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VS Battles Wiki


In One-Punch Man, a police officer gets buried in the ground by the monster Plum.

I'll be calculating the power of this attack to find the durability of the average officer.


Scan 1

Plum Head Size

Plum Height = 400 cm (239 px)

Plum Head = 113.807531381 cm (68 px)

Scan 2

Officer Buried

Plum Head = 113.807531381 cm (177 px)

Crater Diameter = 381.287379147 cm (593 px)

Axis A = 190.643689573 cm

For Axis B, I'll use the average height for an 18 year old Japanese male as the diameter.

Axis B = 85.4 cm

Crater Height = 29.577098551 cm (46 px)

Volume = 1512814.7359617 cm^3

Fragmentation is 8 J/cm^3

Energy = 1512814.7359617 x 8 = 12102517.8877 J (Wall level+)