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VS Battles Wiki

Full Credits goes to Ronnijuro and Ugarik under the request of Aerozz 

Feat Descriptions; Hatchan, also known as 'Hachi', moved a huge stone/small mountain underwater that it caused a small whirlpool at least as big as if not bigger then marine ship with not much of a problem.

Image 12

By Ronnijuro;

The rock is around 31 meters of height (Hachi = 2.2 m) and at the base the same.

r = 15.5 m

If it's a cone --> volume = (pi * r^2 * h)/3 = 7800 m3 --> mass (density -> 2700 kg/m3) = 7800 * 2700 =  21060000 = 21060 tons

By Ugarik;

Also since this happened under water there is Archimedes force pushing the rock upward. 

Volume of the rock is 7800 m^3, density of the sea water is 1025 kg/m^3

F = 1025*7800*9.81 = 78430950 Newtons or 7995 Tons of Force

Image 13

21060-7995 = 13065 Tons of Force

I'm going to use rock on rock sliding friction coefficient of 0.5

13065*0.5 = 6532.5 Tons of Force 5926184.31 Kilograms

So, Class M for Hatchan and the rest of East Blue Top Tiers

Image 14