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"Only a Sith deals in absolutes." (Obi-Wan Kenobi to Anakin Skywalker) But... Inspired by Ugarik, Spinosaurus75dinosaurfan, ArbitraryNumbers, DontTalkDT, Votron5 and various VSBW members, we have a page where we can have common feats in more solid, "absolute" figures.

We are discussing more here. I am giving some calcs here.

Disclaimer: This is a series of WIP projects and any help would be appreciated. Most of the feats here have been approved (and more approved feats will be added). Thank you.

The Feats[]

Punching a fist-sized hole through things[]

Before we start, we need the size of a fist.

From here and here:

The length of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Prox. Phalanges are 41.17mm, 45.17 mm, 41.8 mm, and 33.46 mm respectively. The width of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Prox. Phalanges are 16.46 mm, 16.37 mm, 14.87 mm, and 14.33 mm respectively. This comes to an area of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th prox. phalanges at 677.6582 mm^2, 739.4329 mm^2, 621.566 mm^2, and 479.4818 mm^2 respectively. This comes to a total area of 2518.1389 mm^2 or 25.181389 cm^2.

Which means an exact fist surface area to hit on a surface of something is 25.181389 cm^2. I am assuming a straight punch with four prox. phalanges touching the surface of portion of object to destroy. I assume the said character tuck the thumb under the index and middle finger, while Votron5 may suggest that some people places the thumb next to the curled fingers. In his case, the surface area would be 25.929159 cm^2. (And the destructive energy would be multiplied by the following ratio 25.929159/25.181389 if the said hole is shaped with an extra thumb. Easy.)

Punch through an interior wall[]

Walls can be made with various materials. Normally an interior wall is 4 1/2 inch thick - that's 11.43 cm.

Volume destroyed is 25.181389 * 11.43 = 287.8232763 cc

Multiplying the volume destroyed by the destruction energy of the material and the degree of destruction and we get...

Material and degree of destruction Destruction energy Energy applied Tier
White pine - mild frag 3.0337 873.1694732 Street
White pine - v frag 6.2053 1786.029776 Street
White pine - pulv 33.0948 9525.453764 Street+
Live oak - mild frag 18.3401 5278.707669 Street
Live oak - v frag 19.5811 5635.896355 Street
Live oak - pulv 61.3633 17661.78605 Wall
Concrete - mild frag 6 1726.939658 Street
Concrete - v frag 20 5756.465525 Street
Concrete - pulv 40 11512.93105 Street+
Reinforced concrete - mild frag 20 5756.465525 Street
Reinforced concrete - v frag 61 17557.21985 Wall
Reinforced concrete - pulv 102 29357.97418 Street+
Cement - mild frag 8 2302.58621 Street
Cement - v frag 69 19859.80606 Wall
Cement - pulv 214 61594.18112 Wall
Iron - mild frag 20 5756.465525 Street
Iron - v frag 42.43 12212.34161 Street+
Iron - pulv 90 25904.09486 Wall
Aluminium - mild frag 68.9475 19844.69534 Wall
Aluminium - v frag 137.895 39689.39068 Wall
Aluminium - pulv 275.79 79378.78136 Wall
Steel - mild frag 208 59867.24146 Wall
Steel - v frag 568.5 163627.5326 Wall
Steel - pulv 1000 287823.2763 Wall

Punch through a door[]

Normally a door is 1 3/8 inch thick - that's 3.4925 cm.

Volume destroyed is 25.181389 * 3.4925 = 87.94600108 cc

Multiplying the volume destroyed by the destruction energy of the material and the degree of destruction and we get...

Material and degree of destruction Destruction energy Energy applied Tier
White pine - mild frag 3.0337 266.8018 Athletic Human+
White pine - v frag 6.2053 545.7313 Street
White pine - pulv 33.0948 2910.5553 Street
Live oak - mild frag 18.3401 1612.9385 Street
Live oak - v frag 19.5811 1722.0794 Street
Live oak - pulv 61.3633 5396.656848 Street
Glass - mild frag 0.75 65.95950081 Normal Human
Glass - v frag 1 87.94600108 Normal human+
Glass - pulv 1000 87946.00108 Wall
Iron - mild frag 20 1758.920022 Street
Iron - v frag 42.43 3731.548826 Street
Iron - pulv 90 7915.140097 Street+
Steel - mild frag 208 18292.76823 Wall
Steel - v frag 568.5 49997.30162 Wall
Steel - pulv 1000 87946.00108 Wall

Another website says the standard size for a door is 203.2 cm tall, 91.44 cm wide, and 3.334 cm thick. (In case the website link does not work, here is a backup.)

Page backup
Wood door thickness archived

Volume destroyed is 25.181389 * 3.334 = 83.95475093 cc

Multiplying the volume destroyed by the destruction energy of the material and the degree of destruction and we get...

Material and degree of destruction Destruction energy Energy applied Tier
White pine - mild frag 3.0337 254.6935279 Athletic Human+
White pine - v frag 6.2053 520.9644159 Street
White pine - pulv 33.0948 2778.465691 Street
Live oak - mild frag 18.3401 1539.738527 Street
Live oak - v frag 19.5811 1643.926373 Street
Live oak - pulv 61.3633 5151.740567 Street
Glass - mild frag 0.75 62.96606319 Normal Human
Glass - v frag 1 83.95475093 Normal human+
Glass - pulv 1000 83954.75093 Wall
Iron - mild frag 20 1679.095019 Street
Iron - v frag 42.43 3562.200082 Street
Iron - pulv 90 7555.927583 Street+
Steel - mild frag 208 17462.58819 Wall
Steel - v frag 568.5 47728.2759 Wall
Steel - pulv 1000 83954.75093 Wall

Destroying a part of a door[]

Destroying two hinge joints[]

A door comes with 2 hinges each with 2 faces of 3.5 inch times 1.5 inch at a rough thickness of 0.21 inch. It also comes with a pole joint at a diameter of 0.5 inch and height of 3.5 inch.

First, we see the volume of the joint, whose voulme is at most (0.5/2 * 2.54)^2 * pi() * (3.5*2.54) = 11.26157372 cc. Two hinges means two joints at 22.52314745 cc.

Multiplying the volume destroyed by the destruction energy of the material and the degree of destruction and we get...

Material and degree of destruction Destruction energy Energy applied Tier
Iron - mild frag 20 450.4629489 Street
Iron - v frag 42.43 955.6571461 Street
Iron - pulv 90 2027.08327 Street
Copper - mild frag 235 5292.93965 Street
Copper - v frag 556.5 12534.13155 Street+
Copper - pulv 878 19775.32346 Wall
Steel - mild frag 208 4684.814669 Street
Steel - v frag 568.5 12804.40932 Street+
Steel - pulv 1000 22523.14745 Wall

Destroying a door knob latch[]

This site shows a latch throw length of 0.5 inch, i.e. 1.27 cm.

Volume of 1.27 cm square latch = 1.27^3 cc = 2.048383 cc

Multiplying the volume destroyed by the destruction energy of the material and the degree of destruction and we get...

Material and degree of destruction Destruction energy Energy applied Tier
Iron - mild frag 20 40.96766 Human
Iron - v frag 42.43 86.91289069 Human
Iron - pulv 90 184.35447 Athletic Human
Copper - mild frag 235 481.370005 Street
Copper - v frag 556.5 1139.92514 Street
Copper - pulv 878 1798.480274 Street
Steel - mild frag 208 426.063664 Street
Steel - v frag 568.5 1164.505736 Street
Steel - pulv 1000 2048.383 Street

Do you start to question yourself on your own health and fitness?

Destroying a latch and two hinge joints[]

Just add the energy of 2 hinges plus a latch. Easy.

Material and degree of destruction Destruction energy Energy applied Tier
Iron - mild frag 20 491.4306089 Street
Iron - v frag 42.43 1042.570037 Street
Iron - pulv 90 2211.43774 Street
Copper - mild frag 235 5774.309655 Street
Copper - v frag 556.5 13674.05669 Street+
Copper - pulv 878 21573.80373 Wall
Steel - mild frag 208 5110.878333 Street
Steel - v frag 568.5 13968.91506 Street+
Steel - pulv 1000 24571.53045 Wall

I believe most door hinges and knobs are made of steel before I even write this.


I know what you're thinking: would the frames actually be easier to destroy? The answer is... maybe yes.

The part of frames adjacent to the hinges[]

The volume of frame to destroy roughly equals to
(thickness of the door * effective deepness of the pin * height of the hinge) * 2 hinges = 3.334 * 1.27 * 3.5*2.54 * 2 = 75.2837204 cc

Multiplying (ditto)

Material and degree of destruction Destruction energy Energy applied Tier
White pine - mild frag 3.0337 228.3882226 Street
White pine - v frag 6.2053 467.1580702 Street
White pine - pulv 33.0948 2491.49967 Street
Live oak - mild frag 18.3401 1380.710961 Street
Live oak - v frag 19.5811 1474.138058 Street
Live oak - pulv 61.3633 4619.65752 Street
Concrete - mild frag 6 451.7023224 Street
Concrete - v frag 20 1505.674408 Street
Concrete - pulv 40 3011.348816 Street
Reinforced concrete - mild frag 20 1505.674408 Street
Reinforced concrete - v frag 61 4592.306944 Street
Reinforced concrete - pulv 102 7678.939481 Street+
Cement - mild frag 8 602.2697632 Street
Cement - v frag 69 5194.576708 Street
Cement - pulv 214 16110.71617 Wall
Iron - mild frag 20 1505.674408 Street
Iron - v frag 42.43 3194.288257 Street
Iron - pulv 90 6775.534836 Street
Copper - mild frag 235 17691.67429 Wall
Copper - v frag 556.5 41895.3904 Wall
Copper - pulv 878 66099.10651 Wall
Steel - mild frag 208 15659.01384 Wall
Steel - v frag 568.5 42798.79505 Wall
Steel - pulv 1000 75283.7204 Wall

The part of frames adjacent to the knob latch[]

The volume of frame to destroy roughly equals to
(thickness of the door * effective deepness of the latch * strike height) = 3.334 * 1.27 * 2.25*2.54 = 24.1983387 cc

Multiplying (ditto)

Material and degree of destruction Destruction energy Energy applied Tier
White pine - mild frag 3.0337 73.41050011 Street
White pine - v frag 6.2053 150.1579511 Athletic human
White pine - pulv 33.0948 800.8391796 Street
Live oak - mild frag 18.3401 443.7999516 Street
Live oak - v frag 19.5811 473.8300899 Street
Live oak - pulv 61.3633 1484.889917 Street
Concrete - mild frag 6 145.1900322 Athletic human
Concrete - v frag 20 483.966774 Street
Concrete - pulv 40 967.933548 Street
Reinforced concrete - mild frag 20 483.966774 Street
Reinforced concrete - v frag 61 1476.098661 Street
Reinforced concrete - pulv 102 2468.230547 Street
Cement - mild frag 8 193.5867096 Athletic human
Cement - v frag 69 1669.68537 Street
Cement - pulv 214 5178.444482 Street
Iron - mild frag 20 483.966774 Street
Iron - v frag 42.43 1026.735511 Street
Iron - pulv 90 2177.850483 Street
Copper - mild frag 235 5686.609595 Street
Copper - v frag 556.5 13466.37549 Street+
Copper - pulv 878 21246.14138 Wall
Steel - mild frag 208 5033.25445 Street
Steel - v frag 568.5 13756.75555 Street+
Steel - pulv 1000 24198.3387 Wall

