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VS Battles Wiki

Since I'm not finished with my csap wiki page about Moder (I'm at school right now, and my school blocked CSAP Wiki since Late September of this year; 2024), I found something interesting about her powers and abilities. (Also, Moder is a female, not a male)

Additional Powers and Abilities:

Sleep Manipulation (She casts sleep at her lowest level), Self-Sustenance (All Types; Doesn't require sleep, air, food, nor water), Weather Manipulation (She casts control weather anywhere within her lair that it is aware of which ends on initiative count 20 of the next round)

I already listed Stealth Mastery, Immortality (Type 1), Shapeshifting, Magic, Perception Manipulation, etc. on my CSAP Wiki page. But i'm gonna explain the reasonings.

For her Attack Potency, in the movie, she can one shot humans, and killed an elk offscreen, but in the novels, she tears a truck apart. However, they are possibly different characters; in the movie, she can't be injured by mortal weapons,[1] but in the novels, she got hurt by a knife.[2] However, there is no evidence of not being the same characters, so the film Moder would be upscaled by novel version of herself.

For Lifting Strength, she can carry a human effortlessly.[1] She likely lifted an elk and hang up on a tree offscreen.[1]

For Durability, she got shot by a rifle, and tanked it.[1]

Moder's Size + Kinetic Energy or Gravitational Potential Energy?[]

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Measuring a young women's height, being 1.63 meters tall. However, the character who is hanged by Moder's antlers, is actually named The Host, who is played by Maria Erwolter, whose height is 1.75 meters tall.

The Host's height: 1.75 m / 159 px = 0.0110062893 meters per pixel

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Moder's length

Moder's shoulder height: 232 px = 2.5534591176 or roughly 2.55 meters tall.

Moder's head-to-body length: 250 px = 2.751572325 or roughly 2.75 meters long, Large Size (Type 0)

Accurate Size Comparison.

Now we can find her weight.

Average Bucks has an average height of 0.8382 meters tall and weighs around 113.39825 kg, and can run up to 40 mph or 17.8816 m/s.

(2.55/0.8382)^3 * 113.39825 = 3,192.88976149 kg, Class 5

We can use KE or GPE

Kinetic Energy: 1/2 * 3192.88976149 * 17.8816^2 = 510,465.83456 Joules, Wall level

Gravitational Potential Energy: (2.55/2) * 9.81 * 3192.88976149 = 39,935.8669143 Joules, Wall level

I will use KE for the Moder, since she can charge against a human named Luke. GPE only works when moving anywhere to release the energy and/or for users who are exactly at least 2.72 meters tall.

TCU Bambi victim in terms of size (No, I'm not saying he beats Moder because of his size, I said he beats Moder in terms of size, not outscaling a character by size).

Overall, she is Wall level due to her sheer size and weight, and she is capable tearing a truck apart, though it is unknown on how much damage did she caused since it is a novel.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 The Ritual (2017 film)
  2. The Ritual (2012 novel)