Requested by FujiwaraYesMokou. These are some calcs that’ll hopefully get every low tier out of Wall.
Nitori scares the Fairies of Light with a Water Dragon[]
(All the fairies in this image appear to be the same size in pixels)
Each Fairy : 1.5 px/1.384 meters (As fairies, while they have no confirmed height, ZUN states that the characters in Touhou are as tall as early teens which ranges from 10-14 years, so this is the height of a 10 year old girl by his statement that the fairies are short)
Water Dragon diameter: 9 px/8.304 meters (radius is 4.152 meters)
Water Dragon length: 144 px/132.864 meters
Volume (Cylinder): (Pi*4.152^2)*132.864 is 66.432 m^3
Density of water is 1000 kg/m^3
1000*7195.68072898 is 7195680.72898 kg
Going by the PE method, half of the dragon’s height is 58.948918728 meters which is the center of gravity. Gravity speed is 9.8 m/s.
7195680.72898*9.8*66.432 is 4684629929.44 joules/1.119653424818356 tons, or Building level, just barely shy of it being a + rating
Sumireko Telekinetically Pulls Down 2 Radio Towers[]
Sumireko: 206 px/1.63 meters (Shes around the same height as Reimu, who is fairly tall as stated by ZUN in the link of the previous calc above, so this assumes she is as tall as the average 18 year old girl)
On-Screen Radio Tower height: 1110 px/8.78300970874 meters
Street width: 70 px/7 meters
Screen height: 576 px
Street distance: 7 * 576 / [70 * 2 * tan (70deg / 2)] is 41.1306625942 meters
Partial Tower distance: 8.78300970874 * 576 / [1110 * 2 * tan (70deg / 2)] is 3.25451359362 meters
41.1306625942-3.25451359362 is 37.8761490006 meters
The rise/run of the partial tower line is 440/-1024, which is -0.4296875x. Plugging it into Desmos and inputting -0.4296875+37.8761490006 and I find out that the other side is 88.148 meters.
Hypotenuse: sqrt(88.148^2+37.8761490006^2) is 95.9409848142 meters for the other part of the tower.
Total tower height: 37.8761490006+95.9409848142 is 133.817133815 meters
For the mass, Ill base it off of the Warsaw Radio Mast, which measures 646.38 meters and weighs 420 tons (381018 kg).
(133.817133815/646.38)^3*381018 is 3380.78017696 kg
Going by the moment of inertia for the end of a rod/plank...
(1/3)*3380.78017696*133.817133815^2 is 20179905.3903
The tower moved 7° in 0.2 seconds
7/0.2 is 35°, or 0.610865 radians
0.5*20179905.3903*0.610865^2 is 3765126.8745 joules/3.7651268745 megajoules, or Wall level
Kinda disappointing, honestly
Yukari Train Two Hell[]
(Note: These are consecutive explosions from the 3 carts, so I’m calcing only 1)
Yukari: 110 px/1.8288 meters (Since ZUN states she is pretty tall, I’d say 6 ft should do)
Explosion diameter: 626 px/10.4075345455 meters (radius is 0.005203767272730001 kilometers)
[((0.005203767272730001/0.28)^3)/1000]/2 (because non-nuclear) is 3.20958962e-9 megatons/13.42892297008 megatons, or Wall level+
But that was just the explosion, what about the train car itself being destroyed?
Yukari: 110 px/1.8288 meters
Car length: 589 px/9.79239272727 meters
Car height: 160 px/2.66007272727 meters
Ill assume the width of the cart is the same as its height
Volume: 2.66007272727*2.66007272727*9.79239272727 is 69.2908427985 m^3, or 69290842.7985 cm^3
Ill assume 90% hollowness to make up for the space inside the car, which makes the true volume 6929084.27985 cm^3
Average train car is made of mostly steel with some aluminum components incorported, and since we barely see any remains of the car, Ill assume violent fragmentation of both materials. Given the proportions, Ill use 2/3 steel and 1/3 aluminum.
Steel: 4619389.5199*568.5 is 2626122942.06 joules/0.6276584469550669 tons
Aluminum: 2309694.75995*234 is 540468573.828 joules/1621405721.48 joules/0.1291750893470363 tons, or Small Building level
Total destruction: 0.1291750893470363+0.6276584469550669 is 0.7568335363 tons, or Building level