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VS Battles Wiki

Since the Fungle map just came out today, I may as well do some feats both from its trailer and in the game related to the map.

Crewmates Lift A Metal Plate[]

Feat here


Crewmate: 102 px/1.0668 meters (As established by their MedBay scan height of 3'6")

Plate height: 482 px/5.04115294118 meters

Plate length/width: 23 px/0.24055294117 meters

Volume: 5.04115294118*5.04115294118*0.24055294117 is 6.11322553157 m^3

Density of aluminum is 2710 kg/m^3

2710*6.11322553157 is 16566.8411906 kg, or Class 25

Since it took 6 Crewmates to lift the plate, the result must be divided by 6.

16566.8411906/6 is 2761.14019843 kg, or Class 5

Crewmates Throw Frisbees Over The Horizon[]

Feat here


Crewmate: 86 px/1.0668 meters

Frisbee diameter: 60 px/0.74427906976 meters

The average frisbee is 0.28 meters and weighs 0.175 kg

(0.74427906976/0.28)^3*0.175 is 3.28678558136 kg

Distance to the horizon is 20 km

Timeframe (using a frame by frame player): 28 frames on 30 FPS (Between when it gets thrown and when the twinkle in the sky starts to appear)

20000/(28/30) is 21428.5714286 m/s, or Mach 62.47396917959184, which is High Hypersonic+

KE: 754619139 joules/754.619139 megajoules, or Small Building level+

Though we're not done yet, because now we need to calculate the force required to throw it given how it accelerated at an instant.

Acceleration: (21428.5714286-0)/(28/30) is 22959.1836735 m/s^2

Force = Mass * Acceleration

Force: 3.28678558136*22959.1836735 is 75461.9138579 N/7694.973702340077 kgf, or Class 10

EDIT: Apparently we go by a new method to calculate tbe distance, that being to divide the object's size by 10^-3. Using the Frisbee's size...

0.74427906976/10^-3 is 744.27906976 meters

744.27906976/(28/30) is 797.441860457 m/s

KE: 1045055.69559 joules/1.04505569559 megajoules, or Wall level

Now for the force.

(797.441860457-0)/(28/30) is 854.401993347 m/s^2

Force: 3.28678558136*854.401993347 is 2808.23615242 N/286.3603934499249 kgf, or Peak Human

Since this is a task possible for every Crewmate in the game, they easily scale to this, while the Impostor upscales through regularly one-shotting the Crewmates.