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VS Battles Wiki

AKA: Text reference for stuff relating to profiles stats, tiering, and other stuff like lore and cosmology.

Anything else that's just questions and answers related to the story completely or otherwise will not be posted on here.

If Hajun didn't have the Tumor[]

Q: 波旬は生まれた時から桁外れに強大だったそうですが、もし覇吐が畸形嚢腫ではなく普通の双子として誕生 or 生まれなかった場合は、波旬はどのようになっていましたか?

A: 単純に引きこもりの求道神になったでしょう。ただしそれでも、女神を鬱陶しく思って喧嘩は売ったはず。だけど覇吐がいない波旬はそこまで破壊的な強さを得られないので、夜刀か水銀にシメられて終わるかと。


> Hajun was very powerful at birth, but what would have happened if Habaki wasn't born or if he was a normal twin brother and not the Tumor?

> He would have simply become a Gudou God. But even so, he would have become irritated with the Goddess and start a fight. However, Without Habaki, Hajun would not acquire his destructive power and would be finished off by Yato or Mercury.

If Shirou had Briah in Dies Irae[]

Q: 宿儺の太極ですがもしDies iraeの時に創造を狼が使っていたらあの太極になるのですか?

A: 太極 = 流出なのでその質問は少しおかしいですが、まあ同じ能力にはなります。効果判定が蓮の強さに依存するところも同じ。


> This is Sukuna's Taikyoku but if Shirou were to gain Briah (創造) during Dies irae, would it be Taikyoku?

> That question is a bit weird since Taikyoku=Emanation but well, it would be the same ability. It is the same in that its effectiveness is decided on Ren's strength.

Yato's chances of beating Hajun[]

Q: 新生した夜刀はわずかでも波旬に勝つ可能性はあったのですか?

A: 直接戦って勝つ可能性はゼロ。だけど、形振り構わず手段を選らばずいけば波旬を殺せる可能性はありました。




Yato and the parts that make him up (Ren and Lotus)[]

Q: 夜刀様にロートス成分はやはり入っているのでしょうか?

A: 入っています。 と言うか、親である水銀が滅びても存在し続けているという時点で、もはや別の生命として昇華されています。 簡単に言うと、黄昏への愛が水銀のそれより強くなったことで親父を超えている。夜刀は藤井蓮とロートス·ライヒハートが高次元で融合した新キャラと思ってください。


> Does Yato-sama still contain the part of Lotus inside of him?

> They do. Or rather, it has no longer sublimated into a separate life that continues to exist even after its parent, Mercury, is destroyed. Simply put, he has surpassed his father because his love for the Twilight was stronger than that of Mercury. Think of Yato as a new character that Ren Fuji and Lotus Reichhart fused in a higher dimension.

The Origin of the Observer (Pre-Pantheon)[]

Q: 観測者について、その起源など諸々、詳しく教えてください。

A: 極限まで進んだテクノロジーが神座システムを生み出し、それを巡って大戦争が起きた時代。後の第一天となる女性と共に戦った男が観測者の原型です。名前はナラカ。

二人はその戦いを通じて恋人同士となり、最終的に第一天の座が完成したときにナラカはシステムの中枢へ入り込み、そこと融合します。 彼はその際、こういうプラグラムを発生させました。「このシステムは永劫に残す。 俺はそれを守る。ゆえに今後、総ての興亡期に俺の分身を選り出せ。ただし、俺にとって女はあいつだけでいい」

第一天の女性は独善的な性格であり、 自分を守って正当化するために敵を求めました。 そしてその結果、多くの人が死にました。 彼女を愛していたナラカは、神座システムが無くなれば彼女の戦い、すなわち正義が無意味になると思っています。このあたりは結構歪んだ愛情で、ナラカは第一天の思想を廟笑いながらも愛でていた。馬鹿だから可愛い。愚かだから守る価値がある。とまあそうした理由で、システムそのものが消えてしまわないよう、 円滑に代替わりさせるために動くのがナラカの分身である観測者。本体はシステムと融合しているので、 後に出てくるジューダスや司狼などは彼の触覚です。これら分身にそういった知識はなく、無意識のうちにナラカの意志を実行する言わば操り人形。その因子を持つ者(つまりルネ山ボイス)は興亡期のみならずいつの時代にもいるのですが、観測者として覚醒するときに性的な不能者と化します。 すなわち、ただのルネ山なら問題ないけどインポのルネ山が出たらやばいということ。

