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Uchiha Wall Size
Uchiha Wall Size

Sasuke's Height = 12.18 px = 1.68 m

Wall Height = 396.73 px = 54.7213793103 m
Mountain Size
Uchiha Mountain Size redone

Uchiha Wall = 11 px = 54.7213793103 m

Uchiha Hideout Diameter = 51.01 px = 253.757959875 m

Mountain Height = 250.03 px = 1243.81695173 m

Mountain Diameter = 435.07 px = 2164.33004515 m

Using a truncated cone to get the Volume

V = 1966915421.668m^3

1966915421.668 = 100%

1573532337.33 = 80%

314706467.466 = 20% of the above 80%

314706467.466×1000000×25700 = 8.0879562e+18

1.93 Gigatons (Large Mountain Level)

Uchiha Mountain Tree Size

Mountain Height = 250.03 px = 1243.81695173 m

Tree Height = 23 px = 114.417429468 m

Rock Size

Tree Height = 26.02 px = 114.417429468 m

Rock Height + the trees own height since part of the rock is not visible = 31.02 px = 140.801156478 m + 114.417429468 m = 255.218585946 m

Rock Length = 26.02 px = 118.105934609 m

I will consider the width to be half of the length, no way to find the width given the panel.

Volume = 255.218585946 m x 118.105934609 m x 59.0529673045 m = 1780023.53218m^3

Density of Rock = 2700 kg/m^3

1780023.53218m^3 x 2700 kg/m^3 = 4806063536.89

Since there are 15 pieces scattered around, I'll take the easy way out and multiply by 15

Mass = 72090953053.4 kg

Now it's time to get the distance the rocks went.

Rock Distance

Mountain Base = 228 px = 2164.33004515 m

Screen = 429 px

Rock = 31.02 px = 140.801156478 m

Distance the rock is from the screen

2atan(tan(70deg/2)*(31.02/429)) = 5.796865541825 Degree

Distance = 1390.5 m

Distance from the mountain to the screen

2atan(tan(70deg/2)*(228/429)) = 40.824320121123 Degree

Distance = 2908 m

The rocks reachd this distance while the lightning lasted some panels, so the timeframe is at least the time of the duration of a lightning bolt.

Speed = 1517.5/0.2 = 7587.5 m/s

KE = 1/2 * 72090953053.4 * (7587.5)^2 = 2.0751437e+18

495.97 Megatons (Mountain Level)

Since Kirin Vaped part of the mountain and sent the rocks flying, i'll add the results together for our final result.

8.0879562e+18 + 2.0751437e+18 = 1.01631e+19

Final Tally = 2.42 Gigatons (Large Mountain Level)

KLOL506's version[]

OK so volume of mountain is 1,966,915,421.668 m^3.

I'll assume 80% of the truncated cone is actually mountain material, while the 20% is hideout material. Volumes first, then I multiply the density with them.

Mountain. 80% be like- 1,966,915,421.668*(80/100)= 1,573,532,337.3344 m^3

Hideout: 20% be like- 1,966,915,421.668*(20/100)= 393,383,084.3336 m^3. 80% hollowness AKA only 20% is solid stuff so 393,383,084.3336*(20/100)= 78,676,616.86672 m^3

OK bois, mass tiem.

I'll assume soil as a low-end for the mountain itself. Solid concrete for the hideout.

Soil has a density of 1.1-1.6 g/cm^3 or 1100-1600 kg/m^3, averaged out, that gives us 1350 kg/m^3 to work with, should be okay since this scientific paper also claims a density of 1.33 g/cm^3 or 1330 kg/m^3. Concrete has a general density of 2400 kg/m^3.

So, mountain- 1,573,532,337.3344*1350= 2,124,268,655,401.44 kg

Hideout- 78,676,616.86672*2400= 188,823,880,480.128 kg

Total mass: 2,124,268,655,401.44+188,823,880,480.128= 2,313,092,535,881.568 kg

The actual distance moved is the entire height of the mountain, it gets violently compressed downwards and material being ejected upwards (Just like that big-ass asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs and ejected enough ash, dirt and materials to block out our Sun), so that should be fine. 1243.81695173 meters distance.

Lightning bolts being 0.2 seconds in duration on average, 1243.81695173/0.2= 6,219.08475865 m/s.

KE: 0.5*mass*velocity^2

KE: 0.5*2,313,092,535,881.568*6,219.08475865^2= 4.473176e+19 J or 10.69114723 gigatons of TNT (Island Level, 6-C)


All sections of the mountain are compressed to the ground, the average distance that the mass has to travel should be somewhere between 1/2 and 1/3 of the total height, since there is more mass near the ground.

1/2 of the height of 1243.81695173 meters or half of it is 621.908475865 meters.

621.908475865/0.2= 3109.542379325 m/s

KE: 0.5*2,313,092,535,881.568*3109.542379325^2= 1.1182939406360879565902902032945e+19 J or 2.672786665 gigatons of TNT (Large Mountain level, High 7-A)

1/3 of the height of 1243.81695173 is 414.6056505767 meters.

414.6056505767/0.2= 2073.0282528835 m/s

KE: 0.5*2,313,092,535,881.568*2073.0282528835^2= 4.970195291716745658097692498868e+18 J or 1.1879051844447288122 gigatons of TNT (Still Large Mountain level, High 7-A)
