurts anything in its way.
  • Crunch: If the Wither finds itself in a tight spot, it will use a "crunch" attack, which will shatter any matter in a radius of about two meters around it.
  • Wither Effect: A type of poison afflicted by the Wither Skulls. Targets affected by it will slowly wither and decompose away. This affects even undead who are otherwise unaffected by regular poison and inorganic beings such as the Iron Golem or Snow Golem

Notable Matchups



Ender Dragon (Minecraft) The Ender Dragon's Profile



Discussion threads involving Wither