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Deckard Takes Shimmer, Lifts Door, Tanks Explosion, Refuses to Elaborate, Dies[]







Feat happens here

Assuming that these are standard 2 by 4s

4 in = 0.1016 m

0.1016 / 25 = .004064 m/px

.004064 x 476 = 1.934464 m (Door Width)

1.934464 / 341 = .00567291495 m/px

.00567291495 x 327 = 1.85504319062 m (Door Height)

1.934464 / 443 = .00436673589 m/px

.00436673589 x 13 = .05676756659 m (Door Length)

Volume of a prism = .20371 m^3, or 203710 cm^3

Density of iron = 7874 kg/m^3

.20371 x 7874 = 1604.01254 kg

He lifted this with one hand so its safe to double this, so 3208.02508 kg, Class 5

.004064 x 269 = 1.093216 m (Grate Width)

1.093216 / 147 = .00743684353 m/px

.00743684353 x 92 = .68418960544 m (Rail Height)

.68418960544 / 130 = .00526299696 m/px

.00526299696 x 213 = 1.12101835353 m (Rail Length)

There are 8 of these gaps, so

1.12101835353 x 8 = 8.96814682826 m (Total Walkway Length)

On average for females, an arm weighs about 4.97% of total body weight

Using the math from here, the energy to vaporize a whole person is 292092454 joules

4.97% of 292092454 = 14516994.9638 Joules

Working backwards from Inverse Square Law

P = 14516994.9638 x (4π((8.96814682826m)^2))

P = 14672090940.8 Joules, 3.5 Tons of TNT

.004064 x 200 = .8128 m (Distance from Explosion)

I = (3.5 Tons of TNT) / (4π((.8128m)^2))

I = .42159047515 Tons of TNT per m^2

We have to find Deckard's surface area and height

1.85504319062 / 210 = .008833539 m/px

.008833539 x 186 = 1.64303825455 m (Deckard Height)

Surface area is 1.73 m^2 / 2 = .865 m^2

.42159047515 x .865 = .364675761 Tons of TNT, Building level

Vi Rips off Sevika's Arm[]

Feat happens here

Borrowing this math

Diameter of arm at shoulder joint: 20cm or 0.2 meters.

Area: 0.0314 m2

Steel's tensile strength is 420 MPa, 4.2e+8 Pa, or 4.2e+8 N/m^2.

So 0.0314*4.2e+8 = 1.3146e+7 N or 1.3405189336e+6 kgf (Class M)

Jayce Crushes a Boulder[]



Feat happens here

Borrowing this math

This is gonna be a bit weird because of the gauntlets being so much bigger than Jayce's hands...

Jayce is 6 feet tall, or 1.8288 m, and 185 lbs

1.8288 / 448 = .00408214285 m/px

.00408214285 x 21 = .085725 m (Hand Width)

.085725 / 160 = .00053578125 m/px

.00053578125 x 382 = .2046684375 (Gauntlet Width)

The difference between .085725 m and .2046684375 m is 2.3875x. Square cube law dictates that the mech's height and mass has increased by the cube of 2.3875, or 13.6091230469x

13.6091230469 x 1.8288 = 24.8883642282 m

13.6091230469 x 185 = 2517.68776368 lbs

41.49 m^2

The human hand is approximately 0.83% of the total surface area of the body.

41.49 x .0083 = .344367 m^2

The crushing strength of limestone is 55 MPa (MPa=N/mm^2)

Force = 55 x 10e6 x .344367 = 189401850 newtons, 19313.61 tons of force

Since he crushed the stone with a single hand, it should be fine to multiply the result by two, so 38627.22 tons of force, 19313610 kg, Class M

Blitzcrank Lifts The Howl[]


Average height for an adult male = 1.754 m

1.754 / 50 = .03508 m/px

.03508 x 232 = 8.13856 m (Chamber Height)

.03508 x 365 = 12.8042 m / 2 = 6.4021 m (Chamber Lower Width)

.03508 x 242 = 8.48936 m / 2 = 4.24468 m (Chamber Upper Width)

.03508 x 197 = 6.91076 m (Window Height)

.03508 x 97 = 3.40276 m (Window Width)

