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VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki

Captain America dodges laser[]


Screen Shot 2020-03-03 at 5.39.05 PM

Cap's head: 103 px or 0.25 m

Panel height: 225 px

Distance from point of view to object = object size * panel height in pixels/[object height in pixels*2*tan(70deg/2)]

0.25*225/(103*2*tan(70deg/2)) = 0.38996759892 m

0.38996759892/299792458 = 1.30079189e-9 seconds, FTL reactions

Cap seems to have dodged the distance of his own head.

0.25/1.30079189e-9/299792458 = 64.11% the speed of light, Relativistic+

So Relativistic+ combat speed with FTL reactions. Damn.

Thor's storm[]

Recalc with CAPE

Assuming strong instability:

4.132e18*4000 = 1.6528e22 Joules, Small Country level
