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Weiss Winterperson
Can create walls anywhere.
~ Weiss Winterprison's magic description


Shizuku Ashuu is a calm and quiet college student who has a rather cold exterior. However, she cares deeply for and is very protective of Sister Nana, to the point where she immediately places herself in front of her as a shield if any harm comes her way and she will put her above her own safety. Behind her calm demeanor, she has low patience and a quick temper, and can even grow aggressive and ruthless during fights. She is in a romantic relationship with Sister Nana and loves her deeply. When she becomes a real magical girl by playing Magical Girl Raising Project as Weiss Winterprison, she is mentored by Sister Nana and partners with her.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 8-A

Name: Shizuku Ashuu, Weiss Winterprison

Origin: Magical Girl Raising Project

Gender: Female

Age: Early 20s

Classification: Human, Magical Girl, College Student

Powers and Abilities: Magical Girl Physiology, Proficient in CQC, Earth Manipulation via Wall Creation

Attack Potency: Multi-City Block level (Scales to Calamity Mary. Her walls can effortlessly crush regular magical girls to the bone and tank Mary's bullets. She can crush her own walls[1])

Speed: At least Supersonic movement speed (She ran beyond the horizon in a couple seconds[2]), with likely Hypersonic+ combat/reaction speed (Scales to Ripple. Strong magical girls can act 1000 times faster than humans)[3]. She can react to stat-amped gunfire from blind spots[1])

Lifting Strength: Likely Class 25 (Should scale to Captain Grace who can lift her pirate ship), possibly Class 50 (Should scale to La Pucelle)

Striking Strength: Multi-City Block level

Durability: Multi-City Block level (Scales to other battle-oriented magical girls), Higher with her walls (Easily blocked Calamity Mary's attacks)

Stamina: Superhuman. As a magical girl, she has hugely improved stamina and resistance to fatigue (moreover, she doesn't need to eat or to sleep). Fighting against other magical girls for a while, running kilometers and rescuing people for several hours doesn’t affect her at all. Magical Girls can stay active for multiple days without rest, resist freezing cold and scorching heat.

Range: Standard Melee Range with physical strikes, Several Meters with walls

Standard Equipment: None

Intelligence: Above Average in combat. She survived encounters with both Calamity Mary and Cranberry, reacted to their attacks, and used the terrain do her advantage to keep them at bay.

Weaknesses: She values Sister Nana’s safety more than anything as the priority, no matter her opponent, and she will lose her rationality if anything happens to her. None of the regular human weaknesses. If she becomes unconscious, she turns back into a human and loses all the magical girl advantages.


  • She crushed Minael’s head by smashing it into one of her walls.
  • She fought on par with Calamity Mary and nearly on par with a casual Cranberry.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Wall Creation: Weiss Winterprison’s magic is to create walls of any form, depending on the terrain, from the materials in the ground within her line of sight. The wall is fixed with a height of 2 meters, width of 1 meter, and thickness of 30 centimeters. However, Winterprison can also stack walls together to create larger or taller wall formations and simultaneously create multiple walls. The strength and material of the wall depend on the terrain that is being used. Additionally, the material will have an enhanced durability thanks to Winterprison's magic. The durability of her walls is generally higher than her own.


Notable Matchups

Notable Victories:

Webby Vanderquack (2017) (DuckTales) Webby's Profile (Both were 8-A. Location was Duckburg and starting distance was 5 meters. Speed was equalized.)

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


  1. 1.0 1.1 Light Novel, Volume 1
  2. Magical Girl Raising Project in Dreamland
  3. Light Novel, Volume 5


Discussion threads involving Weiss Winterprison