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Articles about
Warhammer 40,000Warhammer Fantasy

For detailed information about this series, visit the Warhammer Wiki.


Warhammer Fantasy is the original Tabletop game by Games Workshop which lead to the beloved Warhammer 40,000.

It tells the story of The Warhammer World and its struggle against The Four Chaos Gods.

Power of the Verse

Physically: Low tiers scale to Wall level from zombies/undead who can tear humans limb from limb. Medium tiers scale to Large Building level from Giants/Trolls/Dragon Ogres who can easily destroy large buildings. Higher tiers scale to Large Island level from Bloodthirsters who can generate powerful storms with their wing beats. Characters who can fight non-exalted/named Greater Daemons scale to this. Higher tiers scale to the incarnates who can contain an entire wind of magic inside of them without disintegrating. The undoing of the Great Vortex, caused so much Aethyr to exist in the world that mages could accomplish feats such as the Grey Seers moving the Moon Morrslieb closer to the earth or Clan Skyre who used Warpstone energy to power their technology to destroy said moon, giving them Planet level durability, characters that could damage them scale to this in terms of attack power.

Magic: Pre-End Times God tier mages scale to Country level from Caledor Dragontamer who just by defending the Great Vortex from Malekith's dark magic caused 'The Sundering' which created catastrophic earthquakes all across Ulthuan that cracked mountains and triggered volcanic eruptions. The Dwarves in their mountain fortresses six thousand kilometers away recorded these earthquakes as a significant event meaning they would have had to be large enough to shake the Dwarven holds that undergo earthquakes almost daily. Post End times after the Great Vortex mages scale to Small Planet level from Grey Seers who could move Morrslieb closer to the Earth over a short period of time and Planet level for Mazdamundi who could stop the Moons fall.

Technology: Dwarves/Skaven have high powered sniper rifles, and even Human engineers have simplistic rocket launchers. Dwarf engineers can create massive Gyrocopters that can fire rockets. Skaven can build massive inventions such as drills the size of a building, an enormous Warpstone Cannon that can blow up the Moon, and a nuclear bomb capable of ending all life on Earth. Even with their smaller Warpstone bombs they completely annihilated multiple Mountains in the Worlds Edge Mountains.

Aethyr Manipulation (Explanation about how magic works in the verse and a list of spells.)

Blog detailing layering of magic and resistance potency

Fear Resistance Layering

Calculations and Feats




Forces of Order

Forces of Destruction

Forces of Death

Forces of Chaos


Magic Weapons



Discussion threads involving Warhammer Fantasy