The part of all parts of frames adjacent[]

Just (ditto)

Material and degree of destruction Destruction energy Energy applied Tier
White pine - mild frag 3.0337 301.7987227 Street
White pine - v frag 6.2053 617.3160213 Street
White pine - pulv 33.0948 3292.33885 Street
Live oak - mild frag 18.3401 1824.510912 Street
Live oak - v frag 19.5811 1947.968147 Street
Live oak - pulv 61.3633 6104.547437 Street
Concrete - mild frag 6 596.8923546 Street
Concrete - v frag 20 1989.641182 Street
Concrete - pulv 40 3979.282364 Street
Reinforced concrete - mild frag 20 1989.641182 Street
Reinforced concrete - v frag 61 6068.405605 Street
Reinforced concrete - pulv 102 10147.17003 Street+
Cement - mild frag 8 795.8564728 Street
Cement - v frag 69 6864.262078 Street
Cement - pulv 214 21289.16065 Wall
Iron - mild frag 20 1989.641182 Street
Iron - v frag 42.43 4221.023768 Street
Iron - pulv 90 8953.385319 Street
Copper - mild frag 235 23378.28389 Wall
Copper - v frag 556.5 55361.76589 Wall
Copper - pulv 878 87345.24789 Wall
Steel - mild frag 208 20692.26829 Wall
Steel - v frag 568.5 56555.5506 Wall
Steel - pulv 1000 99482.0591 Wall

Making a hole in a ceiling or floor[]

Fictional characters love making large holes in ceilings or floors.

I am listing various hole sizes that are common in real life.

The common types of hole volumes are...

Type Radius (cm) Circle area (cm^2) Thickness (cm) Volume (cm^3)
1 3.725 43.59156156 1.27 55.36128319
2 3.725 43.59156156 4.445 193.7644912
3 5 78.53981634 1.27 99.74556675
4 5 78.53981634 4.445 349.1094836
5 5 78.53981634 20 1570.796327
6 43 5808.804816 1.27 7377.182117
7 43 5808.804816 4.445 25820.13741
8 43 5808.804816 20 116176.0963
9 87.65 24135.35625 1.27 30651.90243
10 87.65 24135.35625 4.445 107281.6585
11 87.65 24135.35625 20 482707.1249
12 87.65 24135.35625 30.5 736128.3655
13 175.3 96541.42499 20 1930828.5
14 175.3 96541.42499 30.5 2944513.462

The energy required to be applied to perform such feat is therefore...

Material and degree of destruction Destruction energy (J/cc) Energy applied (Type 1) (J) Energy applied (Type 2) (J) Energy applied (Type 3) (J) Energy applied (Type 4) (J) Energy applied (Type 5) (J) Energy applied (Type 6) (J) Energy applied (Type 7) (J) Energy applied (Type 8) (J) Energy applied (Type 9) (J) Energy applied (Type 10) (J) Energy applied (Type 11) (J) Energy applied (Type 12) (J) Energy applied (Type 13) (J) Energy applied (Type 14) (J)
Volume n/a 55.36128319 193.7644912 99.74556675 349.1094836 1570.796327 7377.182117 25820.13741 116176.0963 30651.90243 107281.6585 482707.1249 736128.3655 1930828.5 2944513.462
Glass - mild frag 0.75 41.52096239 145.3233684 74.80917506 261.8321127 1178.097245 5532.886588 19365.10306 87132.07225 22988.92683 80461.24389 362030.3437 552096.2742 1448121.375 2208385.097
Glass - v frag 1 55.36128319 193.7644912 99.74556675 349.1094836 1570.796327 7377.182117 25820.13741 116176.0963 30651.90243 107281.6585 482707.1249 736128.3655 1930828.5 2944513.462
Glass - pulv 1000 55361.28319 193764.4912 99745.56675 349109.4836 1570796.327 7377182.117 25820137.41 116176096.3 30651902.43 107281658.5 482707124.9 736128365.5 1930828500 2944513462
White pine - mild frag 3.0337 167.9495248 587.8233368 302.5981259 1059.09344 4765.324817 22380.15739 78330.55086 352443.4234 92988.67641 325460.3674 1464388.605 2233192.623 5857554.42 8932770.49
White pine - v frag 6.2053 343.5333706 1202.366797 618.9511654 2166.329079 9747.262447 45777.62819 160221.6987 720907.5306 190204.2502 665714.8756 2995342.522 4567897.347 11981370.09 18271589.39
White pine - pulv 33.0948 1832.170595 6412.597082 3301.059583 11553.70854 51985.19028 244146.3667 854512.2835 3844824.673 1014418.581 3550465.032 15975095.76 24362021.03 63900383.03 97448084.13
Live oak - mild frag 18.3401 1015.33147 3553.660144 1829.343669 6402.702841 28808.56171 135298.2577 473543.9021 2130681.224 562158.9558 1967556.345 8852896.942 13500667.84 35411587.77 54002671.35
Live oak - v frag 19.5811 1084.034822 3794.121878 1953.127917 6835.94771 30757.91995 144453.3407 505586.6926 2274855.76 600197.9667 2100692.884 9451936.484 14414203.14 37807745.94 57656812.55
Live oak - pulv 61.3633 3397.151029 11890.0286 6120.717136 21422.50998 96389.24624 452688.2394 1584408.838 7128948.652 1880901.885 6583156.596 29620502.12 45171265.73 118482008.5 180685062.9
Concrete - mild frag 6 332.1676991 1162.586947 598.4734005 2094.656902 9424.777961 44263.0927 154920.8245 697056.578 183911.4146 643689.9511 2896242.75 4416770.193 11584971 17667080.77
Concrete - v frag 20 1107.225664 3875.289823 1994.911335 6982.189673 31415.92654 147543.6423 516402.7482 2323521.927 613038.0487 2145633.17 9654142.499 14722567.31 38616570 58890269.24
Concrete - pulv 40 2214.451327 7750.579646 3989.82267 13964.37935 62831.85307 295087.2847 1032805.496 4647043.853 1226076.097 4291266.341 19308285 29445134.62 77233139.99 117780538.5
R. concrete - mild frag 20 1107.225664 3875.289823 1994.911335 6982.189673 31415.92654 147543.6423 516402.7482 2323521.927 613038.0487 2145633.17 9654142.499 14722567.31 38616570 58890269.24
R. concrete - v frag 61 3377.038274 11819.63396 6084.479572 21295.6785 95818.57593 450008.1091 1575028.382 7086741.876 1869766.048 6544181.17 29445134.62 44903830.3 117780538.5 179615321.2
R. concrete - pulv 102 5646.850885 19763.9781 10174.04781 35609.16733 160221.2253 752472.5759 2633654.016 11849961.83 3126494.048 10942729.17 49236126.74 75085093.28 196944507 300340373.1
Cement - mild frag 8 442.8902655 1550.115929 797.964534 2792.875869 12566.37061 59017.45694 206561.0993 929408.7706 245215.2195 858253.2681 3861657 5889026.924 15446628 23556107.7
Cement - v frag 69 3819.92854 13369.74989 6882.444106 24088.55437 108384.9465 509025.5661 1781589.481 8016150.647 2114981.268 7402434.438 33306791.62 50792857.22 133227166.5 203171428.9
Cement - pulv 214 11847.3146 41465.60111 21345.55128 74709.4295 336150.4139 1578716.973 5525509.406 24861684.61 6559507.121 22958274.92 103299324.7 157531470.2 413197298.9 630125880.9
Iron - mild frag 20 1107.225664 3875.289823 1994.911335 6982.189673 31415.92654 147543.6423 516402.7482 2323521.927 613038.0487 2145633.17 9654142.499 14722567.31 38616570 58890269.24
Iron - v frag 42.43 2348.979246 8221.42736 4232.204397 14812.71539 66648.88815 313013.8372 1095548.43 4929351.767 1300560.22 4551960.771 20481263.31 31233926.55 81925053.24 124935706.2
Iron - pulv 90 4982.515487 17438.8042 8977.101008 31419.85353 141371.6694 663946.3905 2323812.367 10455848.67 2758671.219 9655349.267 43443641.24 66251552.9 173774565 265006211.6
Aluminium - mild frag 68.9475 3817.022072 13359.57725 6877.207464 24070.22612 108302.4797 508638.264 1780233.924 8010051.402 2113372.043 7396802.151 33281449.5 50754210.48 133125798 203016841.9
Aluminium - v frag 137.895 7634.044145 26719.15451 13754.41493 48140.45225 216604.9595 1017276.528 3560467.848 16020102.8 4226744.086 14793604.3 66562898.99 101508421 266251596 406033683.9
Aluminium - pulv 275.79 15268.08829 53438.30901 27508.82985 96280.90449 433209.919 2034553.056 7120935.696 32040205.61 8453488.172 29587208.6 133125798 203016841.9 532503191.9 812067367.7
Steel - mild frag 208 11515.1469 40303.01416 20747.07788 72614.7726 326725.636 1534453.88 5370588.581 24164628.04 6375595.706 22314584.97 100403082 153114700 401612328 612458800.1
Steel - v frag 568.5 31472.88949 110155.1132 56705.3547 198468.7414 892997.7118 4193928.033 14678748.12 66046110.76 17425606.53 60989622.87 274419000.5 418488975.8 1097676002 1673955903
Steel - pulv 1000 55361.28319 193764.4912 99745.56675 349109.4836 1570796.327 7377182.117 25820137.41 116176096.3 30651902.43 107281658.5 482707124.9 736128365.5 1930828500 2944513462

Volume of the circular hole (in cc) = pi * (radius in cm)^2 * (thickness of the wall in cm)
Energy required to make a hole in a wall (in joules) = (Volume of the circular hole in cc) * (value of level of destruction for a material in joule/cc)

Explosions from objects other than TNT[]

Please refer to here for explosions by TNT.

In reality though, we often see lots of objects that contain gasoline go boom despite being slightly damaged and/or ignited. This is mainly because fuels in the car contain a lot of energies. A spark can ignite the fuels to go boom but the boom is definitely not due to the AP of the attack but the AP from burning the fuels.

Energy density of gasoline = 34.2 MJ/L

If one object explodes because the object will explode if slightly hit by an attack from the offender, it cannot really count as the true AP of the offender. The offender still attacks an object to explode, but that AP alone is not equal to the explosion.

Also, the values below show only the maximum energy to release in the explosion, as assuming all chemical combustion energy will be released in one single go. As usually the fuel will not be burnt all at once, the explosion actually incurred will obviously not be yielding as much energy.

