Borrowing the math from here and here.
1.7352 / 338 = .00513372781 m/px
.00513372781 x 95 = .48770414201 / 2 = .243852071 m (Radius of A Call Beyond Star)
Surface Area = 4πr^2 = 4π(.243852071)^2 = .74724455773 m^2
Temperature of the core of the sun is 15000000 degrees Celsius
q = Σ(T^4)A
= (5.6704x10^-8)(15000000^4)(.74724455773) = 2.1450701e+21 Watts, or 2.1450701e+21 Joules (per second). 512.684 Gigatons of TNT, Large Island level+
In lieu of the issue with Rom's feat, this is what Late Game Hunter and those of that level would scale to.