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In Sonic Advance 3,Super Sonic chased Ultimate Gemerl out into space.The Gizoid had to be stopped(because reasons).

Eggman followed Super Sonic into space to aid him against his defiant creation.I consider Eggman's part in this PIS Game Mechanic as he shouldn't have been much help to a Planetary being nor should his Egg Mobile have been able to keep pace.

Eggman aside,Super Sonic caught up to Gemerl within 6 seconds (only counting the moment Super Sonic flew off to the cutscene's end.Not counting the End-of-Zone Tally or the level banner that's advertised for several seconds upon reaching him).In the Background of "Nonaggression",what resembles molecular cloud/stars can been seen:


See the resemblance?

Star-pismis-sternhaufen-open-clusters 121-11186

Star Cluster

That in the background fits the bill for an Open Cluster.It even exhibits the traits of stars with its constant twinkling

With all that said,Super Sonic flew towards a Star Cluster in 6 seconds.

The closest Star Cluster to Earth(Hyades) is 153 Light-years away.

153 LY = 1447460850000000000 Metres

1447460850000000000 ÷ 6 = 2.4124348e+17 m / s

That's 804701631.28653490543 c

That's over 804 million times FTL


The reason I didn't do this at first is because of the Sonic-Verse's inconsistent depictions of destroyed celestial bodies.Nothing ever stays destroyed.

Takashi Iizuka statesthat the half-blown part of the moon is always kept hiden while the remainder faces the planet's rotation,explaining the inconsistency.

Despite this,the entirety of the moon has still appeared in Post-SA2 Game continuity...

However seeing as Iizuka is the key producer,director,and designer within Sonic Team I'll take his word as fact and say that the Sonic-verse has indeed has consistent astronomy.

That addressed,on to the second calc:

In Sonic Battle,the Final Egg Blaster obliterated Hyades.This means they I'd have to use the distance of the second clostest Open Cluster to make this calculation.This would mean an even higher degree of MFTL+ speed(duh)

The second closest Star Cluster (Coma) is 280 Light-years away.Again,Super Sonic flew towards the Cluster in 6 seconds.

280 LY = 2649004532322624000 Metres

2649004532322624000 / 6 = 4.4150076e+17 m / s

That's 1472688015.386964798 c

Aka over 1.47 billion times FTL

Thoughts?(please check for any problems and feel free to point them out)