A car[]

A Toyota Corolla CVT XSE private car has a fuel capacity of 13.2 gal = 49.9674355 L

Now the explosion yield per car = 1,708,886,293.96 J - 0.408433627 ton TNT, Building level

A motorcycle[]

A Yamaha Star Eluder motorcycle has a fuel capacity of 6.6 gal = 24.98371775 L

Explosion yield per motorcycle = 854,443,147 J - 0.204216813 ton TNT, Small Building level+

A 9-tonne truck[]

A Isuzu NQR75 manual goods truck has a fuel capacity of 100 L

Explosion yield per this truck = 3,420,000,000 J - 0.817399618 ton TNT, Building level

A 16-passenger minibus[]

A Toyota 1BZ-FPE Coaster 16-passenger minibus has a fuel capacity of 112 L. Surprisingly fueled up compared with a god damn goods truck huh.

Explosion yield per motorcycle = 3,830,400,000 J - 0.915487572 ton TNT, Building level

A 16-tonne truck[]

A Isuzu FVR34SC-VI manual goods truck has a fuel capacity of 400 L.

Explosion yield per this truck = 13,680,000,000 J - 3.26959847 ton TNT, Large Building level

A 24-tonne or 30-tonne truck[]

A Isuzu CYZ52SX-7S-VI manual goods truck has a fuel capacity of... 400 L. Same for CYH52TX-7S-VI manual goods truck.

Explosion yield per this truck = 13,680,000,000 J - 3.26959847 ton TNT, Large Building level

An M1 Abrams tank[]

An M1 Abrams tank can hold up to 1,900 L of gasoline.

Explosion yield per M1 Abrams = 64,980,000,000 J = 15.53059273 ton TNT, City Block level. Wow.

A family gas cylinder[]

A family gas cylinder contains 12 L of gasoline.

Explosion yield per family gas cylinder = 410,400,000 J = 0.0980879541 ton TNT, Small Building level

An oil tank or barrel[]

A standard oil barrel can carry roughly 170 L refined oil, including gasoline, of course.

Explosion yield per barrel oil = 5,814,000,000 J - 1.38957935 ton TNT, Building level+

Propane tanks[]

Please follow User blog:Votron5/Calculations for Common Feats#Blowing Up a Propane Tank, thanks.

Oil tanker on trucks[]

Here - I am talking the oil tanker as the goods on the trailer of the goods truck. Not the goods truck itself. It holds MUCH more oil than the goods truck itself.

Explosion yield per tanker on a 16-tonne truck = 34.2 MJ/L * 12000 L = 4.104E+11 J or 98.08795411 ton TNT, City Block level+

Explosion yield per tanker on a 24-tonne truck = 34.2 MJ/L * 18000 L = 6.156E+11 J or 147.1319312 ton TNT, Multi-City Block level

Explosion yield per tanker on a 30-tonne truck = 34.2 MJ/L * 23000 L = 7.866E+11 J or 188.001912 ton TNT, Multi-City Block level

Destruction of objects[]

Destroying one whole door[]

Another website says the standard size for a door is 203.2 cm tall, 91.44 cm wide, and 3.334 cm thick. (In case the website link does not work, here is a backup.)

Page backup
Wood door thickness archived

Volume destroyed is 203.2 cm tall, 91.44 cm wide, and 3.334 cm = 61947.74707 cc

Different materials, different level of destruction (ditto):

Material and degree of destruction Destruction energy Energy applied Tier
White pine - mild frag 3.0337 187930.8803 Wall
White pine - v frag 6.2053 384404.3549 Wall
White pine - pulv 33.0948 2050148.3 Wall
White oak - mild frag 7.3774 457013.3092 Wall
White oak - v frag 13.7895 854228.4582 Wall
White oak - pulv 51.297 3177733.582 Wall
Live oak - mild frag 18.3401 1136127.876 Wall
Live oak - v frag 19.5811 1213005.03 Wall
Live oak - pulv 61.3633 3801318.188 Wall
Concrete - mild frag 6 371686.4824 Wall
Concrete - v frag 20 1238954.941 Wall
Concrete - pulv 40 2477909.883 Wall
Reinforced concrete - mild frag 20 1238954.941 Wall
Reinforced concrete - v frag 61 3778812.571 Wall
Reinforced concrete - pulv 102 6318670.201 Wall
Cement - mild frag 8 495581.9766 Wall
Cement - v frag 69 4274394.548 Wall
Cement - pulv 214 13256817.87 Wall+
Iron - mild frag 20 1238954.941 Wall
Iron - v frag 42.43 2628442.908 Wall
Iron - pulv 90 5575297.236 Wall
Aluminium - mild frag 68.9475 4271142.291 Wall
Aluminium - v frag 137.895 8542284.582 Wall
Aluminium - pulv 275.79 17084569.16 Wall+
Steel - mild frag 208 12885131.39 Wall+
Steel - v frag 568.5 35217294.21 Small Building
Steel - pulv 1000 61947747.07 Small Building

Destroying one handcuff chain[]


Distance between cuffs: 2.00" or 5.08 cm (measured at 63 px)

Chain thickness = 4 px = 0.322539683 cm

Chain opening thickness = 4 px = 0.322539683 cm

Chain opening length = 22 px = 1.773968254 cm

Chain volume = 1.773968254 * 0.322539683^2 * 2 + 0.322539683^3 * 6 = 0.57042478 cc

Pulverisation of steel = 1000 J/cc

Energy required to destroy 1 chain in a handcuff to rip off it = 1000 * 0.57042478 = 570.4247804 J (Street level)

Pulling force is 2200 N or 224.26095 kg on Earth (Athletic human+).

Destroying a private car[]

Here I would like to recalculate the energy required to destroy a private car because I wish to recalculate the full value of destruction of a whole private car. (This will be useful in estimation of further calculations.)

Mass and Weight of Materials

I will start from a weight of a Toyota Corolla CVT XSE private car which is 2885 lbs or 1311.363636 kg

as of 2015, The average vehicle uses 397 lbs of aluminum. Or 180.454545 kg at 13.7608% of the car.

The highest amount of copper used in an average conventional car is 49 lbs. or 22.2727 kg at 1.6984% of the car.

The amount of glass in an average vehicle is 100 lbs. or 45.45454545 kg at 3.4662% of the car

Plastic makes up 10% of the weight of a car. or 131.1363636 kg

Tires are made up of 14% natural rubber and 27% synthetic rubber with an average weight of 25 lbs. or 11.3398 kg. 14% of the tires is 1.5875720000000002 kg. 27% is 3.0617460000000003 kg. Since there are 4 tires we will time these numbers by 4. The total weight lf natural rubber is 6.350288 kg, or 0.4843% of the car. The total weight of synthetic rubber is 12.246984 kg, or 0.9339% of the car.

The amount of cast iron in an average car is about 87.9 kg. or 6.7029%.

It says that on average 900 kg of steel is used in the making of a vehicle ...

EXCEPT here also says 725.5 kg of steel is used in the making of a vehicle.

So I would just say the rest of the weight is made of steel, that is 825.5481825 kg or 62.9534% of the car.

These all accounts for one total 100% of the weight for the car for the fragmentation of one whole car.

Density of Materials

Aluminum = 2.7 g/cm³

Copper = 8.96 g/cm³

Glass = an average of 5 g/cm³

Plastic = and average of 2.235 g/cc (http://www.tregaltd.com/img/density%20of%20plastics[1].pdf)

Natural Rubber = 0.92 g/cm³

Synthetic Rubber = Wewill use polybutadiene since it is mostly used in car tires. 0.925 g/cm^3

Cast Iron = an average density of 7.3 g/cm³

Steel = an average of 7.9 g/cm³

Volume of Materials

Aluminum = 66835.01684 cm³

Copper = 2485.795455 cm³

Glass = 9090.909091 cm³

Plastic = 58673.9882 cm³

Natural Rubber = 6902.486957 cm³

Synthetic Rubber = 13239.9827 cm³

Cast Iron = 12041.09589 cm³

Steel = 104499.7699 cm³

Energy to Fragment Materials

To find shear strength from tensile strength, just times the ultimate tensile strength by 0.60.

Cast Iron = 149 MPa or j/cc

Glass = 0.75 j/cc

Aluminium = 40000 PSI = 275.79 megapascales = 275.79 J/cc

Copper = 25,000 PSI = 172.36893 MPa = 172.36893 J/cc

Plastic = It is insanely difficult for me to find plastic mechanical properties. Polypropylene will be used since it is used for most cars, especially in their bumpers. an average of 38.7 MPa = 38.7 j/cc

Natural Rubber =0.001 GPa = 1 MPa = 1 J/cc

Synthetic Rubber = 4.285714286 MPa = 4.285714286 J/cc

Steel = 208 j/cc

Total Energy

18432429.29 Joules for all the aluminum

428473.9027 Joules for all the copper

6818.181818 Joules for all the glass

2270683.344 Joules for all the plastic

6902.486957 Joules for all the natural rubber

56742.78302 joules for Synthetic Rubber

1794123.288 Joules for all the iron

21735952.15 Joules for all the steel

Adding this all up is 44,732,125.43 Joules = Small Building level

Energy density for destruction of a car = 163.3936569 J/cc < this will be useful for my following calculations on slicing cars in halves.

Destroying a passenger train[]

According to the World Wildlife Fund, an average African elephant weighs about 12,000 pounds (5,443 kilograms).

Mass Transit Railways Hong Kong says an average train weighs around 400 tonnes, which is the equivalent of 70 adult African elephants.
Exact mass of whole train = 5443 kg * 70 = 381010 kg.

An MTR Metro Cammell EMU (DC) passenger train is an 8-car train with legnth 2316 cm, width 311 cm, vehicle height (from base to top of air conditioner flush with crest of roof) 370 cm and "floor height" (from base to floor) 110 cm. It is made of aluminium.

Mass of one train = 381010 kg / 8 = 47626.25 kg.

Aluminium is 2.7 g/cm in density and 275.79 J/cc in shear strength.

Volume of aluminium for whole train = 381010 / 0.0027 = 141114814.8 cm^3

Volume of aluminium for one car in a train = 47626.25 / 0.0027 = 17639351.85 cm^3

Type Volume (cm^3) Mild fragmentation value (J) Tier Violent fragmentation value (J) Tier Pulverisation value (J) Tier
Whole 8-car train 141114814.8 9729513694 2.325409583 ton TNT, Large building 19459027389 4.650819166 ton TNT, Large building 38918054778 9.301638331 ton TNT, Large building+
One car 17639351.85 1216189212 0.290676198 ton TNT, Building 2432378424 0.581352396 ton TNT, Building 4864756847 1.162704791 ton TNT, Building+

The top speed of this train is 90 km/h or 25 m/s

Kinetic energy = 119065625 J or 0.028457367 ton TNT (Small building)

Destroying an LCD Television[]

A "22-inch screen" LCD television

Screen diagonal = 55 cm at 1920:1080

Screen width ~= 48 cm

Screen height ~= 27 cm

LCD glass substrates are very thin and usually is around 0.3 mm to 0.7 mm thick or 0.07 cm

Glass volume = 48 * 27 * 0.07 = 90.72 cc

Violent fragmentation energy for glass = 1 J/cc

Energy to destroy glass part = 90.72 * 1 = 90.72 J

Glass is made of α-quartz whose density is 2.648 g/cc so the glass weight is 0.24022656 kg

Since the whole TV panel (without stand) is 2.55 kg, the panel without glass is 2.30977344 kg.

