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It's stated Tails came all the way across the universe. Supported by Sonic 1 as well.

The edge of the observable universe is 46.5 billion light years away from earth.

For a timeframe Tails said it was the night of the baseball game. Night would be from sunset to 12:00 AM. Little League season is March to May, which is around the time of this calculation being made. Sonic takes place in Montana. Sunset in Montana is 8:17 PM. 8:17 PM to 12:00 AM is 3 hours 43 minutes

Velocity: 46.5 billion light years/3 hours 43 minutes = 3.2878518e+22 m/s or 1.0967093e+14 (Over 109 trillion) times SoL (Massively FTL+)