これでお分かりでしょうが、ナラカは今や神座システムそのものと化しているため、 歴代の覇道神より格としては上位にあります。 座の交代はソフトウェアの変更であり、ナラカというハードがあってこそ機能する。ゆえに、もしも神座システムを消そうというのであれば、ナラカを倒さなければいけません。こいつは強いとかそういうのじゃなく、極端にタチが悪い類です。おそらくは自分の作品中でもっとも策謀に長け、うざったかった水銀さえも、実際はナラカの手玉にすぎなかった。そのあたりからも、彼の面倒な性質は察せられるのではないでしょうか。実際、歴代の覇道神で、ナラカの存在に無意識的にでも気付けていたのは波旬のみ。彼くらい超深度に潜ることで、ようやくナラカの本質に掠ることが出来たという程度です。


> Can you tell us more about the Observers, their origins, etc.?

> It was a time when highly advanced technology gave rise to the Divine Throne System, and a great war was fought over it. The man who fought alongside the woman who would later become the First Heaven was the prototype of the Observers. His name was Naraka.

They became lovers through that battle, and when the seat of the First Heaven was finally completed, Naraka entered the heart of the system and merged with it. He generated this kind of program in doing so. "I will leave this system forever. I will protect it. Henceforth, during all the rise and fall of the world, I will send out choose my alter ego's. But I will only have that one woman in my life."

The woman in the First Heaven was self-righteous and sought out enemies to protect and justify themselves. And as a result, many people died. Naraka, who loved her, believed that her fight, or justice, would be meaningless if the Divine Throne System was gone. This is quite a warped affection in this area, and Naraka loved the idea of the First Heaven even as she laughed at the idea of the First Heaven. It's cute because it's stupid. Stupid, so it's worth protecting. And well, for those reasons, it is Naraka's alter ego, the Observer, who works to ensure that the system itself does not disappear and is smoothly replaced. The main body is fused with the system, so Judas and Shirou, who will appear later, are his Sensories. These alter egos have no such knowledge but are puppets that unconsciously carry out the will of Naraka, so to speak. Those who have that factor (i.e., the Voice of Rene Yama) are not only in the rise and fall, but in all times, when they awaken as Observers, they become sexually incapable. In other words, if it's just Rene Yama-san, it's not a problem, but if there's an impotent Rene Yama-san, it's bad.

As you can probably tell from this, Naraka is now the Divine Throne System itself and is, therefore, higher in rank than the previous Hadou Gods. The changing of the throne is a software change, and it only works because of the hardware called Naraka. Hence, if you want to erase the Throne System, you have to defeat Naraka. This guy isn't strong or anything like that, but he's an extremely tacky kind of guy. Even Mercury, who was probably the most scheming and annoying in his own story, was in fact being lead by Naraka. You can probably guess his troublesome nature from that point on. In fact, the only successive Hadou God who was even subconsciously aware of Naraka's presence was Hajun. By diving to depths as deep as he was, he was finally able to feel the true nature of Naraka.

Masada on the nature of Ryuusui's Taikyoku[]

Q: 龍水の奥伝が伏せられていましたが、差し支えなければ教えてください。すごく気になります。

A: 内緒ですよ。思金神。神道における知恵の神であり、その思想は万象を兼ねる。ぶっちゃけ覇道神の典型みたいなもので、征服神であるタカミスビの子であるとも言われいるのですが、龍水のそれはもっと個人的なもの。最初のうちは自分に関わる事象の最適化、夜行がそうであったように、無意識のうち好ましいものを己の周りに並べ立てるという力でしたが、作中を通して自己の練磨、思い通りにならない他者へ追いつくために自分を高めるという風に変わっていきます。ただこれに関してだけは、はっきり自覚しないほうがいい。祈れば自分は何でも出来ると知ってしまえば、彼女の気概や努力が茶番になる。龍水にとって大事なのは、他人を玩具一一つまり装飾品にしないこと。そして都合のいい妄想に逃げないこと。頑張るという意志が重要なのであって、またそうした根性があったからこそ、初期の頃から夜行も驚く自己潜行が出来たのです。