A television is mostly made of thermoplastics like polyethylene, which has a density of 1.1 g/cc and UTS of 55 MPa, i.e. shear strength = 60% UTS = 33 J/cc.

Plastic portion volume = 2.30977344 kg * 1000 / 1.1 g/cc = 2099.794036 cc

Energy to destroy volume of plastic = 2099.794036 * 33 = 69293.2032 J

Energy to destroy one whole LCD TV panel (without stand) = 69293.2032 J + 90.72 J = 69383.9232 J (Wall Level)

Think about it - destroying a quarter of it still yields 69383.9232 J / 4 = 17345.9808 J (Wall Level)

Punching an LCD Television[]

Usually it means punching a fist-shaped hole with a 4.5 cm radius.

Volume for left + right frames = 4.88 * 30.8 * (51.23 - 47.93665454) = 495.0029957 cc

Material weight (assume 90% hollowness = 495.0029957 cc * 1.1 * 10% = 0.05445033 kg

Volume for bottom + right frames = 4.88 * 47.93665454 * (30.8 - 47.93665454) = 897.2727047 cc

Material weight (assume 90% hollowness = 897.2727047 cc * 1.1 * 10% 0.098699998 kg

Material weight for panel without glass is 2.30977344 kg - 0.05445033 kg - 0.098699998 kg = 2.156623113 kg

Assume solid volume, object volume = Material volume for back = 2.156623113 kg * 1000 / 1.1 g/cc = 1960.566466 cc

Thickness of back = 1960.566466 / 47.93665454 / 26.96436818 = 1.516783515 cm

Volume of TV glass punched = 0.07 * 4.5^2 * pi = 1.979203372 cc

Energy applied to punch TV glass = 1.979203372 J

Volume of TV back punched = 1.516783515 * 4.5^2 * pi = 42.88604353 cc

Energy applied to punch TV back = 1415.239437 J

Energy required to punch through an LCD TV = 1.979203372 + 1415.239437 = 1417.21864 J (Street level)

Destroying a CRT Television[]


Screen width = 26.4 cm ; Screen height = 19.8 cm ; Screen diagonal = 33 cm

Set depth = 36.068 cm ; Set width = 36.322 cm ; Set height = 32.004 cm ; Set weight = 9.5 kg

Glass thickness = 1 cm

Glass volume = 1 cm * 26.4 cm * 19.8 cm = 522.72 cc

Destruction energy of screen glass = 522.72 J

Frame width on height = 36.322 - 26.4 = 9.922 cm

Frame height on width = 32.004 - 19.8 = 12.204 cm

Area of frame on height = 26.4 * 12.204 = 322.1856 cm^2

Area of frame on width = 19.8 * 9.922 = 196.4556 cm^2

Area of frame on corner = 9.922 * 12.204 = 121.088088 cm^2

Area of frames = 639.729288 cm^2

Volume of frame = 639.729288 cm^2 * 36.068 = 23073.75596 cc

Material volume of frame (90% hollowness) = 2307.375596 cc

Back thickness (assume 1/2 of Frame width on height) = 9.922 / 2 = 4.961 cm

Volume of back = 2593.21392 cc

Material volume of back (90% hollowness) = 259.321392 cc

Material volume of plastic for back and frame = 2307.375596 cc + 259.321392 cc = 2566.696988 cc

Destruction energy of plastic portion = 2566.696988 cc * 33 J/cc = 84701.0006 J

Glass weight = 522.72 cc * 2.648 g/cc = 1.38416256 kg

Weight of plastic = 2566.696988 * 1.1 = 2.823366687 kg

A television is mainly made of glass for the screen, plastic for the frame and lead for the cathode ray tube part.

Weight of lead = 9.5 - 1.38416256 - 2.823366687 = 5.292470753 kg

Lead density = 11.34 g/cc

Lead volume = 5.292470753 * 1000 / 11.34 = 466.7081793 cc

UTS of lead = 18 MPa, shear strength = lead = 10.8 MPa

Destruction energy of lead portion = 5040.448336 J

Total CRT TV destruction energy = 90264.16894 J (Wall level)

Punching a CRT Television Screen[]

Volume of TV glass punched = 1 * 4.5^2 * pi = 63.61725124 cc

Energy applied to punch TV glass = 63.61725124 J (Human level)

Remember kids, throwing objects on the television is a bad idea.

Energy required to shatter a big cup[]

Pricerite glasscup
Your typical small cup (sold here)

Cup interior height = 495 px (= cm)
Cup interior diameter = 503 px (= cm)
Cup wall thickness = 27 px (= cm)
Cup bottom thickness = 65 px (= cm)
Cup interior volume (i.e. cup capacity) = pi * (503/2)^2 * 495 px^3 = 98362837.94 px^3 = 310 cc
Cup volume occupied = pi x (503/2+27)^2 x (495+65) = 136454637.1 px^3 = 430.0499902 cc
Cup material volume = 120.0499902 cc

I deduced the size of the cup from the pixels. This will be useful later.

Assuming all the potential of the drop turns into the energy to crack a cup

Fragmentation energy of glass = 0.75 J/cc
Fragmentation energy of glass cup = 90.03749268 J (Human level+)
Density of glass = 0.0025 kg per cc
Mass of cup = 0.300124976 kg
Theoretical height required to shatter the whole cup = PE / m / g = 30.58103976 m

Fragmentation energy of ceramic = 3.4 J/cc
Fragmentation energy of ceramic cup = 408.1699668 J (Street level)
Density of ceramic = 0.002 to 0.006 kg per cc. Average of say 0.004 kg per cc
Mass of cup = 0.480199961 kg
Theoretical height required to shatter the whole cup = PE / m / g = 86.64627931 m

The height required to shatter a whole cup seems much higher than what an angry diner needs to destroy a cup. Because the dinner does not need to destroy the whole cup given the height of the table from the floor. Usually the height fallen will make the cup crack with a crack that split a cup in two (or a small piece off). The cup just does not turn into grains or even dust.

Energy to fragment a cup by forming a 1 mm vertical crack[]

Volume of the crack on the cup = 0.1 cm * (0.395859111 cm * 7.25741704 cm * 2 + 0.952994157 cm * (7.374708628 cm + 0.395859111 cm * 2) = 1.352838639 cc

Assuming all the potential of the drop turns into the energy to crack a cup

Fragmentation energy of glass = 0.75 J/cc
Fragmentation energy of glass cup crack = 1.014628979 J (Below Average Human level+)
Density of glass = 0.0025 kg per cc
Mass of the whole cup = 0.300124976 kg
Theoretical height required to shatter the whole cup = PE / m / g = 0.344616539 m

Fragmentation energy of ceramic = 3.4 J/cc
Fragmentation energy of ceramic cup crack = 4.599651372 J (Below Average Human level+)
Density of ceramic = 0.002 to 0.006 kg per cc. Average of say 0.004 kg per cc
Mass of the whole cup = 0.480199961 kg
Theoretical height required to shatter the whole cup = PE / m / g = 0.976413529 m

Much more realistic for a cup breaking feat.

Energy to shatter a vase[]

Attrbiute XS S M L "Human-sized"
Vase wall thickness (cm) 0.16 0.164525695 0.178885438 0.2 0.64
Vase interior height (cm) 16 32 32 64 128
Vase bottom thickness (cm) 0.4 0.411314238 0.447213595 0.5 1.6
Vase interior diameter (cm) 8 8 16 16 32
Vase interior capacity (cc) 804.2477193 1608.495439 6433.981755 12867.96351 102943.7081
Vase exterior occupying volume (cc) 891.6211915 1765.94676 6818.918983 13625.02451 112735.7136
Vase material volume (cc) 87.37347223 157.4513212 384.9372282 757.0609977 9792.005512
Total glass fragmentation volume (J) 65.53010417 (Human) 118.0884909 (Athletic Human) 288.7029212 (Athletic Human+) 567.7957482 (Street) 7344.004134 (Street)
Total ceramic fragmentation volume (J) 297.0698056 (Athletic Human+) 535.3344919 (Street) 1308.786576 (Street) 2574.007392 (Street) 33292.81874 (Wall)

Given a vase weighing around 0.3 kg for a small vase and a thin wall, knocking it over will pretty much break a vase with cracks around the vase. But the values above refers to total destruction of the whole vase - with a lot of cracks all over the vase (and all over the floor) - breaking a vase by knocking over it is much easier than punching a vase to make it explode into oblivion.

Energy to break an airplane wing with a punch[]

The minimum skin thickness on, for example, DC-8 and DC-9 airplanes is .127cm (0.050 in.). Thickness varies between airplanes based on a number of factors. Most important is the load distribution the airplane will experience when it is flying. On another typical commercial airplane type, the 727, minimum skin thickness is .097 cm (0.038 inches).

It may be useful in determining the energy required to break an airplane wing.

~ howthingsfly.si.edu

A wing of Boeing C-17 Globemaster III has a rough chord length of 6.86m and a material thickness of 0.127cm for one wall (assuming breaking two walls for each wing to break).

A human fist can be 6 cm wide.
Volume = 686 cm x 0.127 cm x 2 x 6 cm = 1045.464 cc
Destruction energy of aluminium = 40000 PSI = 275.79 megapascales = 275.79 J/cc
Energy required to break an aircraft wing in 1 hit = 1045.464 cc x 275.79 J/cc = 288328.5166 J (Wall Level)

This may be useful in determining the AP of Dan Hibiki as he can punch and break a wing of an aircraft.

Energy to completely destroy a bowling ball[]

A bowling ball's diameter varies from 21.59 cm to 22.83 cm. I shall average them to have 22.21 cm. Which means radius is 11.105 cm

Volume = pi * 4/3 * r^3 = 5736.464337 cm^3

Bowling balls are usually made of polyurethane. UTS of polyurethane is 39 MPa.

Destruction energy (shattering the whole bowling ball) = 5736.464337 * 39 (ultimate tensile strength) = 223722.1091 Joules (Wall level)

Denting energy (permanently disfiguring the said bowling ball) = 5736.464337 * 39 * 0.6 (shear strength) = 134233.2655 Joules (Wall level)

Sawing and clean cutting feats[]

Very often we see things being cut clean in halves as if they have been sawed through. Here we shall pick a few common feats to calculate. Some may be actually recycled from my previous calculations.

