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This blog comes with my proposals for two new speed levels to be called Hyper FTL and Hyper FTL+.

I use the term "Hyper" for these levels because it is a term that denotes superiority or excess.

These new levels help to better understand the huge difference in speed between characters, as well as adding more variety to the FTL feat classification.

FTL 1c - 10c x10
FTL+ 10c - 100c x10
MFTL 100c - 1000c x10
MFTL+ 1000c - 1,000,000,000,000c x1,000,000,000
HYPER FTL 1,000,000,000,000c - 10,000,000,000,000,000c x10,000
HYPER FTL+ 10,000,000,000,000,000c+ x+

View a Laser in Slow Motion[]

  • Human Speed = 7.7 m/s
  • Snail Speed = 0,001 m/s
  • Time Difference of 7700x
  • The speed of a Laser is 299,792,458 m/s
  • Perception Speed = 2,308,401,926,600 m/s = 7700c [MFTL+]

Traverse the distance between the Moon and the Earth[]

Distance between the Earth and the Moon: 384,400 km

  • 1 second: 384399.23 km/s = 1.28c [FTL]
  • 5 seconds: 76879.85 km/s = 0.25c [Relativistic]
  • 10 seconds: 38439.92 km/s = 0.12c [Relativistic]
  • 1 minute: 6406.65 km/s = 0.02137028411 [Sub-Relativistic]
  • 10 minutes: 640665.39 m/s = Mach 1867 [MHS+]
  • 1 hour: 106777.56 m/s = Mach 311 [MHS]

Traveling an Astronomical Unit[]

One Astronomical Unit is equal to the average distance between the Earth and the Sun: 149597870700 m = 149597870.7 km

  • 1 second: 149597571.50 km/s = 499c [MFTL]
  • 10 seconds: 14959757.15 km/s = 49.9c [FTL+]
  • 1 minute: 2493292.86 km/s = 8.3c [FTL]
  • 10 minutes: 2493292.86 km/s = 8.3c [FTL]
  • 10 minutes: 249329.29 km/s = 0.83c [Relativistic+]
  • 1 hour: 41554.88 km/s = 0.13c [Relativistic]

Travel 1 Light Year[]

1 Light Year: 9460730472580.8 km

  • 1 second: 9460711551119.85 km/s = 31,557,536c [MFTL+]
  • 10 seconds: 946071155111.99 km/s = 3,155,753c [MFTL+]
  • 1 minute: 15767858525852 km/s = 525,958c [MFTL+]
  • 10 minutes: 1576785258585,20 km/s = 52,595c [MFTL+]
  • 1 hour: 2627975430.87 km/s = 8765c [MFTL+]

Traveling an interstellar distance[]

Distance from the Sun to Alpha Centauri: 4.37 Light Years = 41343392165178,096 km

  • 1 second: 41343309478393.76 km/s = 137,906,436c [MFTL+]
  • 10 seconds: 4134330947839.38 km/s = 13,790,643c [MFTL+]
  • 1 minute: 68909055157973.23 km/s = 2,298,440c [MFTL+]
  • 10 minutes: 68905515797.32 km/s = 229,844c [MFTL+]
  • 1 hour: 11484252632.89 km/s = 38,307c [MFTL+]

Traverse half of the Milky Way galaxy[]

Radius of the Milky Way: 52,850 Light Years = 499999605475895280 km

  • 1 second: 499998605476684288 km/s = 1,667,815,824,361c [Hyper FTL]
  • 10 seconds: 4999986054747668432 km/s = 166,781,582,436c [MFTL+]
  • 1 minute: 8333310091278071 km/s = 27,796,930,406c [MFTL+]
  • 10 minutes: 833331009127127807.25 km/s = 2,779,693,040c [MFTL+]
  • 1 hour: 13888888501521301.20 km/s = 463,282,173c [MFTL+]

Traversing the Milky Way[]

Diameter of the Milky Way: 105,700 Light Years = 999999210951790560 km

  • 1 second: 999997210953368576 km/s = 3,335,631,648,723c [Hyper FTL]
  • 10 seconds: 99999721095336864 km/s = 333,563,164,872c [MFTL+]
  • 1 minute: 16666620182556142 km/s = 55,593,860,812c [MFTL+]
  • 10 minutes: 1666662018255614.50 km/s = 5,559,386,081c [MFTL+]
  • 1 hour: 27777700303042602.41 km/s = 926,564,346c [MFTL+]

Traveling an Intergalactic distance[]

Distance from Milky Way to Andromeda: 2,536,802 Light Years = 2400000000000000000000000000 km

  • 1 second: 23999952000000004096 km/s = 80,055,222,736,790c [Hyper FTL]
  • 10 seconds: 23999952000000000000000 km/s = 8,005,522,273,679 [Hyper FTL]
  • 1 minute: 39999999200000000000 km/s = 1,334,253,712,279 [Hyper FTL]
  • 10 minutes: 39999999200000000000000 km/s = 133,425,371,227 [MFTL+]
  • 1 hour: 66666533333333333334 km/s = 22,237,561,871 [MFTL+]

