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VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki



Twonkies are a life-form from the comet Twonkus 3. They are small cute beings, but when they hear any soothing musical patterns, they evolve into stompers. Then, if a group of stompers is able to conglomerate, they can become large and extremely dangerous monsters called Gromps.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 10-C ​​​​​​ | 9-B  | 9-A

Name: Twonkies, Stompers, Gromps

Origin: Jimmy Neutron

Gender: Varies

Age: Varies

Classification: Alien

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical CharacteristicsWill Evolve If They Hear Any Soothing Musical PatternsTransformationCan Produce Offspring

Attack Potency: Below Average Human Level Wall Level (Stompers behave very mischievously and will wreak havoc in every way imaginable due to their naturally impish dispositions) | Small Building Level+ (Gromps almost destroyed jimmy's rocket)

SpeedAt least Normal Human

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Below Average Human Class Wall Class Small Building Class+

Durability: Below Average Human Level Wall Level Small Building Level+


RangeMelee range likely extended when throwing objects 

Standard EquipmentNothing notable


Weaknesses: Will devolve if they hear terrible singing

Key: Twonkie Stomper Gromp


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