Cutting a bowling ball in half[]


Saw thicknesses are around 1.5 mm to 3.0 mm. I say 0.225 cm thickness is appropriate.

Volume cut = pi * 11.105^2 * 0.225 = 87.17049589 cm^3

Energy yield = 87.17049589 * 39 = 3399.64934 Joules (Street level)

Cutting through a table[]

Please go to here for full destruction of a table.

This site suggests rectangular tables are 36 to 40 inches wide, and 48 inches for a four-people table. I'll take 40 inches as the width.

48 inches is 121.92 cm. 40 inches is 101.6 cm. The thickness is 3.175 cm.

Diagonals for that is (101.6^2 + 121.2^2)^0.5 cm = 158.7042734 cm

Saw thicknesses are around 1.5 mm to 3.0 mm. I say 0.225 cm thickness is appropriate.

Now, volume cut off would likely be pulverised. Also, Those tables are likely made of different material.

Cutting direction Dimension cut 1 (cm) Dimension cut 2 (cm) Dimension cut 3 (cm) Volume cut (cc) Energy/cc for white pine pulverised (J/cc) Energy for white pine pulverised (J) Tier (White pine) Energy/cc for live oak pulverised (J/cc) Energy for live oak pulverised (J) Tier (Live oak) Energy/cc for iron pulverised (J/cc) Energy for iron pulverised (J) Tier (Iron) Energy/cc for granite pulverised (J/cc) Energy for granite pulverised (J) Tier (Granite) Energy/cc for aluminium pulverised (J/cc) Energy for aluminium pulverised (J) Tier (Aluminium) Energy/cc for steel pulverised (J/cc) Energy for steel pulverised (J) Tier (Steel)
Cut at width 101.6 3.175 0.225 72.5805 33.0948 2402.037131 Street 61.3633 4453.778996 Street 90 6532.245 Street 200 14516.1 Street+ 275.79 20016.9761 Wall 1000 72580.5 Wall
Cut at length 121.92 3.175 0.225 87.0966 33.0948 2882.444558 Street 61.3633 5344.534795 Street 90 7838.694 Street+ 200 17419.32 Wall 275.79 24020.37131 Wall 1000 87096.6 Wall
Cut at diagonal 158.7043 3.175 0.225 113.3743653 33.0948 3752.101945 Street 61.3633 6957.025191 Street 90 10203.69288 Street+ 200 22674.87306 Wall 275.79 31267.51621 Wall 1000 113374.3653 Wall
Cut at plane cross-section 101.6 121.92 0.225 2787.0912 33.0948 92238.22585 Wall 61.3633 171025.1134 Wall 90 250838.208 Wall 200 557418.24 Wall 275.79 768651.882 Wall 1000 2787091.2 Wall
Full pulverisation 101.6 121.92 3.175 39328.9536 33.0948 1301583.854 Wall 61.3633 2413354.378 Wall 90 3539605.824 Wall 200 7865790.72 Wall 275.79 10846532.11 Wall+ 1000 39328953.6 Small building
Full violent fragmentation 101.6 121.92 3.175 39328.9536 6.2053 244047.9558 Wall 19.5811 770104.1733 Wall 42.43 1668727.501 Wall 100 3932895.36 Wall 137.895 5423266.057 Wall 568.5 22358510.12 Small building
Full fragmentation 101.6 121.92 3.175 39328.9536 3.0337 119312.2465 Wall 18.3401 721296.9419 Wall 20 786579.072 Wall 50 1966447.68 Wall 68.9475 2711633.028 Wall 208 8180422.349 Wall

Cutting through a table leg[]

Cylinder leg[]

this site says legs are 2 cm in radius and 70 cm in height.

Volume cut by circumference = pi * r^2 * saw thickness
Volume cut by longtitude = 2r * height * saw thickness

Now, volume cut off (ditto)

Cutting direction Dimension cut 1 (cm) Dimension cut 2 (cm) Dimension cut 3 (cm) Volume cut (cc) Energy/cc for white pine pulverised (J/cc) Energy for white pine pulverised (J) Tier (White pine) Energy/cc for live oak pulverised (J/cc) Energy for live oak pulverised (J) Tier (Live oak) Energy/cc for iron pulverised (J/cc) Energy for iron pulverised (J) Tier (Iron) Energy/cc for granite pulverised (J/cc) Energy for granite pulverised (J) Tier (Granite) Energy/cc for aluminium pulverised (J/cc) Energy for aluminium pulverised (J) Tier (Aluminium) Energy/cc for steel pulverised (J/cc) Energy for steel pulverised (J) Tier (Steel)
Cut at circumference (radius = 2 cm) (diameter = 4 cm) 0.225 2.827433388 33.0948 93.5733425 Human+ 61.3633 173.5006432 Athletic human 90 254.4690049 Street 200 565.4866776 Street 275.79 779.7778541 Street 1000 2827.433388 Street
Cut at longtitude 4 70 0.225 63 33.0948 2084.9724 Street 61.3633 3865.8879 Street 90 5670 Street 200 12600 Street+ 275.79 17374.77 Wall 1000 63000 Wall
Full pulverisation (radius = 2 cm) (diameter = 4 cm) 70 879.645943 33.0948 29111.70655 Wall 61.3633 53977.97789 Wall 90 79168.13487 Wall 200 175929.1886 Wall 275.79 242597.5546 Wall 1000 879645.943 Wall
Full violent fragmentation (radius = 2 cm) (diameter = 4 cm) 70 879.645943 6.2053 5458.46697 Street 19.5811 17224.43517 Wall 42.43 37323.37736 Wall 100 87964.5943 Wall 137.895 121298.7773 Wall 568.5 500078.7186 Wall
Full fragmentation (radius = 2 cm) (diameter = 4 cm) 70 879.645943 3.0337 2668.581897 Street 18.3401 16132.79456 Wall 20 17592.91886 Wall 50 43982.29715 Wall 68.9475 60649.38866 Wall 208 182966.3561 Wall

Rectangular leg[]

this site says legs are 3 cm in width, 4 cm in length and 70 cm in height.

Now, volume cut off (ditto)

Cutting direction Dimension cut 1 (cm) Dimension cut 2 (cm) Dimension cut 3 (cm) Volume cut (cc) Energy/cc for white pine pulverised (J/cc) Energy for white pine pulverised (J) Tier (White pine) Energy/cc for live oak pulverised (J/cc) Energy for live oak pulverised (J) Tier (Live oak) Energy/cc for iron pulverised (J/cc) Energy for iron pulverised (J) Tier (Iron) Energy/cc for granite pulverised (J/cc) Energy for granite pulverised (J) Tier (Granite) Energy/cc for aluminium pulverised (J/cc) Energy for aluminium pulverised (J) Tier (Aluminium) Energy/cc for steel pulverised (J/cc) Energy for steel pulverised (J) Tier (Steel)
Cut at width 3 70 0.225 47.25 33.0948 1563.7293 Street 61.3633 2899.415925 Street 90 4252.5 Street 200 9450 Street+ 275.79 13031.0775 Street+ 1000 47250 Wall
Cut at length 4 70 0.225 63 33.0948 2084.9724 Street 61.3633 3865.8879 Street 90 5670 Street 200 12600 Street+ 275.79 17374.77 Wall 1000 63000 Wall
Cut at diagonal 5 70 0.225 78.75 33.0948 2606.2155 Street 61.3633 4832.359875 Street 90 7087.5 Street+ 200 15750 Wall 275.79 21718.4625 Wall 1000 78750 Wall
Cut at plane cross-section 3 4 0.225 2.7 33.0948 89.35596 Human 61.3633 165.68091 Athletic human 90 243 Athletic human+ 200 540 Street 275.79 744.633 Street 1000 2700 Street
Full pulverisation 3 4 70 840 33.0948 27799.632 Wall 61.3633 51545.172 Wall 90 75600 Wall 200 168000 Wall 275.79 231663.6 Wall 1000 840000 Wall
Full violent fragmentation 3 4 70 840 6.2053 5212.452 Street 19.5811 16448.124 Wall 42.43 35641.2 Wall 100 84000 Wall 137.895 115831.8 Wall 568.5 477540 Wall
Full fragmentation 3 4 70 840 3.0337 2548.308 Street 18.3401 15405.684 Wall 20 16800 Wall 50 42000 Wall 68.9475 57915.9 Wall 208 174720 Wall

Thicker rectangular leg[]

Ikea prefers to sell wooden tables with metal legs. I am finding another site for cutting a thicker wooden leg.

I would just assume a 6 cm x 8 cm x 70 cm table leg. Fite me.

(Ditto~ I choose you~)

Cutting direction Dimension cut 1 (cm) Dimension cut 2 (cm) Dimension cut 3 (cm) Volume cut (cc) Energy/cc for white pine pulverised (J/cc) Energy for white pine pulverised (J) Tier (White pine) Energy/cc for live oak pulverised (J/cc) Energy for live oak pulverised (J) Tier (Live oak) Energy/cc for iron pulverised (J/cc) Energy for iron pulverised (J) Tier (Iron) Energy/cc for granite pulverised (J/cc) Energy for granite pulverised (J) Tier (Granite) Energy/cc for aluminium pulverised (J/cc) Energy for aluminium pulverised (J) Tier (Aluminium) Energy/cc for steel pulverised (J/cc) Energy for steel pulverised (J) Tier (Steel)
Cut at width 6 70 0.225 94.5 33.0948 3127.4586 Street 61.3633 5798.83185 Street 90 8505 Street+ 200 18900 Wall 275.79 26062.155 Wall 1000 94500 Wall
Cut at length 8 70 0.225 126 33.0948 4169.9448 Street 61.3633 7731.7758 Street+ 90 11340 Street+ 200 25200 Wall 275.79 34749.54 Wall 1000 126000 Wall
Cut at diagonal 5 70 0.225 157.5 33.0948 5212.431 Street 61.3633 9664.71975 Street+ 90 14175 Street+ 200 31500 Wall 275.79 43436.925 Wall 1000 157500 Wall
Cut at plane cross-section 6 8 0.225 2.7 33.0948 357.42384 Street 61.3633 662.72364 Street 90 972 Street 200 2160 Street 275.79 2978.532 Street 1000 10800 Street+
Full pulverisation 6 8 70 3360 33.0948 111198.528 Wall 61.3633 206180.688 Wall 90 302400 Wall 200 672000 Wall 275.79 926654.4 Wall 1000 3360000 Wall
Full violent fragmentation 6 8 70 3360 6.2053 20849.808 Wall 19.5811 65792.496 Wall 42.43 142564.8 Wall 100 336000 Wall 137.895 463327.2 Wall 568.5 1910160 Wall
Full fragmentation 6 8 70 3360 3.0337 10193.232 Street+ 18.3401 61622.736 Wall 20 67200 Wall 50 168000 Wall 68.9475 231663.6 Wall 208 698880 Wall

Cutting a chair seat[]

Your chair.

