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This is a revision of this calculation "here ".

STEP 1: Given Values[]

STEP 2: Timeframe of Electric Bolt[]

From first picture...

Pikachu 1

Electrical bolt moved at 373.5px, while the size of Pikachu's head shown to be 153px. I made a horizontal line just below Pikachu's chin to show where his chin position is in relation to the image.

Size of Pikachu's Head

Pikachu Size
  • Pikachu's height = 0.4m = 452px
  • Pikachu's head = 190px = 0.168m

So from this picture, the size of Pikachu's head is 0.168m wide/tall/whatever :S

Also, the lightning bolt moved 373.5px, in relation to Pikachu's head at that scene, which is shown to be about 153px in size, thus the lightning moved (373.5/153)*(0.168m) = 0.4101m in total.

Angsizing from first picture:

  • 2atan(tan(70/2)*(153/480)) = 17.18 degrees
  • Pikachu's head = 0.168m
  • Distance = 0.55608m

STEP 3: Pikachu's Speed[]

From the second picture...

Pikachu 2

Angsizing from second picture:

  • 2atan(tan(70/2)*(193/480)) = 21.57 degrees
  • Pikachu's head = 0.168m = 193px
  • Distance = 0.44097m

Pythagorean Theorem

  • Horizontal distance Pikachu moved (via angsizing) = 0.55608m - 0.44097m = 0.11511m
  • Vertical distance Pikachu moved (216px) = (216px/193px)*(0.168m) = 0.188m
  • Total Distance Pikachu moved = sqrt((0.188^2)+(0.11511^2)) = 0.2204m

Distance lightning bolt moved is 373.5px, as the lightning bolt landed right where point 2 is located.

Distance lightning bolt moved is [373.5/153 * 0.168m] = 0.4105m

  • Timeframe = distance moved/speed of object
  • Timeframe = [0.4101m/440000m/s] = 9.3205e-7 seconds
  • Speed of Pikachu = Distance/Time = [0.2204m/9.3205e-7 seconds] = 236468m/s, or Mach 695


  • Pikachu's Speed = Mach 695

Keep in mind that Pikachu and Magnemite were fighting on comparable terms with Pikachu actually beating Magnemite, meaning that their speeds should be comparable.