自分の真実を知った上で、自分の在り方を決めねばならない。これは夜刀が遺し、東征軍の面々を真理に導いた玉言ですが、龍水だけは唯一明確なその例外。物事には常に裏面があり、知れば成長を阻害するという真理もあるのです。実際、諏訪原においても 「あんたは知らないほうがいい」とエリーが言っていますね。なので龍水は、エンディング後でも自分の太極をよく分かっていません。そういう微妙に空回りながら頑張ってるところ、彼女らしいと思ってください。だから等級項目にもあえて書きませんでした。ちなみに、龍水が初期の頃から竜胆様ラブなのは、タカミスビとオモイカネの関係を模したネタです。

Rindou and why she can wield the Longinuslanze Testament[]

Q: 竜胆がハイドリヒ卿以外には触れないと言われていた聖槍に触れたのはどうしてですか?

A: 聖槍の主となれるのは、一つの時代に一人のみ。制覇、征服にかける気概、王の威厳が当代一の勇者のみ。という設定です。



> How is it possible that Rindou can wield the Holy Spear (Longinuslanze Testament), which was said that no one other than Lord Reinhard can touch?

> Only one person can be the master of the Holy Spear in a given age. The setting is for only the hero who is a majestic ruler with the will to conquer and dominate.

Well, you can say that this is Rindou here. There was no one other than her who had the charisma of a champion in the age of Kajiri, and even if the standards were met at the least, she would be a close runner up. If Reinhard's skill as a general is a 10, I would think Rindou is a 6 or 7. So if they were put in the same age, Rindou would not be able to touch the Holy Spear.

Masada explaining how the Umibozu (Tenma Awaumi, Trifa's K3 incarnation) was defeated + what could have happened[]

Q: 夜刀の持つ軍勢変性により夜都賀波岐は強化されてますが、海坊主(神父様と子供たち) が他に比べてあっさりやられたのは、なぜでしょうか。

A: まずディエス経験者ならご存知の通り、彼は夜刀とさほど密な繋がりを持っていないというのが一点。そして淡海は夜刀の支配力が及ぶギリギリの場所というのが二点。要するに、身も蓋もない言い方をしてしまうと、海坊主さんは他の天魔勢より自由が利いたので最前線に特攻したけど、それにより無間神無月の加護が薄くなったのでやられたということ。加えて言うなら、夜行の存在がイレギュラー。波旬の代行者として曲がりになりにも太極に達していた彼がいなければ、龍明が東外流のような自爆技を使わない限り止められなかったはず。そしてあのとき龍明を失っていたら、不破之関で全滅していたでしょう。

Gods of the Throne and their ability to use predecessor Laws as attacks[]

Q: 作中で波旬が歴代神格の理を投げて攻撃してましたが、他の2~5代目の神格も前任者の技を使ったりできるんですか?

A: できますよ。





Q: In the main story, Hajun threw the principles of the previous Gods to attack, but can the second to fifth Gods also use their predecessor's techniques?

A: They can.

The one who is the best at that kind of thing is the fifth generation, the Twilight. Her ability of Hadou Coexistence is its ultimate system.

Conversely, the one who can't do it at all is the Fourth Generation. He changed the Divine Throne system so drastically in his generation that it doesn't work well with his predecessors.

Hajun, well, as said in the main story, he's throwing them out like dust. He has no understanding or respect for his predecessors at all, so even if he can recreate their powers, its contents are hollow due to being a literal skeleton.

Ren and Reinhard's Laws being recorded in the Throne[]

Q: 刹那や黄金は実際に座を握ってはいなかったそうですが、それが何故座に残滓として残っていたのですか?

A: 黄金は第四天の自滅因子、刹那は同じく第四天の子供のようなもので、かつ第五天の恋人。両者とも、第四ないし第五天の比翼であり、深く繋がりがあるからです。


> The Moment (Ren) and Gold (Reinhard) seemingly didn't get to actually seize the Throne, but why did they remain as residue in it?

