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VS Battles Wiki

In chapter 6 of Seven deadly sins, Meliodas dodges Gilthunder's sword strike which was imbedded with lightning and the lightning is shown to move before his sword completes the swing

Due to Meliodas dodging the lightning and the strike before it could complete it's semi rotation i'll measure the distance between Meliodas initial position and the lightning

Notes 220321 150620 1c9

Height Of Meliodas: 1.52m

Distance between Lightning and and Meliodas : 0.51m

Speed of Lightning: 440,000m/s

Timeframe: 0.51/440,000=

0.00000115909 seconds

Distance Meliodas covered: 3.16m

Speed: 3.16/0.00000115909= 2,726,276.64806m/s or Mach 7,948 (Massively Hypersonic+)


As per requested, I need to find the entire length of the lightning ark(which i don't agree with but whatever)

Here's the image i'm going to be using below
Gilthunder Arm: 0.54m

Gilthunder's sword: 0.67

Total: 1.21m

Circle circumference (2 * pi * radius)

(2*3.14*1.21)= 7.5988

7.5988/2= 3.7994m

Distance Lightning traveled: 3.7994m

3.7994/440,000= 0.000008635 seconds

Meliodas' speed: 3.16/0.000008635= 365952.518819m/s or Mach 1,066( Massively Hypersonic+)
