The wildcat is a species complex comprising two small wild cat species: the European wildcat and the African wildcat. The European wildcat (Felis silvestris) are natives of continental Europe, Scotland, Turkey and the Caucasus. It inhabits forests from the Iberian Peninsula, Italy, Central and Eastern Europe to the Caucasus. While the African wildcat (Felis lybica) is a small wildcat species native to Africa, West and Central Asia up to Rajasthan in India and Xinjiang in China. Unlike their descendants, wildcats are wild and can't be tamed.
Powers and Stats
Tier: 10-C, 9-C kinetic energy, higher via piercing damage
Name: Wildcat, European wildcat, African wildcat, Felis silvestris & Felis lybica
Origin: The Real World
Gender: Varies
Age: Varies, can live up to 16 years
Classification: Felid, Mammal
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Speed, Small Size (Type 0), Acrobatics, Natural Weaponry (Claws and teeth), Enhanced Senses
Attack Potency: Below Average Human level (normally weigh 5–8 kg. Females are slightly smaller, measuring 40–77 cm in body length and 18–35 cm in tail length, and weighing 3–5 kg.[1] They prey on rodents, rabbits, hares, smaller mammals, insects, birds, chickens, frogs, lizards, martens, weasels, and polecats.[2]), Street level kinetic energy, higher via piercing damage (They have a bite force of 98.4 Newtons.[3])
Speed: Below Average Human level normally, Superhuman short bursts (Up to 30 mph.[4])
Lifting Strength: Below Average Human (Can support their own body weight)
Striking Strength: Below Average Human level
Durability: Below Average Human level
Stamina: Average
Range: Standard Melee Range
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: High Animalistic (Domestic Cats are subspecies of them.[5])
Weaknesses: None notable
Notable Matchups
Discussion threads involving Wildcat |