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VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki
Erza Ataraxia Armor Blade Wings

Erza using the Blade Wings of her Ataraxia Armor


Weapon Control is an ability that allows its user to control weapons or weapon-like objects in order to achieve a variety of effects. The most common usage of this ability comes in the forms of telekinetically controlling or summoning weapons, though other applications are possible.

Possible Uses

  • Telekinetically control weapons or weapon-like objects.
  • Use weapons as platforms in order to levitate or fly.
  • Freely summon weapons to one's side.
  • Change the trajectory of weapons or weapon-like objects in mid-air.
  • Alter the shape or make-up of a weapon.


  • Unlike more conventional forms of Telekinesis, the user can't freely manipulate any object with their minds, only certain weapons and/or weapon-like objects.
  • The user may be limited in terms of the number, size, and/or weight of the weapons they can control.
  • The user's control over a weapon, or any such items, may be limited in range.



Discussion threads involving Weapon Control