> Gold is the Self-Destruction Factor of the Fourth Heaven, the Moment is like the child of the Fourth Heaven as a well as the lover of the Fifth Heaven. Both are relative pairs of the Fourth and Fifth Heaven and are deeply connected to them.

Strength of Gods according to Masada (Pre-Pantheon)[]

Q: 神様シリーズにおける太極=流出格のキャラで、各々全盛時の強さランキングを教えてください。


A: じゃあ細かく行きましょう。





> How would you rate the strength of the Gods Taikyoku=Emanation in the Kami series at their best?

Purely on the basis of strength as Gods without, for example, something like Mercury dying to Twilight because he desired it.

> Then let us get into the details.

Hajun > Yato > Mercury = Gold (Only when against Mercury) > Twilight = Amaterasu > Morningstar = Gold (Normally) = Ren > Second (Muzan) > First (Mithra) > Habaki = Rindou = Yakou > Shiori > Soujirou > Ryuusui.

There were various problems with the parameters in Kajiri, such as space limitations, color types, etc. and I couldn't go more than a value of 70. In reality, I wanted to go more than that by a value of 100.

Yato's values are all 100. Hajun exceeds that as he is Impossible to Measure, and I would think Mercurius would have about 90.

What makes a Hadou God strong compared to another[]

Q: 刹那は黄昏存続中に強くなっていた様ですが他の三柱も同様に強くなっていたのでしょうか?

A: 覇道神の強さってのは本人の格(周りを染め上げる渇望の強さ)プラスそれによって確保した支配領域の広さ、軍勢の数、質に依存するので、つまるところどれだけの魂を掌握してるか(例外波旬)で決まります。



> It seems that the Moment (Ren) had gotten much stronger during the time of the Twilight (Marie), but did the other three Gods became much stronger?

> The strength of the Hadou God depends on their rank (the power of their Craving to paint over their surroundings), and the size of the area they control along with the quantity and quality of their Legion, so a Hadou God's strength depends on the number of souls they control (with the exception of Hajun).

Thus, in the battle against Hajun, aside from the Gold (Reinhard), The Mercury (Karl), who has transferred all of his souls to the Twilight, is weakened. As explained in the main story, the Hadou Gods were devouring each other and so Mercury could not use his full power in that state. However, even if he could, he would not be able to win.

Regarding Yato's standing as second strongest God and more[]

Q: 夜刀は歴代覇道神で波旬を除けば最強とのことですが、所有軍勢 (魂) は夜都賀波岐勢のみ。 覇吐と戦うときに至っては完全に一人だったと思うのですが、それでも Dies 時の水銀より強いのですか?

A: 強いですよ。前述してますが、覇道神の強さは本人の渇望力と、所有魂の数と質。夜刀はこのうちの前者だけで歴代覇道神を凌駕しています。



If a Gudou God can defeat the Throne God plus more[]

Q: もし求道神が座を掌握している覇道神を倒したらどうなるのですか?

A: 原則として、それはまず有り得ません。二つ理由があるのですが、まず一つは純粋な強さの問題。覇道神は波旬のような例外を除き、所有している魂が多いほど強くなるので、全宇宙の魂を有する覇道神に単体の求道神は勝てません。彼らはあくまで一人なので、覇道神が有する魂を奪い取って力に変えるということが出来ず、数の暴力に圧殺されます。



そして後者の場合、神の自殺を意味するので一瞬のうちに宇宙丸ごと消滅してしまいます。 言うまでもなくどちらも神座システムの破綻であるため、ナラカはこれを許しません。ジューダス、司狼、宿難らを見ても、各々無意識ですが覇道対覇道という構図を生むために動いています。


前述した二つの結末は確かに真実であるものの、第三三の展開と結末、その可能性は巧妙に隠されています。 歴代神座で最深層に達し、ナラカの真実に唯一掠った波旬のみ、彼の法である滅尽滅相の天狗道こそが、あるいは第三の答えに至る鍵だったのかもしれません。

Reinhard's nature as Apoptosis of Mercurius[]

Q: 神咒神威神楽はDies irae ~Acta est Fabula~のマリィのルートの後のお話だというのは分かったんですが、そうしたら一つ疑問が出てきてラインハルトは蓮に倒され死んだはずなのにどうして蓮やカールと共に波旬と戦うことができたのでしょうか?