Chair seat: 45 cm width x 47 cm length (depth) x 6 cm thickness (height)

Cutting direction Dimension cut 1 (cm) Dimension cut 2 (cm) Dimension cut 3 (cm) Volume cut (cc) Energy/cc for white pine pulverised (J/cc) Energy for white pine pulverised (J) Tier (White pine) Energy/cc for live oak pulverised (J/cc) Energy for live oak pulverised (J) Tier (Live oak) Energy/cc for iron pulverised (J/cc) Energy for iron pulverised (J) Tier (Iron) Energy/cc for granite pulverised (J/cc) Energy for granite pulverised (J) Tier (Granite) Energy/cc for aluminium pulverised (J/cc) Energy for aluminium pulverised (J) Tier (Aluminium) Energy/cc for steel pulverised (J/cc) Energy for steel pulverised (J) Tier (Steel)
Cut at width 45 6 0.225 60.75 33.0948 2010.5091 Street 61.3633 3727.820475 Street 90 5467.5 Street 200 12150 Street+ 275.79 16754.2425 Wall 1000 60750 Wall
Cut at length 47 6 0.225 63.45 33.0948 2099.86506 Street 61.3633 3893.501385 Street 90 5710.5 Street 200 12690 Street+ 275.79 17498.8755 Wall 1000 63450 Wall
Cut at diagonal 65.06919394 6 0.225 87.84341182 33.0948 2907.160145 Street 61.3633 5390.361632 Street 90 7905.907064 Street+ 200 17568.68236 Wall 275.79 24226.33455 Wall 1000 87843.41182 Wall
Cut at plane cross-section 45 47 0.225 475.875 33.0948 15748.98795 Wall 61.3633 29201.26039 Wall 90 42828.75 Wall 200 95175 Wall 275.79 131241.5663 Wall 1000 475875 Wall
Full pulverisation 45 47 6 12690 33.0948 419973.012 Wall 61.3633 778700.277 Wall 90 1142100 Wall 200 2538000 Wall 275.79 3499775.1 Wall 1000 12690000 Wall+
Full violent fragmentation 45 47 6 12690 6.2053 78745.257 Wall 19.5811 248484.159 Wall 42.43 538436.7 Wall 100 1269000 Wall 137.895 1749887.55 Wall 568.5 7214265 Wall
Full fragmentation 45 47 6 12690 3.0337 38497.653 Wall 18.3401 232735.869 Wall 20 253800 Wall 50 634500 Wall 68.9475 874943.775 Wall 208 2639520 Wall

Cutting a chair back[]

Here I am assuming chairs with solid back. Reduce your chair volume accordingly if the chair is hollow to a percentage.

Chair back: 45 cm width x 39 cm length x 6 cm thickness (height)

Cutting direction Dimension cut 1 (cm) Dimension cut 2 (cm) Dimension cut 3 (cm) Volume cut (cc) Energy/cc for white pine pulverised (J/cc) Energy for white pine pulverised (J) Tier (White pine) Energy/cc for live oak pulverised (J/cc) Energy for live oak pulverised (J) Tier (Live oak) Energy/cc for iron pulverised (J/cc) Energy for iron pulverised (J) Tier (Iron) Energy/cc for granite pulverised (J/cc) Energy for granite pulverised (J) Tier (Granite) Energy/cc for aluminium pulverised (J/cc) Energy for aluminium pulverised (J) Tier (Aluminium) Energy/cc for steel pulverised (J/cc) Energy for steel pulverised (J) Tier (Steel)
Cut at width 45 6 0.225 60.75 33.0948 2010.5091 Street 61.3633 3727.820475 Street 90 5467.5 Street 200 12150 Street+ 275.79 16754.2425 Wall 1000 60750 Wall
Cut at length 39 6 0.225 52.65 33.0948 1742.44122 Street 61.3633 3230.777745 Street 90 4738.5 Street 200 10530 Street+ 275.79 14520.3435 Wall 1000 52650 Wall
Cut at diagonal 59.54829972 6 0.225 80.39020463 33.0948 2660.497744 Street 61.3633 4933.008244 Street 90 7235.118416 Street+ 200 16078.04093 Wall 275.79 22170.81453 Wall 1000 80390.20463 Wall
Cut at plane cross-section 45 39 0.225 394.875 33.0948 13068.30915 Street+ 61.3633 24230.83309 Wall 90 35538.75 Wall 200 78975 Wall 275.79 108902.5763 Wall 1000 394875 Wall
Full pulverisation 45 39 6 10530 33.0948 348488.244 Wall 61.3633 646155.549 Wall 90 947700 Wall 200 2106000 Wall 275.79 2904068.7 Wall 1000 10530000 Wall+
Full violent fragmentation 45 39 6 10530 6.2053 65341.809 Wall 19.5811 206188.983 Wall 42.43 446787.9 Wall 100 1053000 Wall 137.895 1452034.35 Wall 568.5 5986305 Wall
Full fragmentation 45 39 6 10530 3.0337 31944.861 Wall 18.3401 193121.253 Wall 20 210600 Wall 50 526500 Wall 68.9475 726017.175 Wall 208 2190240 Wall

Cutting a chair leg[]

Chair leg: 5 cm x 6 cm x 40 cm

Cutting direction Dimension cut 1 (cm) Dimension cut 2 (cm) Dimension cut 3 (cm) Volume cut (cc) Energy/cc for white pine pulverised (J/cc) Energy for white pine pulverised (J) Tier (White pine) Energy/cc for live oak pulverised (J/cc) Energy for live oak pulverised (J) Tier (Live oak) Energy/cc for iron pulverised (J/cc) Energy for iron pulverised (J) Tier (Iron) Energy/cc for granite pulverised (J/cc) Energy for granite pulverised (J) Tier (Granite) Energy/cc for aluminium pulverised (J/cc) Energy for aluminium pulverised (J) Tier (Aluminium) Energy/cc for steel pulverised (J/cc) Energy for steel pulverised (J) Tier (Steel)
Cut at width 5 40 0.225 45 33.0948 1489.266 Street 61.3633 2761.3485 Street 90 4050 Street 200 9000 Street+ 275.79 12410.55 Street+ 1000 45000 Wall
Cut at length 6 40 0.225 54 33.0948 1787.1192 Street 61.3633 3313.6182 Street 90 4860 Street 200 10800 Street+ 275.79 14892.66 Street+ 1000 54000 Wall
Cut at diagonal 7.810249676 40 0.225 70.29224708 33.0948 2326.307859 Street 61.3633 4313.364245 Street 90 6326.302237 Street+ 200 14058.44942 Street+ 275.79 19385.89882 Wall 1000 70292.24708 Wall
Cut at plane cross-section 5 6 0.225 6.75 33.0948 223.3899 Street 61.3633 414.202275 Street 90 607.5 Street 200 1350 Street 275.79 1861.5825 Street 1000 6750 Street
Full pulverisation 5 6 40 1200 33.0948 39713.76 Wall 61.3633 73635.96 Wall 90 108000 Wall 200 240000 Wall 275.79 330948 Wall 1000 1200000 Wall
Full violent fragmentation 5 6 40 1200 6.2053 7446.36 Street 19.5811 23497.32 Wall 42.43 50916 Wall 100 120000 Wall 137.895 165474 Wall 568.5 682200 Wall
Full fragmentation 5 6 40 1200 3.0337 3640.44 Street 18.3401 22008.12 Wall 20 24000 Wall 50 60000 Wall 68.9475 82737 Wall 208 249600 Wall

Stabbing through a plate armor[]

A "knight sword" (or broad sword) blade is typically 31 3/8 inches long, 2 inches wide, and .192 inches thick. That should translate into a stabbing area of 2 inches (5.08 cm) by 0.192 inch (0.48768 cm).

Here says the typical full plate armor is typically 3 mm and by common sense is made of copper or even high grade steel.

The minimum volume to destroy would be 5.08cm * 0.48768cm * 0.3cm = 0.74322432 cc?
Nah expect the width effected by blade width and blade thickness be doubled, i.e 2^2 * 0.74322432 cc = 2.97289728 cc

Frag/V Frag/Pulv energy of copper is assumed to be the low/median/high end of Brinell hardness of copper at 235–878 MPa, i.e. 235/556.5/878 J/cc.

Respective energy required: 698.6308608 J / 1654.417336 J / 2610.203812 J (Street level)

Frag/V Frag/Pulv energy of steel is given here as 208/568.5/1000 J/cc.

Respective energy required: 618.3626342 J / 1690.092104 J / 2972.89728 J (Street level)

Slashing through a plate armor[]

Similar except the length of front waist will be cut, ~ 50 cm

Volume destroyed ~= 14.6304 cc

Frag/V Frag/Pulv energy of copper = 3438.144 J / 8141.8176 J / 12845.4912 J (Street level/Street level+/Street level+)

Frag/V Frag/Pulv energy of steel = 3043.1232 J / 8317.3824 J / 14630.4 J (Street level/Street level+/Street level+)

Stabbing a human head at the neck[]

This site says, at BMI of 23.0 and 25.0, males had neck circumference 35.7cm and 37.5cm, while females had it at of 32.2cm and 33.5cm respectively. This averages the neck circumference to be 34.175 cm and radius be ~5.43912018 cm.

C3 vertebral body: The vertebral body is a cylinder. The mean height is 15.1 mm and the radius 7.34 mm.

The shear strength of bones is 51.6 MPa or J/cc

Volume of neck stabbed = width of blade * thickness of blade * 2 * radius of neck = 5.08 * 0.48768 * 2 * 5.43912018 = 26.94990932 cc

Volume of neck bone stabbed = pi * radius of C3^2 * thickness of blade = pi * 0.734^2 * 0.48768 = 0.825423707 cc

Energy to stab the neck bone = 51.6 * 0.825423707 = 42.59186326 J

Volume of neck flesh stabbed = 26.12448561 cc

Energy to stab the neck flesh = 337.0058644 J

Energy to stab the neck = 42.59186326 J + 337.0058644 J = 379.5977276 J (Street level)

Slashing a human head off at the neck[]

Volume of neck slashed = width of blade * area of neck = 0.48768 * pi * 5.43912018^2 = 45.32545034 cc

Volume of neck bone slashed = pi * radius of C3^2 * thickness of blade = pi * 0.734^2 * 0.48768 = 0.825423707 cc

Energy to slash the neck bone = 42.59186326 J

Volume of neck flesh slashed = 44.50002663 cc

Energy to slash the neck flesh = 574.0503435 J

Energy to slash the neck = 42.59186326 J + 574.0503435 J = 616.6422068 J (Street level)

Stabbing a human body at the waist[]

Here says the average American waist circumference is 34 to 35 inches - averaged to 34.5 in or 87.63 cm. That makes the human waist width ~32 cm and waist thickness ~23.06716634 cm.

T3 Vertabral body: The verabral body is cylinder shaped. When finding the average of the anterior and posterior height means of the vertebrae, I get 16.9 mm. Its mean diameter is 24.34 mm.

