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VS Battles Wiki

So, for the energy required to destroy two planets at the same time, one needs to factor in the:

  • GBE of two planets
  • Distance between the two planets.

The planet that is closest to that of Earth is Venus, so we'll use these two planets for this example. An example for Earth to Mars would be added after this one, so stay tuned or something.

Here is the link to the attack potency chart for your convenience.

EDIT: This calculation is based on the Inverse Square Law, in the Misc 2: section.

GBE of Venus[]

Using the Planetary Parameters Calculator, the stats of Venus are

  • Diameter = 12104 km
  • Gravity = 0.90418 G

So, plugging the diameter and gravity settings into the calculator above gets me a GBE of...

  • GBE of Venus = 1.567e32 Joules

Applying Inverse Square Law: Venus[]

Venus is 41,400,000 km away from Earth, according to the site here.

  • This means that the explosion in question must reach that distance in order to reach Venus.
  • Only half the surface of Venus would be making contact with the explosion.

EDIT: Apparently, TLT1 has suggested using the cross-sectional area of a sphere instead. This is because the blast front coming to venus will not fall evenly on all points due to the curve of the sphere of said planet. So we will be using cross-sectional area of a sphere, as this will find the average surface area that is making contact with the explosion.

Cross-sectional area of sphere: A = (Pi)(Radius^2)

Radius of Venus = 6052km, or 6052000m

So, for the calc, we go...

  • Cross-sectional area of Venus = 1.1506645e14/2 m^2, or 5.7533e13 m^2
  • Surface area of a sphere that has a 41,400,000km radius/explosion = 2.15383e22 m^3
  • Ratio of surface area of explosion to the cross-sectional area of Venus = 2.15383e22/5.7533e13 = 374364277.9 times
  • Explosion energy required to destroy Venus from Earth = 374364277.9 x 1.567e32 Joules (GBE of Venus)
  • Explosion energy required to destroy Venus from Earth = 5.8663e40 Joules, or 1.397e31 Tons of TNT

I'll do one for Mars instead.

Applying Inverse Square Law: Mars[]

  • Diameter of Mars = 6779 km
  • Gravity of Mars = 0.3783 G
  • GBE of Mars = 4.819e30 Joules

Mars is 78,340,000 km away from Earth as an average.

Cross-sectional area of sphere: A = (Pi)(Radius^2)

Radius of Mars = 3389.5 km, or 3389500 m

So, for the calc, we go...

  • Cross-sectional area area of Mars = 3.693e13/2 m^2, or 1.80465e13 m^2
  • Surface area of a sphere that has a 78,340,000 km radius/explosion = 7.71218e22 m^3
  • Ratio of Cross-sectional area of explosion to the cross-sectional area of Mars = 7.71218e22/1.80465e13 = 4273504558 times
  • Explosion energy required to destroy Mars from Earth = 4273504558 x 4.819e30 Joules (GBE of Venus)
  • Explosion energy required to destroy Mars from Earth = 2.0594e40 Joules, or 4.9033e30 Tons of TNT

So basically, the minimum energy required to make Multi-Planet level, factoring in distance between the two planets, is about 2.0594e40 Joules, or 4.9033e30 Tons of TNT


Just leave the name for Tier 5-A as Large Planet level.