A: マリィルートの段階では、蓮たちはもちろんラインハルトすら自滅因子という概念を知らなかったというのを思い出してください。ゆえにあのとき、本人含めて当事者たちがラインハルトは死んだと捉えたのは自然なこと。しかし、ラインハルトはメルクリウスの自滅因子。 ならば水銀がいる限り、黄金は死なないというのが分かるでしょう。形式上、蓮とマリィがメルクリウスと和解に近い形で終わったのがマリィエンド。



> I know that Kajiri Kamui Kagura is the story after the Marie Route of Dies irae ~Acta est Fabula~, but then a question came up: How was Reinhard able to fight Hajun alongside Ren and Karl when he was supposed to be defeated and killed by Ren?

> Recall at the stage of Marie Route. Not only Ren and his friends, but even Reinhard was not aware of the concept of Self-Destruction Factor (自滅因子). Thus it was natural for the party involved, including the person himself, to view him as dead at the time. However, Reinhard is the Self-Destruction Factor of Mercurius. So you see, so long as The Mercury is around, The Gold will not die. Formally, the end of Marie Route has Ren and Marie form a close reconciliation with Mercurius.

Hence, Reinhard forgot about his previous life, and on the surface, he repeatedly reincarnated in the Twilights universe as an ordinary man. However, the Golden Beast did not vanish in his soul. It awakened in response to the Fourth Heaven's intent to battle against Hajun. Due to the Fourth Heaven's characteristic over the time axis being rushed over, Shura Mandala was revived along with the army of Gladsheimr.

The remains of Shura Mandala in Mahamara (Heaven of Hajun)[]

Q: 黄金の軍勢である修羅曼荼羅の力が残っていたのはなぜですか?

A: 神州丸ごと特異点だから。ただし主である黄金は消えているし、龍明などは刹那の加護も受けてないから使えば死ぬ。


> Why did the power of the Gold's Legion, Shura Mandala, still intact?

> Because the entirety of Shinsuu is a Singularity. However the Gold, their master, is gone, and Ryuumei and others aren't given protection by The Moment (Ren) so they will die if used.

Hajun vs Gods of Dies Irae (Path to Rea's Route)[]

Q: 波旬対怒りの日は、怒りの日では相打ちという結末へと到ったとの事ですが、一体どうやって相打ちまで行き着いたのでしょうか。

A: まず黄昏の覇道共存能力を壊されないというのが大前提。そのうえで覇吐の存在に気付くか気付かないかの差。




> I understand that Hajun vs Dies Irae had come to an end for the latter, but how could it have reached such a conclusion?

> To start with, the main premise is that the Twilight's (Marie) ability of Hadou Coexistence is not destroyed. Then, there is the main difference between whether or not they notice the existence of Habaki.

With an intent to kill in regards to his own world, as Hajun's Craving for destruction is not unlike that of the Gold (Reinhard), it would be him that would be able to notice it. This would allow the Twilight to separate them by embracing (and reincarnating) the Tumor, leaving Hajun greatly weakened. Hence, The Moment (Ren) stops time to stall until it is accomplished, but the time of the fight is pretty much the same, and The Mercury (Karl) has to start over.

It's also suggested in the main story of Kajiri that The Mercury remains until the end, but it's probably not possible.

First of all, it's inevitable that he's going to do something related to the Gold that will lead to his death, and even if he manages to do that, it's more than a little bit difficult to push him away with the principle of Recurrence while Hajun remains intact. The chances are not zero, but the odds are astronomical.

What would have happened had Keishirou achieved Taikyoku[]

Q: 刑士郎が宿儺との戦いで使おうとした太極はなんという名前ですか? またその場合はどちらが勝ちましたか?

A: 名前はない。だって刑土郎は太極できる器じゃないし、あれは修羅曼荼羅の残落。なので、やったら龍明と同じく崩れて死にます。というかその前に宿儺に幻滅されて瞬殺されます。


> What is the name of the Taikyoku that Keishirou tried to use against Sukuna? And in this case, who would have won?

> It has no name. Keishirou's ability isn't Taikyouku, but the remains of Shura Mandala. Had that been the case, he would have collapsed and died like Ryuumei. Similarly, he would be disillusioned and instantly killed by Sukuna.

