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Sesshoumaru slashes Naraku

thanks to shiningforce and iwandesu from  NF to giving us the values for rl japanese mountains in his blog, and

lazywaka for a previous calculation, giving us the way to approach 

shining force:

Average height of mountains in Japan is 1677.2 m (Credit to Iwan for providing in comments)

which lets us scale narakus body


radius of narakus body: 1118.3m

and put bakusaigas attack in perspective



naraku: 303px - 1118.3m

height of the attack: 117px - 653.2m

attack is wide: 60px - 221.4m

using the cone calculator 


we get a result of 

30.483.292,32 m3 


half an ellipsoid at the bottom of the cone: 35px - 129.1m

height: 117px - 653.2m

finding the volume with the ellipsoid formula


and using the width for b and c we get a result of

22.801.177,43m3 which we half since its only half an ellipsoid 

and end up with 11400588.71m3

adding up the result we get a volume of 



finding the way of destruction i use the simple pulverization for the low end, and cellular disintegration for the high

end, according to the description of the weapon

the target became "infected" with spontaneous destruction that disintegrated the main body 

low end: 41883881.035 x 1000000 x 214.35 = 8977809899852250 joules

->2.14MT of TnT

-15% hollowness = 1.819 MT (outdated see update from 10.03.2018)

UPDATE FROM 10.03.2018 with correct values for pulverizing diamond 

due to being "compressed", or pushed at one side with enough force, the diamond in question ends up being shattered.

Diamond statistics*The compressive strength of diamond is said to be >110 Gpa

  • Mpa = J/cc, from this blog, reading from the spoiler section regarding rock.
  • 110 Gpa = 110,000 Mpa = 110,000 J/cc

This is the compression strength, or the energy required to pulverize diamond into small pieces, although if that diamond remains in large chunks, the value would be less than that.Click to expand...

low end: 41883881.035 x 1000000 x 110,000 = 4607226913850000000 joules -> 1101.15 MT of TnT
-15% hollowness -> 935.35MT

see more details here 



InuYasha dodges lightning

the feat



inuyasha evades hitens ground to cloud lightning

we get a clearer view on hitens clouds in another panel


-> nimbostratus clouds


height of nimbostratus clouds: 609.6m - 3048m

which we use for low and high end

our speed of lightning: 440,000m/s

distance evaded: the distance between the burned rock which got hit and inuyasha is roughly 5meters

timeframe low end: 3048/440000m/s = 0.006s

timeframe high end: 609.6/440000m/s = 0.001s

speed low end: 5/0.006s = 833.3 m/s = mach 2.4

speed high end: 5/0.001s = 5000 m/s = mach 14.7

