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VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki

Thank you Zombie Go Boom for giving me this idea.

The feat[]

Joe Yager tries to destroy the Ivan Head with a single punch (A skull Zombie Go Boom made that was created to be as tough as a human skull). He fails to break it... but I wanted to measure how hard he hit it.


ZOMBIE KNOCKOUT! Can you punch or kick a zombie to death?

Go to 1:40

The calc[]

Joe Yager... doesn't have a good record , so this calc is either a lowball or the average.

He weighs around 116.2 kilograms according to the page.

According to body percentages his entire arm would be 5.33% of his body's weight, or around 6.189 kilograms. He punched at 60 feet per second, making the kinetic energy of his punch be 1,034.96 joules.

His punch is on the Street level range. 

Note: This guy's record isn't good, anyone who is heavier than him and has a better record would punch far better, I guess. 

BTW, Mike Tyson used to hit harder than him .


Didn't want to calculate the kick of the other guy, because he didn't use his entire leg, unlike Joe who used his entire arm to punch.