Reizen vs Yatsukahagi (Power level wise)[]

Q: 奥伝の冷泉は単純な強度で七柱を凌駕していて、地力で上回らなければ絶対に勝利できないということですが、大獄の甲胄の下を見て生きていられるのは夜刀を上回る者でなければいけない。もしも奥伝の冷泉が大獄の甲胄の下を見た場合はどうなるのでしょうか?

A: 死にますね。この場合、大獄の地力=夜刀の地力です。同じ理由で宿儺にも勝てません。ただ、波旬の加護に冷泉がどこまで耐えられるかによります。けど、まあ無理でしょう。


> The esoterics (奥伝) of Reizen has him surpass the seven pillars (Yato's Legion) in plain strength, and they can never win if their own power doesn't surpass his. However, someone has to surpass Yato in order to see underneath Ootake's armor and live. What would happen if the esoterics of Reizen were to see underneath Ootake's armor?

> He would die. In this case, Ootake's own power = Yato's. It's for this same reason that you cannot defeat Sukuna. It would depend how long Reizen can withstand taking Hajun's blessing but, well, that would be impossible.

The Creation of the Throne before Mithra's Heaven[]

Q: 座のシステムについてですが、「座をつくった」という表現があったと記憶していますが、その始まりはどのような発想から成ったのですか?

A: 星間戦争時代、いわゆるワープに関わる理論から「時間跳躍」や「宇宙の結合」という発想のもとに偶然生まれてしまった副産物という設定です。


> Regarding the Throne System, I recall a notion of there being "creating the Throne". What was your idea about its beginnings?

> It was an accidental byproduct of the so-called warp theory of the interstellar warfare era (the World before Ahura Mazda), based on the ideas of "time leap" and "cosmic binding".

The nature of Habaki's sword[]

Q: 覇吐の大剣の名前はなんていうんでしょう? また、何種類まで変形できるのですか?

A: 銘はソハヤ丸。通常では五段階変形ですが、ラストにおいては十握剣と化すので十段階変形です。

How Ren gathered his Legion prior to K3 story[]

Q: 蓮はどのようにしてミハエルやアンナ、螢、戒、ベアトリス、リザ、怜愛、イザーク、司狼、エリー、エレオノーレ達を復活させたのですか?

A: 復活? 彼らは死の瞬間に停止させられたのであって、死んだ奴を生き返らせたわけではないですよ。そんな力は蓮になく、だからこそ神無月の鎧が剥がれたら彼らは崩れ始めるのです。


> How did Ren revive Michael, Anna, Kei, Kai, Beatrice, Riza, Rea, Issac, Shirou, Ellie, and Eleonore?

> Revive? He stopped them at the moment of their death. He didn't bring the dead back to life. Ren doesn't have such a power, and for that, they started to collapse once the armor of Kannazuki (神無月) was peeled off.

Regarding Kamunagara[]

Q: 作中での随神相は丁禮·爾子を含めて旧世界勢にしか出現していませんが、聖遺物が関係しているのでしょうか。

A: 随人相は覇道神とその春属である軍勢にしか出せません。求道神は作中で語ってるように単体で成立するので、終始人間大のまま。巨大化した神威の像というものを持ち得ない。あれは要するに、他を征圧するためのパワービジョンです。


> The Kamunagara (随神相) in the story only appeared in the Old World forces including Niko and Teirei, but is there a connection to Relics?

> Kamunagara can only be performed by the Hadou God and their Legion. Gudou Gods are established on their own as said in the story, so they remain human-sized throughout. It's not something that you can name as the giant image of the Kamui. Simply put, it is nothing but the power vision to conquer all.

Length of Throne God's Reign (Longest to shortest time)[]

Q: 歴代神座の在任期間ですが、一位はメルだとして、順位はとどうなっているのでしょうか。

A: 水銀>初代>明星>黄昏>波旬>第二。




> On the tenure of successive Shinza's, how would you rank them if you assume Merc is number one?

> Mercury (Karl) > First (Mithra) > Morningerstar (Satanel) > Twilight (Marie) > Hajun > Second (Muzan).

