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VS Battles Wiki

This calc was 100% fully made by Red Angel


GoW needs moar calcs

So I figured I might as well try this out


Ares was about as tall as the suicide bluffs during the whole fight, which are about 1000 ft or so

Ares = 47 pixels/304 meters

Mountains height = 220 pixels/1422 meters

Mountains width = 62 pixels/401 meters

Distance Crossed = 132 pixels/854 meters

Timeframe = 1 second

It should be noted they moved from 1/2 to 2/3 to 3/3 of their width in a single frame. Frame rate is 30 fps (info courtesy of Derpaholic)

Velocity low end = 6015 m/s or Mach 17.68

Velocity mid end = 8019 m/s or Mach 23.57

Velocity high end = 12030 m/s or Mach 35.35

Now for the weight of the mountains

To measure volume, courtesy of this handy tool, and enter 200.5 as the radius and 1422 as the height gives us a result of 59,886,886.71 m^3 and it assuming it's made of granite

Volume = 59,886,886.71 m^3

Mass = 161,155,612,136.61 kg or 177,643,654.1 tons

Trying to find out how to raise mountains (as in creating a mountain out of the earth, will just use the KE formula as dartg suggested)

Low end



2.92 exajoules or 696.78 megatons

However since he raised 4, multiplying it by 4 will do

696.78*4 = 2.79 gigatons

Mid end


5.18 exajoules or 1.24 gigaton

1.24*4 = 4.95 gigatons

High end


11.66 exajoules or 2.79 gigatons

2.79*4 = 11.15 gigatons

So small island level+ to island level+ Ares. You could also powerscale the other gods off this (such as Hades, Poseidon and definitely Zeus and the Titans too), and Ares' death explosion should be at least as powerful as this, which Kratos tanked so, yeah

Still, guess GoW gods are now Bleach soloing material

Final tally

Moving mountain = 696.78 megatons | 1.24 gigaton | 2.79 gigatons

All 4 combined = 2.79 gigatons | 4.95 gigatons | 11.15 gigatons

Key: Low end | Mid end | High end
