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VS Battles Wiki

Verse: Naruto

This was requested by Dzhind.

The Feat[]

Madara uses God: Nativity of a World of Trees to spread the Shinju's roots around the entire planet within moments

The Calc[]

Shinju God Tree

  • Diameter of the Shinju = 55px = 77km (as per Gallavant's calc)
  • Length of the root = 178px = 249.2km
  • Height of the root = 19px = 26.6km

Assuming the roots are oblique circular cones:

  • V = 1/3*base*height = 1/3*555716324.493*249200 = 4.6161503e+13m^3

White wood has a density of 0.77kg/m^3, so each one of the Shinju's Roots weigh about 3.5544357e+13kg.

Now, we know Madara spread the roots and enveloped the entire world. In that case, we will use 1/4th of the Earth's circumference, which is 10018.75km. That'd be the same as our previous length, except higher. Using square cube law:

  • 10018.75 / 249.2 = 40.2036516854x
  • 40.2036516854^3 = 64982.5134172x
  • 3.5544357e+13*64982.5134172 = 2.3097617e+18kg

Each one of the expanded roots weighs this much. Since we know the God Tree has about 7 roots, we multiply it to get 1.6168332e+19kg


For the timeframe? We know exactly 70 words were spoken after Madara cast the jutsu, not counting the ones that were spoken at the same time as in the other scenes. For the average American, the words per minute are 150 to 190 which rises considerably in a conversation, reaching as far as 200.

  • 150+190+200 / 3 = 180 words per minute
  • 180 / 70 = 2.07317073171
  • 60 seconds / 2.571428 = 23.3333333333 seconds

So, the speed is:

  • 10018.75km / 23.3333333333 seconds = 429375m /s
  • KE = 0.5*1.6168332e+19*429375^2 = 1.4904202e+30 joules, or 360 exatons (Moon level+)

This is still a very big low end, and the result is pretty close to baseline Low 5-B, so I'd say the true result should be Low 5-B, since I only took the original 7 roots into account.