The shear strength of bones is 51.6 MPa or J/cc

Volume of waist stabbed = width of blade * thickness of blade * thickness of waist = 5.08 * 0.48768 * 23.06716634 = 57.14693006 cc

Volume of waist bone stabbed = pi * radius of T3^2 * thickness of blade = pi * 2.434^2 * 0.48768 = 2.269164468 cc

Energy to stab the waist bone = 51.6 * 2.269164468 = 117.0888865 J

Volume of waist flesh stabbed = 54.87776559 cc

Energy to stab the waist flesh = 707.9231762 J

Energy to stab the waist = 117.0888865 J + 707.9231762 J = 825.0120627 J (Street level)

Slashing a human body off at the waist[]

a.k.a. horizontally cutting a human off

Volume of waist slashed = width of blade * area of waist = 0.48768 * pi * 32 * 23.06716634 = 282.7281506 cc

Volume of waist bone stabbed = pi * radius of T3^2 * thickness of blade = pi * 2.434^2 * 0.48768 = 2.269164468 cc

Energy to slash the waist bone = 117.0888865 J

Volume of waist flesh slashed = 280.4589862 cc

Energy to slash the waist flesh = 3617.920922 J

Energy to slash the waist = 3617.920922 + 117.0888865 = 3735.009808 J (Street level)

Strong Japanese samurai and European swordsman are Street Level confirmed.

Cutting off a tree[]

Please follow here for energy required to destroy one whole tree trunk.

Please also familiarise yourself with how much energy it takes to destroy certain volumes of different kinds of wood.

Size of Tree

A fully grown white oak = 30 m height, 1.27 meter diameter.

In fiction, very few tree cutting feats are following what here are advising. Either the tree is cut horizontally and miraculously it fell on one direction, or it is cut at 30 degrees from the horizon and the tree slides down following the slope. I will discuss both. I will also include vertical cutting.

Makes me think of this
Animededede itfeelsgreattodestroytheenvironment

Ah this is for cutting a FULLY GROWN tree. So adjust the size ratio when you cut a tree of different size say a tree of only 7.5 m tall in height and 31.75 cm thick in diameter.

For quick calculation I will also be including that "smaller tree" as well.

Total Destruction Value of a tree[]

Total volume of:
Big tree = 3000 cm * pi * (127 cm / 2)^2 = 38003060.93 cc
Smaller tree = 750 cm * pi * (31.75 cm / 2)^2 = 593797.8271 cc

Total fragmentation energy of:
Big tree = 38003060.93 * 18.3401 = 696979937.8 J = 0.166582203 ton TNT (Small Building level+)
Smaller tree = 593797.8271 * 18.3401 = 10890311.53 J = 0.002602847 ton TNT (Wall level+)

Total violent fragmentation energy of:
Big tree = 38003060.93 * 19.5811 = 744141736.4 J = 0.177854144 ton TNT (Small Building level+)
Smaller tree = 593797.8271 * 19.5811 = 11627214.63 J = 0.002778971 ton TNT (Wall level+)

Total pulverisation energy of:
Big tree = 38003060.93 * 61.3633 = 2331993229 J = 0.557359758 ton TNT (Building level)
Smaller tree = 593797.8271 * 61.3633 = 36437394.2 J = 0.008708746 ton TNT (Small Building level)

Vertical cutting off a tree[]

While saw thicknesses are around 1.5 mm to 3.0 mm, I take 0.225 cm thickness as appropriate.

Volume sawed:
Big tree = 3000 cm * 127 cm * 0.225 cm = 85725 cc
Smaller tree = 750 cm * 31.75 cm * 0.225 cm = 5357.8125 cc

Sawed part is pulverised at 61.3633 J/cc

Energy in a vertical saw/cut:
Big tree = 85725 * 61.3633 = 5260368.893 J (Wall level)
Smaller tree = 5357.8125 * 61.3633 = 328773.0558 J (Wall level)

Horizontal cutting off a tree[]

Volume sawed:
Big tree = pi() * (127 cm / 2)^2 * 0.225 cm = 2850.22957 cc
Smaller tree = pi() * (31.75 cm / 2)^2 * 0.225 cm = 178.1393481 cc

Sawed part is pulverised (ditto)

Energy in a vertical saw/cut:
Big tree = 2850.22957 * 61.3633 = 174899.4922 J (Wall level)
Smaller tree = 178.1393481 * 61.3633 = 10931.21826 (Street level+)

Sloped cutting off a tree[]

Volume sawed:
Big tree = pi() * (127 cm / 2) * (127 cm / cos(30 degree) / 2) * 0.225 cm = 3291.161619 cc
Smaller tree = pi() * (31.75 cm / 2) * (31.75 cm / cos(30 degree) / 2) * 0.225 cm = 205.6976012 cc

Sawed part is (ditto)

Energy in a vertical saw/cut:
Big tree = 3291.161619 * 61.3633 = 201956.5378 J (Wall level)
Smaller tree = 205.6976012 * 61.3633 = 12622.28361 (Street level+)

Horizontal hammering off a tree[]

Sometimes fictional characters uses a punch or even a hammer to "horizontally cut" a tree. As a result, the tree is cut at a "thickness" equal to its diameter.

Big tree = pi() * (127 cm / 2)^2 * 127 cm = 1608796.246 cc
Smaller tree = pi() * (31.75 cm / 2)^2 * 31.75 cm = 25137.44135 cc

Energy taken:
Big tree = 1608796.246 * 61.3633 = 98721046.69 J (Small Building level)
Smaller tree = 25137.44135 * 61.3633 = 1542516.355 J (Wall level)

Slicing a private car or cab[]

Now, remember how it takes 44732125.43 J energy to "completely destroy" a car of 273769.0451 cc?

What about we just cut it in half? Like cut it horizontally, vertically from the front or vertically from the side?

To quickly calculate this, we assume a car's volume distribution to be six rectangular sides with equal thickness. We have the height, width and length of a Toyota Corolla CVT XSE private car to be 145.542 cm, 176.022 cm and 465.074 cm respectively.

Hypothetical destruction energy by volume of this vehicle is = 44732125.43 J / 273769.0451 cc = 163.3936569 J/cc
Hypothetical destruction energy by weight of this vehicle is = 44732125.43 J / 1311.363636 kg = 34111.15284 J/kg
Remember the two value as they will be useful.

Area of front/back = 145.542 cm * 176.022 cm = 25618.59392 cm^2
Area of a side = 145.542 cm * 465.074 cm = 67687.80011 cm^2
Area of a top/bottom = 176.022 cm * 465.074 cm = 81863.25563 cm^2

Since there are 6 sides of sideway/front/top, the total surface area = (25618.59392 + 67687.80011 + 81863.25563) * 2 = 350339.2993 cm^2

For the volume to be evenly distributed among the surfaces,

Volume distributed on two front/back = 25618.59392 * 2 / 350339.2993 * 273769.0451 cc = 40038.77389 cc
Volume distributed on two sides = 67687.80011 * 2 / 350339.2993 * 273769.0451 cc = 105787.8716 cc
Volume distributed on two top/bottom = 81863.25563 * 2 / 350339.2993 * 273769.0451 cc = 127942.3996 cc

Implicit thickness = 273769.0451 cc / 350339.2993 cm^2 = 0.781439723 cm (this will aso be the assumed width of the cut as well)

Volume of cut by:

A vertical cut from the side = (145.542 + 176.022) * 2 * 0.781439723^2 = 392.7248533 cc
A vertical cut from the front = (145.542 + 465.074) * 2 * 0.781439723^2 = 745.7429283 cc
A horizontal cut = (176.022 + 465.074) * 2 * 0.781439723^2 = 782.9680329 cc

Energy in destruction by:

A vertical cut from the side = 163.3936569 J/cc * 392.7248533 cc = 64168.74994 J (Wall level)
A vertical cut from the front = 163.3936569 J/cc * 745.7429283 cc = 121849.6642 J (Wall level)
A horizontal cut = 163.3936569 J/cc * 782.9680329 cc = 127932.0102 J (Wall level)

Slicing other vehicles[]

Now we know the fragmentation energy distribution within a car given its volume and weight, we can assume the fragmentation energy of one whole vehicle to be proportional to the mass of the motor vehicle produced, assume their material composition ratios are the same.

For instance, the fragmentation energy of one whole Isuzu NQR75 goods truck will be 44732125.43 J / 1311.363636 kg * 9000 kg = 307000375.5 J (Small Building Level)

Now, the total destruction value and slicing value of different vehicles are as follows:

Vehicle model Mass of vehicle (kg) Total fragmentation energy (J) Volume of materials in making up a motor vehicle (cc) Vehicle Height (cm) Vehicle Width (cm) Vehicle Length (cm) Area on two front/back (cm^2) Area on two sides (cm^2) Area on on two top/bottom (cm^2) Volume distributed on two front/back (cc) Volume distributed on two sides (cc) Volume distributed on two top/bottom (cc) Induced thickness (cm) Volume of cut by a vertical cut from the side (cc) Volume of cut by a vertical cut from the front (cc) Volume of cut by a horizontal cut (cc) Energy in destruction by a vertical cut from the side (J) Energy in destruction by a vertical cut from the front (J) Energy in destruction by a horizontal cut (J)
Star Eluder GT motorcycle 398.6363636 13597945.93 (Wall level+) 83221.99395 127.508 97.536 248.92 12436.62029 31739.29136 24278.66112 15119.52082 38586.2771 29516.19603 0.607862927 166.3063179 278.178288 256.0291395 27173.39745 (Wall level) 45452.56775 (Wall level) 41833.53739 (Wall level)
Toyota XLE Hybrid SUV 2236.363636 76284941.8 (Small Building level) 466878.2329 170.18 185.42 459.486 31554.7756 78195.32748 85197.89412 75570.09091 187268.8965 204039.2454 1.197443009 1019.768174 1805.718073 1849.422424 166623.6511 (Wall level) 295042.8794 (Wall level) 302183.893 (Wall level)
Isuzu NQR75 9-tonne goods truck 9000 307000375.5 (Small Building level) 1878900.205 228 211.5 663.5 48222 151278 140330.25 266616.4231 836406.6038 775877.1785 2.764468739 6717.570632 13626.19845 13374.00297 1097608.431 (Wall level) 2226434.395 (Wall level) 2185227.252 (Wall level)
Coaster 1BZ-FPE 16-passenger van 3680 125529042.4 (Small Building level) 768261.4173 263.5 208 699 54808 184186.5 145392 109543.0556 368127.8649 290590.4968 0.999334546 941.7453723 1922.438856 1811.586538 153875.2203 (Wall level) 314114.315 (Wall level) 296001.7493 (Wall level)
Isuzu FVR34SC-VI 16-tonne goods truck 16000 545778445.4 (Small Building level+) 3340267.032 280 248 1000.5 69440 280140 248124 388065.2341 1565561.559 1386640.238 2.794248517 8245.062965 19995.83926 19496.13847 1347190.989 (Wall level) 3267193.299 (Wall level) 3185545.36 (Wall level)
Isuzu CYZ52SX-7S-VI 24-tonne goods truck 24000 818667668.1 (Small Building level+) 5010400.548 297.5 249 1066.5 74077.5 317283.75 265558.5 564997.3936 2419958.716 2025444.438 3.81355603 15895.72809 39673.87577 38263.18444 2597261.141 (Wall level) 6482459.647 (Wall level) 6251961.631 (Wall level)
Isuzu CYH52TX-7S-VI 30-tonne goods truck 30000 1023334585 (Small Building level+) 6263000.685 298.5 249 1066.5 74326.5 318350.25 265558.5 707204.4841 3029050.531 2526745.669 4.757418176 24783.16533 61788.16562 59547.49588 4049412.013 (Wall level) 10095794.33 (Wall level+) 9729683.112 (Wall level)

Destroying Containers[]

Here we have a list of real life containers.