.03508 x 105 = 3.6834 m / 2 = 1.8417 m (Support Cylinder Width)

.03508 x 148 = 5.19184 m (Support Cylinder Height)

.03508 x 67 = 2.35036 m (Support Column Length)

.03508 x 46 = 1.61368 m (Support Cylinder Height)

.03508 x 11 = 0.38588 m (Support Cylinder Width)

.03508 x 85 = 2.9818 m / 2 = 1.4909 m (Gear Column Width)

.03508 x 150 = 5.262 m (Gear Column Height)

The Howl is stated multiple times here to be primarily made of iron

Density of iron = 7.874 g/cm^3

Starting from the top down:

Volume of a cylinder = 36.74496 m^3, or 36744960 cm^3

36744960 x 7.874 = 289329815.04 g

50% hollowness is used for machinery, so that comes out to 144664907.52 g

There are three of these, so 433994722.56 g, or 433994.72256 kg

Next comes the connecting bars:

Volume of a rectangular prism = 1.46354 m^3, or 1463540 cm^3

1463540 x 7.874 = 11523913.96 g

50% hollowness is used for machinery, so that comes out to 5761956.98 g

There are three of these, so 17285870.94 g, or 17285.87094 kg

Next the top cylinder:

Volume of a cylinder = 55.32341 m^3, or 55323410 cm^3

55323410 x 7.874 = 435616530.34 g

50% hollowness is used for machinery, so that comes out to 217808265.17 g, or 217808.26517 kg

Now for the big one:

Volume of a conical frustrum = 708.2004403656 m^3, or 708200440.36559987 cm^3

708200440.36559987 x 7.874 = 5576370267.44 g

This thing is almost entirely hollow, going to use 90% hollowness for this, so that comes out to 557637026.744 g, or 557637.0267439999 kg

But we also have to account for the glass paneling:

Given that the glass was broken rather easily by people leaning on it, we'll assume its standard 3/32" glass paneling, or 0.00238125 m

of an elliptical cylinder = 175918.6953 cm^3 / 2 = 87959.34765 cm^3

Density of window glass = 2.579 g/cm^3

87959.34765 x 2.579 = 226847.157589 g, or 226.847157589 kg

There are 12 of these, so 2722.16589107 kg

557637.0267439999 - 2722.16589107 = 554914.860853 kg

There are two of these, so 1109829.72171 kg

Adding all this up:

433994.72256 + 17285.87094 + 217808.26517 + 1109829.72171 = 1778918.58038 kg, Class M

Camille Dodges a Laser[]

Confirmed to be light in both episode 4 of Arcane and in Jayce's Journal, as well as Hextech utilizing Elemental Magic, which is just bending pre-existing natural elements with magic, which includes natural light as Lux exists


Camille is 6'10, or 2.08 m

2.08 / 374 = .00556149732 m/px

.00556149732 x 115 = .63957219251 meters

Distance from point of view to object = object size * panel height in pixels/[object height in pixels2tan(70deg/2)]

= 2.08 * 475/[3742tan(70deg/2)]

= 1.88637731372 m

.63957219251 / 6.46245989305

Object size = 2*tan(70deg/2) * distance from point of view to object * object height in pixels / panel height in pixels

= 2*tan(70deg/2) * 1.88637731372 * 1162 / 475

= 6.46245989305 m

.63957219251 / 6.46245989305 = .09896729776

299792458 x .09896729776 = 29669649.4571 m/s, 9% c, Sub-Relativistic+

.00556149732 x 26 = .14459893032 m

.14459893032 / 6.46245989305 = .02237521512% c, 6707920.7391 m/s, Sub-Relativistic

.00556149732 x 9 = .05005347588 m

.05005347588 / 6.46245989305 = .00774526677% c, 2321972.56284, Mach 6820, Massively Hypersonic+

https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Laser/Light Beam Dodging Feats

Most lasers in fiction are not real or provable as real. Often they are supernatural in nature and do not function anywhere close to how real light should. Therefore, lasers/light beams are only accepted as real if they meet, at a minimum, a few of these criteria:

*The beam refracts in a new material, such as a liquid or...