Traverse the Local Group of Galaxies[]

Diameter of the Local Group: 10,000,000 Light Years = 94607304725808000000 km

  • 1 second: 94607115511198547968 km/s = 315,575,368,848,000c [Hyper FTL]
  • 10 seconds: 94607115511551119855616 km/s = 31,557,536,884,800c [Hyper FTL]
  • 1 minute: 157678585258519975680 km/s = 5,259,589,480,800c [Hyper FTL]
  • 10 minutes: 1576785852525851997568 km/s = 525,958,948,079c [MFTL+]
  • 1 hour: 26279754308666260 km/s = 87,659,824,680c [MFTL+]

Traversing the Laniakea Supercluster[]

Diameter of Laniakea: 500,000,000,000 Light Years = 473036523626290400000000 km

  • 1 second: 4730355775559927070720 km/s = 15,778,768,442,400,000c [Hyper FTL+]
  • 10 seconds: 473035577555992707072 km/s = 1,577,876,844,240,000c [Hyper FTL]
  • 1 minute: 7883926292599998784512 km/s = 262,979,474,039,999c [Hyper FTL]
  • 10 minutes: 7883939262925259999878656 km/s = 26,297,947,404,000c [Hyper FTL]
  • 1 hour: 1313987715433313280 km/s = 4,382,991,234,000c [Hyper FTL]

Traverse half of the Universe[]

Radius of the Observable Universe: 46,508,000,000,000 Light Years = 4399996528187878787846400000 km

  • 1 second: 439998772819482195787776 km/s = 1,467,677,925,438,278,400c [Hyper FTL+]
  • 10 seconds: 43999877281948217901056 km/s = 146,767,792,543,827,840c [Hyper FTL+]
  • 1 minute: 733331288032470702633984 km/s = 24,461,298,757,304,640c [Hyper FTL+]
  • 10 minutes: 7333312128803247070368256 km/s = 2,446,129,875,730,464c [Hyper FTL]
  • 1 hour: 122221881338745044992 km/s = 407,688,312,621,744c [Hyper FTL]
  • 1 day: 509257878389114376192 km/s = 16,987,013,025,905c [Hyper FTL]
  • 1 week: 727511198444910976 km/s = 2,426,716,146,557c [Hyper FTL]
  • 1 month: 167427005358547488 km/s = 558,476,375,541c [MFTL+]
  • 1 year: 13952269559217472 km/s = 46,539,761,714c [MFTL+]

Traversing the Universe[]

Diameter of the Observable Universe: 93,016,000,000,000 Light Years = 8799999930563757569692800000 km

  • 1 second: 879997545638964391575552 km/s = 2,935,355,850,876,556,800 [Hyper FTL+]
  • 10 seconds: 87999754563896435802112 km/s = 293,535,585,087,655,680c [Hyper FTL+]
  • 1 minute: 14666625760649405267968 km/s = 48,922,597,514,609,280c [Hyper FTL+]
  • 10 minutes: 1466662576064940736512 km/s = 4,892,259,751,460,928c [Hyper FTL]
  • 1 hour: 24444376262677490089984 km/s = 815,376,625,243,488c [Hyper FTL]
  • 1 day: 1018515676778228752384 km/s = 33,974,026,051,811c [Hyper FTL]
  • 1 week: 145505022396889821952 km/s = 4,853,432,293,115c [Hyper FTL]
  • 1 month: 334854010717094976 km/s = 1,116,952,751,083c [Hyper FTL]
  • 1 year: 27904539118434944 km/s = 93,079,523,429c [MFTL+]

Traverse 2 Universes[]

Diameter of two Observable Universes: 186,032,000,000,000 Light Years = 175999898611275151385600000 km

  • 1 second: 175999509127792878783151104 km/s = 5,870,711,701,753,113,600c [Hyper FTL+]
  • 10 seconds: 175999509127792871604224 km/s = 587,071,170,175,311,360c [Hyper FTL+]
  • 1 minute: 29333251521298810535936 km/s = 97,845,195,029,218,560c [Hyper FTL+]
  • 10 minutes: 293332525152129129881473024 km/s = 9,784,519,502,921,856c [Hyper FTL]
  • 1 hour: 488887525354980179968 km/s = 1,630,753,250,486,976c [Hyper FTL+]
  • 1 day: 20370313556457504768 km/s = 67,948,052,103,623c [Hyper FTL]
  • 1 week: 2910044793779643904 km/s = 9,706,864,586,231c [Hyper FTL]
  • 1 month: 66970808021434189952 km/s = 2,233,905,502,166c [Hyper FTL]
  • 1 year: 558090907823686869888 km/s = 186,159,046,859c [MFTL+]