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VS Battles Wiki

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Circumference of Earth is around 40 030 000 metres.

The whole scene actually takes 7 seconds but he needs to accelerate. I'll use the time when he seems to be the fastest. At 00:09 we see him start. At 00:10 we see he's already nearly back to the place he started. So I'll assume at 00:11 he's already back to the original place he started at 00:10. 2 seconds.

40030000/2 = 20 015 000, or around 7% SoL, or Sub-Relativistic+. Underwhelming, when Supergirl is MFTL. However, I'm not for speed here today, but for KE. It's actually a good thing he's under the speed of light in this move, so we can get KE. It is not calc stacking because the thing powering his attack is speed, and he actually rams into something (his opponent).

Barry Allen in Injustice: Gods Among Us is 88 kilograms.

20015000^2*88*0.5 = 1.76264099e+16 Joules, or Small City level+. Damn. No upgrade.