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Werewolf Skin - artwork
All dressed up and no place to howl!


Wolf Skin is a cursed object featured in the sixtieth Goosebumps book, Werewolf Skin, as well as its television adaptation.

The town of Wolf Creek has a long history when it comes to werewolves. In recent years, the town has become fearful of werewolves that terrorize the town every single night. Two of those werewolves being a married couple named Colin and Marta. For years the two have been cursed into wearing a pair of wolf capes every night which transforms them into powerful werewolves. To hide their identity, they enter the abandoned home of the Marling family next door and put on the capes. Once they become werewolves, they enter the forest and go on a rampage, usually tearing apart animals and eating their entrails.

When Alex Hunter arrives in Wolf Creek to spend Halloween with his Uncle Colin and Aunt Marta, he is curious about if the town really does have werewolves, as he intends to take pictures of them. When they arrive at their home, Colin and Marta warn Alex to stay away from the house next door, which belongs to a family known as the Marlings. However, his curiosity soon gets the better of him. The other neighbor, a girl named Hannah Stoneman, also tries to warn Alex about the werewolves. As the days go by, Alex begins to suspect that there really are werewolves in Wolf Creek. After some close calls, Alex soon learns the truth as he sees Colin and Marta take off the capes. In hopes of freeing his aunt and uncle, Alex and Hannah sneak into the Marling house on Halloween night with the intent on destroying the capes, when Colin and Marta show up. They try to get the capes back when suddenly the full moon comes out, breaking the spell caused by the capes.

As Alex gets rid of the skins, he soon discovers there was a third wolf skin inside the Marling house. Hannah then reveals that it belongs to her before she turns into a werewolf and sinks her teeth into him.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-B

Name: Werewolf Skin, Wolf Skin

Origin: Goosebumps

Age: Unknown

Classification: Parasitic Skin, Werewolves

Wielders: Aunt Marta, Uncle Colin, Hannah Stoneman

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical CharacteristicsTransformation (Upon being worn, it transforms the user into a werewolf), Possession and Fusionism (Upon being worn, the Wolf Skin will fuse with the wearer's body, turning them into a werewolf in the progress and act monstrous and vicious. It will also curse the user so that they will become addicted to wearing it and if they don't they will feel intense pain), Morality Manipulation, Curse Manipulation, Pain Manipulation, Natural Weaponry and Enhanced Senses, Hunting Skills (Werewolves of the Goosebumps verse are regarded as fantastic hunters), Corruption (Type 1; The sweat of werewolves can turn others into werewolves through direct contact as seen in Vampire Breath)

Attack Potency: Wall level (Are scalable to other werewolves of the verse like Will Blake)

Speed: Superhuman (The user will be comparable to real-life wolves that can reach up about 31 to 37 mph. Makes the user able to outrun most animals)

Durability: Wall level

Range: Standard Melee Range, far higher with Curse Manipulation (If far away from it's current owner for too long will feel intense pain from seemingly anywhere)

Weaknesses: Cannot be used during daytime, and will shed off the user as soon as the sun rises. If separated from it's user for too long, it will die and the curse will be lifted. Werewolves of the Goosebumps verse are vulnerable to silver.
