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Hello. In this blog I will calculate all the speed feats involving the heat vision in DCEU


Honorable Mentions

Feats that are not possible to calculate

Why the Heat Vision is lightspeed[]

The official BvS guidebook describes the heat vision as a "beam of red light" and in the Justice League movie, it's explicitly showed that the heat vision beam is reflected by hitting a reflective surface, just like a beam of light would do. So:

  • It is described as light by a guide
  • Reflects on surfaces that a light should reflect
  • Every single time we saw the heat vision being used, it was shot in a straight line


Wonder Woman's feat[]

Just to clarify the feat

In this painel, we can calc the distance

  • Screen: 592px
  • Batman: 47px = 1.92 meters (Ben Affleck height)

He was sitting, I will consider only 1 meter

  • 2atan(tan(70/2)*(47/592))
  • 4.30856457 degree
  • 13.292 meters moved by the beam
  • Time: 0.0000000443
  • Gal Gadot: 1.78 meters= 340px
  • Distance: 204px = 1.068 meters
  • Speed: 24.108.352,144469 m/s or Mach 70.906 (8% of SoL)

That would be the minimum to consider, since she moved this distance when the laser was very close. However, it is impossible to calculate

Cyborg's feat[]

We will use this painel

  • Superman: 260px = 1.85 meters
  • Screen: 700px

Now the distance

  • 2atan(tan(70/2)*(260/700))
  • 19.9623609 degree
  • 5.256 meters
  • Time: 0.0000000175s
  • Cyborg: 910px = 1.91 meters
  • Arm: 177px + 77px = 0.53 meters

Using this calculator, I got 0.416261 meters

  • Speed: 23.786.342,857142 m/s or Mach 69.959,8 (7.9% of SoL)

Wonder Woman's second feat[]

Firts, find Doomsday's head size

  • Superman: 60px = 1.85 meters
  • Doomsday's head: 16px = 0.50 meters

Now, other painel

  • Doomsday's head: 124px = 0.50 meters
  • Screen: 530px
  • WW's head: 120px = 0.20 meters


  • 2atan(tan(70/2)*(124/530))
  • 12.6513658 degree
  • 2.2552 meters


  • 2atan(tan(70/2)*(120/530))
  • 12.2464085 degree
  • 0.93215 meters

Total: 1.32305 meters

  • Time: 0.0000000044s
  • Wonder Woman: 2301px = 1.78 meters
  • Arm: 777px = 0.60 meters

Using this calculator, I got 0.314159 meters

  • Speed: 71.399.772,727272 m/s or Mach 209.999,33 (23% of SoL)


  • Wonder Woman saves Batman: 8% of lightspeed - Sub-Relativistic
  • Cyborg react to a heat vision: 7.9% of lightspeed - Sub-Relativistic
  • Wonder Woman Vs. Doomsday: 23% of lightspeed - Relativistic combat speed with Relativistic+ reaction speed