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My first calc  Gonna do a re-calc of Jimmy's running speed, since the previous one is inaccurate and messy.

Field w Casey

Calc of Jimmy's running speed[]

As you can see in this picture, I'll be using this football field to calc his speed (It's length is about 80 meters, shorter than the average American football field which is 91.44 meters)

Unfotunately, I don't have a video of him running across the field so instead I had to play game and test it myself.

It took him 9.01 seconds to run across the football field.

Speed=d/t so 80 / 9.01 = 8.87902330744 mps

If we use the average length then

91.44 / 9.01 = 10.1487236404

Final Tally[]

Running speed (using the in-game football field): 8.879 m/s

Running speed (using the average football field): 10.148 m/s