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Akron, the final boss of Epic Battle Fantasy 3, created a black hole trough mass-energy conversion, and now i'll try to quantify this feat.

About the black hole

Here we can see that Akron has indeed created a black hole, because:

  • Light cannot escape from it
  • It's a distortion of space-time
  • Both the characters and the narrator describe it as a black hole

About the mass-energy conversion

Akron's power is "so dense" that it creates a black hole, meaning that his energy created mass, which in turn condensed, forming the black hole. That's why i will use E=M*c^2 during this calculation.


AP Calculation[]

The radius of the black hole (assuming it's only the distance between Akron and the entrance) is 400*2+292=1092 pixel. 


Natz's height on the battle map is 327 px.

Height of a average human is 1.7 meters, so pixel/meters ratio is 327/1.7=192,3529411764706


Akron's height on the battle map is 514 px, so his actual height is 2,6721712538226299694189602446483 meters.

Akron's height on the adventure map is 120 px, so the radius of the black hole is:

Akron's height*1092/120=24,3167584097859327217125382263 metres

The formula for the Schwarzschild radius is:



As E=M*c^2 -> E=R*c^4/2G

Using the radius found earlier, the result is E=1,471479018 x 10^45 J or 14,7 Foe. This is Large Star level+.

Speed calculation[]

As i am already here, i might as well calculate the speed necessary to escape the black hole.

Escape Velocity= (2*G*M/d)^(0.5)  

M=R*c^2/2G -> V=c*((R/d)^(0,5))

(d is the distance from the singularity while r is the radius)

Distance is 166 px while radius is 1024

So we find that V=2,48 c


This feat scales to... most of the verse actually. Lance, Natz and Matt scales because they defeated Akron, Anna and Nolegs scale from the others main characters, and the avatars of Godcat scale because they are much stronger than the players.
