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In this blog I'll be calculating the mass and potential energy of Nunn-Jahad.

Nunn-Jahad Monster


As we can see in this panel, Nunn-Jahad is so tall that its head reaches the cumulonimbus clouds, dwarfing a city around it. That's easily 2 kilometers in height

But first we need to calculate the mass of its body.

Scan 1

Nunn-Jahad's Height = ~2 km

Nunn-Jahad's Body Height = 1301.2 m

Nunn-Jahad's Body Length = 2116.9 m

Nunn-Jahad's Body Radius = 1058.45 m

We put these values on this Ellipsoid Calculator, as its torso has a similar shape to that.

Volume = 6106232809.41 m^3

But that's not all, we also have to calculate the mass of its head, which has the shape of a cylinder.

Scan 2

Nunn-Jahad's Height = ~2 km

Nunn-Jahad's Head Height = 964.3 m

Nunn-Jahad's Head Width = 631.2 m

Nunn-Jahad's Head Radius = 315.6 m

We put these values on this Cylinder Calculator to get the volume of its head.

Volume = 301742183.37 m^3

Nunn-Jahad's Total Volume = 6106232809.41 + 301742183.37 = 6407974992.78 m^3

The density of flesh is 985 kg/m^3.

Nunn-Jahad's Mass = 6407974992.78 x 985 = 6311855367888.3 Kilograms

Finally we can its potential energy. The center of mass is half of Nunn-Jahad's height, or 1000 meters.

Potential Energy = 6311855367888.3*9.81*1000 = 61919301158984223 Joules

Final Tally[]

Nunn-Jahad's Attack Potency = 14.80 Megatons of TNT (City level)

Assuming this creature can push aside other monsters of comparable size:

Nunn-Jahad's Lifting Strength = 6311855367.89 Tons (Class T)
