Super Sonic MFTL+ Calcs Compilation
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Dodon Pa's Rocket
- 2.1 Introduction and Context
- 2.2 The Feat (and more context)
- 2.3 The Calculation
- 2.4 Low-End Distance
- 2.5 Mid-End Distance:
- 2.6 High-End Distance
- 2.7 Who Scales?
- 3 Ark of The Cosmos Feat: Up, Up, and Away
- 3.1 The Feat
- 3.2 The Calc
- 3.3 Result
- 4 Sonic Rush: Flying To The Exception
- 4.1 The Feat
- 4.2 The Calc
- 4.3 Low-End
- 4.4 Mid-End
- 4.5 High-End
- 5 The Results
- 6 Conclusion
Hello everyone! This is a blog putting various Sonic speed calcs in one blog in VSBW to be evaluated here. All three blogs were made by ShakeResounding
NOTE: This is a blog to evaluate calcs based if they are correct in terms of their math, please do not clutter the comments if the feats are valid or not, leave that to a CRT in the new forum, please and thank you
Team Sonic Racing has …
Sonic Advance 3 Super Sonic speed
Copied from here
In Sonic Advance 3,Super Sonic chased Ultimate Gemerl out into space.The Gizoid had to be stopped(because reasons).
Eggman followed Super Sonic into space to aid him against his defiant creation.I consider Eggman's part in this PIS Game Mechanic as he shouldn't have been much help to a Planetary being nor should his Egg Mobile have been able to keep pace.
Eggman aside,Super Sonic caught up to Gemerl within 6 seconds (only counting the moment Super Sonic flew off to the cutscene's end.Not counting the End-of-Zone Tally or the level banner that's advertised for several seconds upon reaching him).In the Background of "Nonaggression",what resembles molecular cloud/stars can been seen:
That in the background fits the bill for an Op…