By the way, the Second is about 5,000 years and Hajun is 7,000~8,000. Twilight is less than 10,000. Morningstar and the first generation were 20,000-30,000 years old.

Mercury has looped from 30,000 to 40,000 years over a novemdecillion (那由他/Nayuta) times.

Masada on Yakou equal to Reinhard[]

Q: 初期夜行が黄金と同じくらいの強さって公開録音で言ってましたがとてもそうは思えないのですが……

A: ああ、言い方が悪かったですね。夜行というキャラの格がラインハルト級だということです。その世界における神の加護を一身に受けているという意味で、些細な違いはあってもほぼ同種の存在。


> You said in a public recording that early-game Yakou is as strong as the Gold, but I don't think that's the case...

> Ah, I said it poorly. What I meant is that the character rank of Yakou is Reinhard Class, in the sense that they received the blessing (加護) of God in the World, so they share the same existence if with slight differences.

Masada on Self Destruction Factor (Apoptosis)[]

Q: 自滅因子の性別ってランダムなんですか? それともなにか法則みたいのがあるんでしょうか?

A: その神格にとって、身近な人物を変貌させていくという形なら同性。出会う前から世界のどこかに誕生させるという形なら異性。前者は水銀にとっての黄金や夜刀にとっての宿難になり、これは互いのコンプレックスを刺激しながら認め合う関係、こいつ気に入らないけど無視できないという、ライバル的な友情の産物です。


Hajun's Tengen nature[]

Q: 波旬の天眼は畸形嚢腫の眼なのですか?

A: そうであり、そうではないとも。あの眼自体は騎形脳腫のものだけど、視覚機能は波旬が握ってます。波旬が驚異的な神性を持つに至ったのは畸形嚢腫があったからで、その象徴があの天眼。ゆえに最終局面で養腫が分離した際に、彼の超越性の具現とも言える第三の眼が閉じたのです。

Throne God's Strength[]

Q: 座の深さ=神の強さですか?

A: そう思っていただいて構いません。


> Depth of the Throne = Strength of the God?

> You can think of it that way.

Nature of Throne in Paradise Lost (Muzan's Heaven, first published work of Shinza)[]

Q: セフィロトツリーやアビスなどの高次世界は、 第三天以降の世界でも存在しているのでしょうか? また、これらは座の支配領域なのでしょうか? それとも特異点なのでしょうか?

A: あれらセフィロトツリーとか言っていたものが、イコール太極へ至る高次域への道行きです。王冠なりジュデッカなり、頂点なり底なり言われていたものが太極座。


> Do higher worlds such as the Sefirot Tree and the Abyss still exist in the world of the Third Heaven and beyond? Also, are they the dominated areas of the Throne? Or are they Singularities?

> The thing you call as the Sefirot Tree is equivalent to Taikyoku in that they are paths which lead to higher places. The Crown (Keter) and Judecca can be called the Top and Bottom of the Taikyoku Throne (太極座/Taikyouku-za).


Lines that have (Pre-Pantheon) next to it[]

Basically any of the text with a header that has (Pre-Pantheon) in it is because the information from that text at the time of when K3 was the latest work in the Shinza Bansho series may have some or all of its relevance changed with the status of, as-of-now currently hiatus, Pantheon game.

For example, the information regarding Naraka is that it was originally of a singular person but according to History of Pantheon and Saoshyant Desatir (Pantheon Prologoue), Naraka is now a group of five people with one of them being Mithra's lover, retaining that part of the initial backstory of Naraka.

Another is the strength of Gods according to Masada as of K3 versus that of Saoshyant Desatir. Before, without accounting for Taikyoku values, Masada had ranked all of the Gods accordingly from Hadou (Hajun at the top followed by Yato, down to Mithra herself at the lowest), then to Gudou. But in Saoshyant Desatir, the difference in strength between them is now changed with those such as Muzan, the Second Heaven, having the highest martial prowess and offensive power amongst the predecessor of Hadou Gods sans Hajun. There is also the fact that Muzan, however he managed to do it, was able to cut Hajun's finger, a feat that would normally be outright impossible if even those, like Marie's Guardians, could not harm him at all. It is unknown (as of the time of this post) as to whether or not Taikyoku and values will still remain if/when/should Pantheon ever resume.
