Yesterday, I went with my family to watch the Sonic movie, and now that I've had time to readjust to not watching the Sonic movie, I can calculate some feats from the movie. These aren't all the feats, just the ones I thought were important, those being:
- A young Sonic claiming he can cross Green Hill, the island at the beginning of the movie, not the town, in less than two seconds; Current Sonic should upscale from it, but this is a potential bluff given his age.
- Sonic being able to run from Montana, I'll use the middle of Montana since Green Hills, the town, doesn't have an absolute location, to the Pacific Ocean, once again, since we don't know how far he went, we'll use the center of it (and when I mean center, I mean where Google Maps puts the name "North Pacific Ocean" between America and Japan), and back in two to three seconds.
- Being able to perceive a crowd of people and a horde of bullets, missiles, and explosions at a snail's pace.
- Knocking out power from the Pacific Northwest using an energy explosion.
1. Crossing Green Hill[]
Green Hill Zone has never had an official length, which makes this a difficult calculation. However, I've decided to compare it to the smallest island as a low-end, and the largest island as a high-end.
I'll be using this Wikipedia page to find both my smallest and largest island.
Smallest: Symley Island[]
Symley Island is 61 kilometers long, which translates to 61000 meters. If we use 1 second, we get 61000 m/s, and if we use 1.5 seconds, we get 40666.67 m/s. Both are Massively Hypersonic.
Largest: Greenland[]
According to Google Maps, Greenlands stretches 2,649.91 kilometers, or 2,649,910 meters. Using 1 second gives us 2649910 m/s, and 1.5 seconds gives us 1766606.67 m/s. Both are Sub-Relativistic.
2. Dash to the Pacific Ocean[]
Using Google Maps, I've found that the estimated distance between where Sonic started, in the middle of Montana, and where he ended, the middle of the Pacific Ocean, is 5,572.88 kilometers or 5572880 meters. 2 seconds brings forth 2786440 m/s, and 3 seconds is 1857626.67 m/s. They're Sub-Relativistic.
3. Perception Manipulation[]
On two occasions, Sonic becomes so fast that he is able to see objects in a total freezeframe, one time during the bar fight, and another time during the encounter with Robotnik in San Franciso. For the perceived speed of the objects, we'll use the speed of a snail, which is 0.1 m/s.
Bar Fight[]
Normal people move at 5 m/s at the least, and we'll compare Sonic to that as well. Well actually, he was moving as a blur in this scene, so we'll give him Subsonic speed in this case, which is 34.3 m/s at the least.
"(5 / 0.01) * 34.3" = 17150 m/s. High Hypersonic+.
Bullets, Missiles, and Explosions[]
The muzzle velocity of miniguns is 2800 m/s, and the speed of ballistic missiles is 5,000 m/s, and the speed of explosions is 7150 m/s. Sonic here was casual and not very spinny or very flashy, so we'll use Normal Human speed or 5 m/s.
"(2800 / 0.01) * 5" = 1400000 m/s. "(5000 / 0.01) * 5" = 2500000 m/s. "(7150 / 0.01) * 5" = 3575000 m/s.
Combining both of these gives us 7475000 m/s. Sub-Relativistic.
Apparently, the speed of a snail is actually 0.001 m/s.
(5 / 0.001) * 34.3 = 171,500 m/s (Massively Hypersonic).
(2800 / 0.001) * 5 = 14,000,000 m/s (Sub-Relativistic).
(5000 / 0.001) * 5 = 25,000,000 m/s (Sub-Relativistic+).
(7150 / 0.001) * 5 = 35,750,000 m/s (Relativistic).
4. The EMP[]
Knocking Out the Electricity[]
Sonic's energy explosion knocked out all the power in the Pacific Northwest, which I assume means he overpowered the total amount of energy that that region can generate with electrical power. According to the NW Council website, this very amount is 59,000 megawatts, which is 59000000000 joules, or 14.1013384 tons of tnt. City Block level.
According to a comment, I didn't take into account that watts translate to joules per second, and not just joules. So, I have to multiply the joules by the amount of time it took for Sonic to wipe out the power.
Peeking at this video gives me a timeframe of 11 seconds (2:58-3:09). "11 x 59000000000" = 1121000000000 joules or 267.92543 tons of tnt, which boosts him to Multi-City Block level.
An Explosion[]
Once again using Google Maps to calculate the distance between the middle of Montana to the edge of Washington, which coincidentally is the edge of the Pacific Northwest, I came up with 1,174.11 kilometers or 1174110 meters. That's the radius for Sonic's explosion.
"1174110^3*((27136*1.37895+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2" = 1.30080404e14 tons of tnt or 5.4425641e23 joules. Large Country level. Adding these results together doesn't change much.
1. Running through Green Hill in Less than Two Seconds[]
Smallest Island = 40666.67 m/s (Mach 118.56) to 61000 m/s (Mach 177.84); Massively Hypersonic
Largest Island = 1766606.67 m/s (1% SoL) to 2649910 m/s (Higher 1% SoL); Sub-Relativistic
2. Sprinting through the Pacific Ocean and Back[]
1857626.67 m/s (1% SoL) to 2786440 m/s (Higher 1% SoL); Sub-Relativistic
3. Sonic Perceives Time as Frozen[]
In the Bar Fight = 17150 m/s (Mach 50); High Hypersonic+
In his Second Robotnik Encounter = 7475000 m/s (2% SoL); Sub-Relativistic
The best one of these feats = 35,750,000 m/s (Relativistic).
4. Sonic's Electricity Explosion[]
1.30080404e14 tons of tnt/5.4425641e23 joules; Large Country level
1121000000000 joules/267.92543 tons of tnt; Multi-City Block level
Please note that most, if not all of those speed feats were done casually, so he would have an "At least" for his speed rating.