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Calc request from @Elizio33 

Important Calc stuff I guess[]

The calc[]

First is M = gr^2/G, where M = Mass in kilograms, g = gravitational acceleration, r = radius from core in meters, and G = universal gravitational constant. As, to my understanding, the planet has no examples of extreme gravity I'm just going to assume it has a gravity of 1g.

  • M = gr^2/G
  • M = 9.80665 * (1569681094.304)^2 / (6.673 x 10^-11)
  • M = 9.80665 * 2.4638987e+18 / (6.673 x 10^-11)
  • M = 2.4162592e+19 / (6.673 x 10^-11)
  • M = 3.6209489e+29 kilograms

After getting mass then you just use U = 3GM^2/5R. Where U ia the energy needed to destroy the planet, where G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the sphere in kilograms, and R is its radius in meters.

  • U = 3GM^2/5R
  • U = 3 * (6.673 x 10^-11) * (3.6209489e+29)^2 / 5 * 1569681094.304
  • U = 3 * (6.673 x 10^-11) * 1.3111271e+59 / 5 * 1569681094.304
  • U = 2.6247453e+49 / 5 * 1569681094.304
  • U = 2.6247453e+49 / 7848405471.52
  • U = 3.3443039e+39 Joules or High 5-A


  • GBE = 3.3443039e+39 Joules
  • Surface Area = 3.096E+19 square meters
  • Volume = 1.620E+28 cubic meters

To my understanding it only scales to the really giant robots and no one else.

  • Mass = 3.6209489e+29 kilograms