A common feat in fiction. I will calculate this the same way we calculate dimensions with stars
- To plug into our formula of 4*U*(Er/Br)^2 = E, where U is GBE of the moon, Er is the dimension's radius, Br is the moon's radius, and E is energy, we need GBE for the target body, the dimension radius, and the target body's radius.
Dimension radius is radius of the planet (6371km) + distance between the planet to moon (405696km) + Diameter of the moon (3474.8km) = 415541.8Km
GPE is 1.24e+29
Moon Radius is 1737.4Km
Energy = 4*1.24e+29*(415541.8/1737.4)^2
Energy = 2.8373406e+34 Joules (5-A)
Dimension radius is radius of the planet (6371km) + distance between the planet to moon (405696km) + Radius of the moon (1737.4km) = 413804.4Km
GPE is 1.24e+29
Moon Radius is 1737.4Km
Energy = 4*1.24e+29*(413804.4/1737.4)^2
Energy = 2.8136641e+34 Joules (5-A)