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VS Battles Wiki

I've been doing some research, and me and some Vs Debater friends of mine have come to the conclusion that this verse is in need of a few upgrades. As to why,

Let us begin with the Guardian's creation of the Zones.

In Zone 3, prior to The Batter's boss fight against Enoch, the resulting dialogue between the two causes Enoch to elaborate a bit on the lore of the game, and the following is revealed.

Basically, what this reveals is that

A: The Zone Guardians created their Zones by sculpting raw energy from the Sun into matter. This warrants the use of E=mc^2, as energy was wholly being converted into mass.

B: The Sun's energy being gifted to them is a direct consequence of it being sent to them by The Queen. She had created The Room, in which the Sun is located, through the same sort of magic, so it applies to her creation of the Sun as well.

C: Enoch's energy constantly sustains and empowers the Zone, much like the other Guardians. Without their presence, there is nothing stopping The Batter from purifying zones. The Batter's purification only grew more potent as he progressed in power, eventually becoming able to wipe objects, vast stretches of land, creatures, etc. out of existence entirely.

Now, the Sun's mass for use in this formula is easy enough, but finding the mass of the Zones is another matter entirely. That's where we'll start.

Here, it is seen that, in the Nothingness, The Batter is able to travel (982 - 694) 288 pixels in 0.57 seconds, or about 505.263 px/sec. Why is this relevant? Because everything in the Nothingness travels at the Speed of Light, that's why. With that being said, and the speed of light being 299792458 m/s, each pixel is (299792458 / 505.263 =) 593339.425 meters. Seeing as all of these Zones are different inhabited planets and that each are measured as shown above,

Zone 1: Avg Diameter of 23 px, Avg Radius of 11.5 px, or 6823403.390 m

Zone 2: Avg Diameter of 23.5 px, Avg Radius of 11.75 px, or 6971738.246 m

Zone 3: Avg Diameter of 25 px, Avg Radius of 12.5 px, or 7416742.815 m

Now, to find the volum ein cubic meters of the Zones, using this volume of a sphere calculator...

Zone 1: ~1.33074e+21 cubic meters

Zone 2: ~1.41942e+21 cubic meters

Zone 3: ~1.70895e+21 cubic meters

But wait! We need to find the mass of these planets, but they're made up almost entirely of metal, not any material we'd associate with our own earth. How do we find the mass?

Well, logically the most likely metal being referred to in this instance is iron,  as this is the metal pointed out by The Judge to be the material that The Batter's initial bat is made of in the tutorial, and additionally seems to make up several different materials found in the environment. We'll be using it's density value of 7.874 g/cubic centimeter, or 7874 kg/cubic meter.

The mass comes out to be...

Zone 1: 1.04782e+25 kg

Zone 2: 1.11765e+25 kg

Zone 3: 1.34563e+25 kg

And finally, plugging them all into this handy little site...

Zone 1's creation: 9.4173e+41 Joules

Zone 2's creation: 1.0045e+42 Joules

Zone 3's creation: 1.2094e+42 Joules

All of these are in the realm of Class XGJ to low XTJ, and fall quite precisely into Star level range (6.276e+41 to 1.4644e+42 Joules).

As for the Queen, who created the entire Sun using the same method? Well...

Mass of the Sun: 1.989e+30 kg

Creation of the Sun: 1.7876e+47 Joules

Which is Solar System level. Speaking of the Sun, The Batter runs right to it late into the game.

I understand that the abstract nature of this occurence is likely to leave people doubtful, so please allow me to explain:

Within this strange place, The Room, is contained the Sun, the real, legitimate sun that provides sunlight to the other Zones. The Queen sends energy from this sun to the Zone guardians, as established earlier by the lore, directly to the Zone guardians, who proceed to shape it into matter. This particular section of the Zone is a literal reflection of Hugo's memories, which have created and physically manifested in much the same way Hugo created The Batter and The Queen. Though the map in question resembles a child's drawing, it is in fact quite literally the actual land created by Hugo in the past.

This is further made evident by these points on the map being literal places that you can stop at as part of the Room's puzzle.

Basically, the following criteria are true:

- The arrow cursor is in fact literally The Batter at this time,

- The Sun in the map is the real Sun,

- The ground that the cursor starts on is in fact sections of the Earth, as it is mentioned in the conversation that The Batter has with Dedan,

"The future only waits if we trace it, and just our arms and our efforts'll make it a heaven on Earth."

- The Batter is actively moving from place to place,

- The Batter is seeking out The Queen due to her being perceived as responsible for the events of the game, and The Queen lies within the Sun; hence, why she is able to "send" the energy of the Sun from her location to the Guardians. This leads to The Batter simply going there.

So yes, the circumstances provided by the game validate this.

Now, with all of that being said, the only thing left to do is calculate the speed value:

Disance to the Sun: ~149598000000 meters

(149598000000 meters / 1.38 seconds =) 108404347826 m/s, or 361.598 times the speed of light.

This scales to EoG Batter (of course), The Queen, and The Judge.

Hopefully this blog helped you all!