*The beam diffuses in a reasonably realistic way or reflects off a material that it can be expected to, such as a non-magical mirror.


"'''Altered beam transmission medium, adjusted lenses to optimal focal distances, internal mirrors polished and positioned.''' Intensity increased tenfold. But it must improve. I MUST IMPROVE!"

*It is stated to be composed/consisting of photons or light itself, again by a reliable source.


"This ray of light will guide our march to Piltover. Nothing will stand in the way of our Glorious Evolution!"


"The Hexclaw, a mechanical arm equipped with a powerful ray of light."

*It has its origin at a realistic source of light, such as a camera.


"Hextech is a magical technology that fuses '''elemental and spirit magic''' to create exquisite artifacts that can be wielded by anyone, not just the few people out there with a natural aptitude for the arcane. It harnesses the magical power contained within rare hex crystals to function properly."

Elemental: Magic that allows the control of elemental power of the material realm. There are numerous base elemental magics, such as Magma, Nature, Water, Light, and Time. Light magic appears to encompass the ability to manipulate or create visible light and perhaps other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.

To further back it up...

"The beam '''melts flesh and metal alike with exceptional speed'''! I have since eagerly integrated it onto my machine body. To see, feel, and dissect the world with such CLARITY... This is the great potential of the human mind unburdened by flesh! A truly glorious evolution!" It burns and melts thing rather than generating force

TL;DR, It refracts through a focus lens, reflects off of mirrors, burns/melts stuff rather than using force, was stated to be a beam of light by one of the most intelligent scientists in the entire verse, and its source is a Hex Crystal, which uses Elemental Magic, which is simply bending natural elements through magic, which includes light

Viego Feat Adjustment[]

Adjusting the math of this calc as it used the incorrect formula, should have been (Magnitude at distance) + 1.1644 + 0.0048*r instead of (Magnitude at distance) + 6.399 + 1.66*log10((r/110)*((2*π)/360))

(4) + 1.1644 + 0.0048*534.428571429 = 7.72965714286

10^(1.5*(7.72965714286)+4.8) = 2.4801944e+16, 5.9 Megatons of TNT, Small City level+

(5) + 1.1644 + 0.0048*534.428571429 = 8.72965714286

10^(1.5*(8.72965714286)+4.8) = 7.8430632e+17, 187.45 Megatons of TNT, Mountain level

(6) + 1.1644 + 0.0048*534.428571429 = 9.72965714286

10^(1.5*(9.72965714286)+4.8) = 2.4801944e+19, 5.9 Gigatons of TNT, Island level

Amumu Parts Clouds Recalc[]



Feat happens here

Nimbostratus usually has a thickness of about 2000 to 4000 m

Using a frame by frame viewer, the clouds started moving at 3:27:22 and stopped at 3:42:40, 15.18 seconds


2000 / 153 = 13.0718954248 m/px

13.0718954248 x 907 = 11856.2091503 m / 2 = 5928.10457516 m (Cloud Gap Lower Width)

13.0718954248 x 299 = 3908.49673202 m / 2 = 1954.24836601 m (Cloud Gap Upper Width)

Volume of a Truncated Cone = 105864340388 m^3

Density of Nimbostratus Clouds is 1.003 kg/m^3

Mass = 106181933409 kg

5928.10457516 / 15.18 = 390.520723001 m/s

KE = 1/2m*v^2

KE = 1/2(106181933409)*390.520723001^2

KE = 8.0967141e+15 Joules, 1.935 Megatons of TNT, Small City level


4000 / 153 = 26.1437908497 m/px

26.1437908497 x 907 = 23712.4183007 m / 2 = 11856.2091503 m (Cloud Gap Lower Width)

26.1437908497 x 299 = 7816.99346403 m / 2 = 3908.49673202 m (Cloud Gap Upper Width)

Volume of a Truncated Cone = 423457361550 m^3

Density of Nimbostratus Clouds is 1.003 kg/m^3

Mass = 424727733635 kg

11856.2091503 / 15.18 = 781.041446001 m/s

KE = 1/2m*v^2

KE = 1/2(424727733635)*781.041446001^2

KE = 1.2954743e+17 Joules, 30.96 Megatons of TNT, City level