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Requested by AGENTFURIOUS117. Later I decide to make a general blog for energy construct creation feat.

Note: My findings will be useful only if the said feat is a valid mass-energy conversion fest. (Please refer to here for the criteria.

The Tally[]

Object Mass (kg) Energy (J) Tier
Pistol round 28 gr. (1.8 g) SS195LF JHP 0.0018 1.61773E+14 Town
FN Five-seven pistol 0.744 6.68663E+16 City
120mm Main Gun M829A3 ammo 10 8.9874E+17 Mountain
Rheinmetall 120mm Main Gun 4507 4.05062E+20 Large Island
Arrow 0.018 1.61773E+15 Large Town
Bow 18.18181818 1.63407E+18 Mountain
European Longsword 1.4 1.25824E+17 City
Sledgehammer 9.1 8.17854E+17 Mountain
Boxing glove 0.8 7.18992E+16 City
Arm of a grown man 3.534 3.17615E+17 City+
A grown human 62 5.57219E+18 Large Mountain
All grown man on Earth 3.85E+11 3.46015E+28 Multi-Continent
Theoretical mass of all life forms on Earth 1.01835E+13 9.15232E+29 Moon+
Theoretical mass of all life forms in our universe 3.05505E+35 2.7457E+52 Solar System
Private car 1311.363636 1.17858E+20 Island
M1A2 SEPv2 Abrams 64600 5.80586E+21 Small Country
Our Moon 7.342E+22 6.59855E+39 Brown Dwarf
Our Earth 5.97237E+24 5.36761E+41 Small Star+
Our Sun 1.9885E+30 1.78715E+47 Solar System
Our Solar System 1.99125E+30 1.78962E+47 Solar System
Our galaxy - the Milky Way 2.28674E+42 2.05519E+59 Multi-Solar System

Note: Source for mass of all life forms on Earth

I assume there are 100*10^9 planets that has a similar mass of life forms on Earth, and 300*10^9 such galaxies in the universe.

Quick application[]

1. Some novice magician created a longsword as an energy construct and is accepted as a mass-energy conversion feat.

Energy used = 1.25824E+17 (City level)

2. Some crazy magician snapped and created a solar system complete with 1 sun and 8 to 9 planets.

Energy used = 1.78962E+47 J (Solar System level)

3. Some crazy cosmic tyrant snapped and decimated half of all life forms away into energy from the universe.

Energy used = 50% * 2.7457E+52 J = 1.37285E+52 J = (Solar System level)