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Qawsedf234 Qawsedf234 11 August 2024

MAWS - Supergirl stops a starship

  • 1 The Feat
  • 2 The Fundamentals
  • 3 The Calc
  • 4 Conclusion

A starship exits hyperspace and is stopped by Supergirl.

The only information for distance given is that they're in a Nebula and outside the Solar System. With that knowledge we can use the following:

  • The nearest star to Earth is 4.35 lightyears away according to NASA
  • The nearest Nebula to Earth is 690 lightyears away according to NASA
  • Since Kara just moved her arm this is a reaction speed feat
  • The ship crossed this distance in 3.7 Seconds from leaving the portal to being stopped
  • Kara and Kal-El have the ability to hear people from Earth while on the Sun, her closest provable starting point would be 1 AU or 149,597,870.7 kilometers

Nearest Star:

  • NASA gives a listed average distance of 40,208,000,000,00…

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Qawsedf234 Qawsedf234 16 July 2024

Elden Ring - Another calc of the Radahn Star thing

All the current justifications can be read on this blog currently used in the profile

While the High 4-C rating is a user did raise a point that Radahn might have stopped all star visible, rather than just ones that actually moved like in my calc. So I thought why not calculate that assumption.

  • Using apparent magnitude luminosity, this article gives an estimated value of 9,096 stars being visible to the naked eye on Earth.
  • According to NASA the Solar System orbits at 828,000 KPH or 230 kilometers per second
  • Since 9,096 is a lot, especially considering how much a star can vary, I'll just average it out to the Sun's mass for this calc
  • The Sun's mass is 1.9884e+30 Kilograms according to NASA

So for KE

  • KE = m * v^2
  • KE = 1.9884e+30 * (230,000)^2
  • KE = 1.…

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Qawsedf234 Qawsedf234 6 July 2024

Elden Ring - Fire Giant Lifting Strength Calc - Reposted from Reddit

Reddit user Nihlus11 created a image where they calc the Fire Giant lifting and slamming his giant plate into the ground (repost if needed)

Since this is just a repost of their calc for site useable, below are the transcribed results:

  • In-game volume of the plate: 77.2638 m^3
  • Original Material Assumption of Steel = 77.2638 m^3 * 7,850 kg/m^3 = 606,520.83 kilograms (Class K)
    • For one alternative end assuming Iron's Density = 77.2638 m^3 * 7,874 kg/m^3 = 608,375.1612 kilograms (Class K)
    • For another end, since the plate is green and the Fire Giants are rather ancient it could be made of Bronze. So using that as an end = 77.2638 m^3 * 7,400 kg m^3 = 571,752.12 kilograms (Class K)
  • In-game speed of the slam = 140 meters per second
  • Force = Mass * Acceler…
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Qawsedf234 Qawsedf234 5 July 2024

Cyberpunk Tabletop Skill List

The Tabletop of Cyberpunk (2013, 2020 and RED) have skills. Those skills have an in-universe benchmark for people to compare it to. To quote the core rule book for 2020 and RED

Skills are always rated from 0 to 10, with 1 being a novice level of knowledge, and 10 being a master's level of ability - 2020 core rulebook page 42
Athletics: This skill is required for accurate throwing, climbing, and balancing. It combines the basic elements of any high school level sports program. At +3 and above, you are the equivalent of a real high school "jock". At +5 and above, you can perform in college level competitions. At +8 and above, you are of Olympic or Professional caliber. - 2020 core rulebook page 42
Handgun: You must have this skill to effe…

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Qawsedf234 Qawsedf234 2 July 2024

Elden Ring DLC - Tarnished blocks Radahn's sword swing

  • 1 The Feat
  • 2 Context
  • 3 The Calc
  • 4 Results

The Tarnished is capable of blocking a sword swing from Radahn mid-swing (1:41)

Radahn is being boosted by Miquella's light, which is stated to allow him to slash at the speed of light. While this does not apply to every move, it would apply to his rush/flurry attacks

  • Radahn's model height when overlayed on a grid is is 43 squares tall. This grid has every square represent 10 centimeters, making his full height 430 centimeters (give or take due to the helmet)
  • Using this body proportion site used for some other calcs, assuming an average body ratio for an adult male, someone of Radahn's height would have an arm length of 187.8 centimeters
  • Going frame by frame it looks like Radahn makes one complete 180 degree…

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