By deducing the masses of the containers, we can obtain destruction yields of containers at different sizes as follows:

Class 6ft 8ft 10ft 20ft 20ft high cube 40ft 40ft high cube
Exterior length (cm) 198 243.8 299.1 609 609 1218 1218
Exterior width (cm) 195 220 243.8 244 244 244 244
Exterior height (cm) 191 226 259.1 259 290 259 290
Interior length (cm) 180 227.5 283.1 601 601 1211 1211
Interior width (cm) 186 210.6 234.4 234 234 234 234
Interior height (cm) 173 205 237.6 239 269 239 269
Tare weight (kg) 450 630 825 2050 2230 3750 3890
Material volume (cm^3) 57150.1143 80010.16002 104775.2096 260350.5207 283210.5664 476250.9525 494030.9881
Steel frag yield (J) 11,887,223.77 16,642,113.28 21,793,243.59 54,152,908.31 58,907,797.82 99,060,198.12 102,758,445.52
Steel v frag yield (J) 32,489,839.98 45,485,775.97 59,564,706.63 148,009,271.02 161,005,207.01 270,748,666.50 280,856,616.71
Steel pulv yield (J) 57,150,114.30 80,010,160.02 104,775,209.55 260,350,520.70 283,210,566.42 476,250,952.50 494,030,988.06
Steel melting yield (J) 418,306,204.65 585,628,686.51 766,894,708.52 1,905,617,154.51 2,072,939,636.37 3,485,885,038.74 3,616,024,746.85
Steel vaporisation yield (J) 3,425,819,500.13 4,796,147,300.18 6,280,669,083.57 15,606,511,056.13 16,976,838,856.18 28,548,495,834.39 29,614,306,345.54

Yield for cutting off container at their sides are as follows:

Class 6ft 8ft 10ft 20ft 20ft high cube 40ft 40ft high cube
Area of internal length x interior width (cm^2) 33480 47911.5 66358.64 140634 140634 283374 283374
Area of internal height x interior width (cm^2) 32178 43173 55693.44 55926 62946 55926 62946
Area of internal length x interior height (cm^2) 31140 46637.5 67264.56 143639 161669 289429 325759
Plate surface area (cm^2)
(2 (IL*IW + IW*IH+ IH*IL))
193596 275444 378633.28 680398 730498 1257458 1344158
Corner length (cm)
= (EL - IL)/2
9 8.15 8 4 4 3.5 3.5
Corner width (cm)
= (EW - IW)/2
4.5 4.7 4.7 5 5 5 5
Corner height (cm)
= (EH - IH)/2
9 10.5 10.75 10 10.5 10 10.5
Corner area L x W (cm^2) 40.5 38.305 37.6 20 20 17.5 17.5
Corner W x H (cm^2) 40.5 49.35 50.525 50 52.5 50 52.5
Corner H x L (cm^2) 81 85.575 86 40 42 35 36.75
Corner surface area (cm^2)
(= corner length x corner width x corner height x 2 x 8)
2592 2771.68 2786 1760 1832 1640 1708
Material surface area (cm^2) 196188 278215.68 381419.28 682158 732330 1259098 1345866
Material thickness (cm) 0.291302803 0.287583216 0.274698252 0.381657212 0.386725338 0.378247724 0.367072939
All side surface area destruction volume (cm^3) 56395.05744 79213.07137 104009.9002 259678.804 282502.0856 475630.6262 493404.0275
All side steel frag yield (J) 11,730,171.95 16,476,318.85 21,634,059.25 54,013,191.23 58,760,433.81 98,931,170.26 102,628,037.72
All side steel v frag yield (J) 32,060,590.15 45,032,631.07 59,129,628.28 147,627,400.08 160,602,435.67 270,396,011.01 280,500,189.62
All side steel pulverisation yield (J) 56,395,057.44 79,213,071.37 104,009,900.22 259,678,804.01 282,502,085.60 475,630,626.23 493,404,027.48
All side steel melting yield (J) 412,779,619.52 579,794,452.73 761,293,081.21 1,900,700,571.85 2,067,753,961.31 3,481,344,604.66 3,611,435,753.39
All side steel vaporisation yield (J) 3,380,558,199.01 4,748,366,436.25 6,234,793,206.32 15,566,245,517.27 16,934,369,520.25 28,511,310,855.01 29,576,723,677.40
All corner destruction volume (cm^3) 755.0568652 797.0886484 765.3093305 671.7166938 708.4808183 620.326267 626.9605797
All corner steel frag yield (J) 157,051.83 165,794.44 159,184.34 139,717.07 147,364.01 129,027.86 130,407.80
All corner steel v frag yield (J) 429,249.83 453,144.90 435,078.35 381,870.94 402,771.35 352,655.48 356,427.09
All corner steel pulverisation yield (J) 755,056.87 797,088.65 765,309.33 671,716.69 708,480.82 620,326.27 626,960.58
All corner steel melting yield (J) 5,526,585.12 5,834,233.78 5,601,627.32 4,916,582.66 5,185,675.06 4,540,434.08 4,588,993.46
All corner steel vaporisation yield (J) 45,261,301.12 47,780,863.93 45,875,877.24 40,265,538.86 42,469,335.93 37,184,979.38 37,582,668.14
IL x IW x thickness volume (cm^3) 9752.817842 13778.54326 18228.60242 53673.98041 54386.73112 107185.5705 104018.927
IW x IH x thickness volume (cm^3) 9373.541593 12415.83019 15298.89062 21344.56126 24342.8131 21153.8822 23105.77322
IH x IL x thickness volume (cm^3) 9071.169283 13412.16224 18477.45706 54820.86033 62521.49859 109475.8604 119577.3135
IL x IW x thickness volume steel frag yield (J) 2,028,586.11 2,865,937.00 3,791,549.30 11,164,187.93 11,312,440.07 22,294,598.66 21,635,936.82
IL x IW x thickness volume steel v frag yield (J) 5,544,476.94 7,833,101.84 10,362,960.48 30,513,657.86 30,918,856.64 60,934,996.82 59,134,760.00
IL x IW x thickness volume steel pulverisation yield (J) 9,752,817.84 13,778,543.26 18,228,602.42 53,673,980.41 54,386,731.12 107,185,570.48 104,018,927.00
IL x IW x thickness volume steel melting yield (J) 71,385,057.86 100,851,069.26 133,422,961.42 392,862,889.40 398,079,817.60 784,537,174.20 761,359,152.11
IL x IW x thickness volume steel vaporisation yield (J) 584,625,139.48 825,944,142.95 1,092,699,505.58 3,217,445,336.52 3,260,170,627.59 6,425,156,309.18 6,235,334,309.93
IW x IH x thickness volume steel frag yield (J) 1,949,696.65 2,582,492.68 3,182,169.25 4,439,668.74 5,063,305.12 4,400,007.50 4,806,000.83
IW x IH x thickness volume steel v frag yield (J) 5,328,858.40 7,058,399.46 8,697,419.32 12,134,383.08 13,838,889.24 12,025,982.03 13,135,632.07
IW x IH x thickness volume steel pulverisation yield (J) 9,373,541.59 12,415,830.19 15,298,890.62 21,344,561.26 24,342,813.10 21,153,882.20 23,105,773.22
IW x IH x thickness volume steel melting yield (J) 68,608,972.28 90,876,787.69 111,979,143.88 156,230,000.94 178,175,492.40 154,834,339.09 169,121,066.82
IW x IH x thickness volume steel vaporisation yield (J) 561,889,717.39 744,257,359.58 917,080,192.60 1,279,483,253.62 1,459,211,146.12 1,268,053,144.42 1,385,057,745.14
IL x IH x thickness volume steel frag yield (J) 1,886,803.21 2,789,729.75 3,843,311.07 11,402,738.95 13,004,471.71 22,770,978.97 24,872,081.21
IL x IH x thickness volume steel v frag yield (J) 5,156,959.74 7,624,814.23 10,504,434.34 31,165,659.10 35,543,471.95 62,237,026.66 67,979,702.74
IL x IH x thickness volume steel pulverisation yield (J) 9,071,169.28 13,412,162.24 18,477,457.06 54,820,860.33 62,521,498.59 109,475,860.44 119,577,313.52
IL x IH x thickness volume steel melting yield (J) 66,395,779.62 98,169,369.42 135,244,435.30 401,257,395.58 457,621,670.66 801,300,789.04 875,237,657.77
IL x IH x thickness volume steel vaporisation yield (J) 543,764,242.63 803,981,715.60 1,107,616,904.98 3,286,194,168.49 3,747,802,986.41 6,562,445,973.91 7,167,969,783.63
IL x (thickness^2) cut volume (cm^3) 15.27431814 18.81518415 21.36247963 87.5429989 89.88344849 173.2593934 163.173219
IW x (thickness^2) cut volume (cm^3) 15.78346208 17.41748476 17.68762001 34.0849613 34.99621788 33.47869369 31.52975495
IH x (thickness^2) cut volume (cm^3) 14.68031688 16.95434177 17.92908922 34.81327244 40.23069492 34.19405039 36.24574394
IL x (thickness^2) cut volume steel frag yield (J) 3,177.06 3,913.56 4,443.40 18,208.94 18,695.76 36,037.95 33,940.03
IL x (thickness^2) cut volume steel v frag yield (J) 8,683.45 10,696.43 12,144.57 49,768.19 51,098.74 98,497.97 92,763.97
IL x (thickness^2) cut volume steel pulverisation yield (J) 15,274.32 18,815.18 21,362.48 87,543.00 89,883.45 173,259.39 163,173.22
IL x (thickness^2) cut volume steel melting yield (J) 111,799.29 137,716.40 156,361.15 640,764.77 657,895.52 1,268,159.83 1,194,334.79
IL x (thickness^2) cut volume steel vaporisation yield (J) 915,607.21 1,127,861.69 1,280,557.36 5,247,697.51 5,387,993.96 10,385,900.64 9,781,292.69
IW x (thickness^2) cut volume steel frag yield (J) 3,282.96 3,622.84 3,679.02 7,089.67 7,279.21 6,963.57 6,558.19
IW x (thickness^2) cut volume steel v frag yield (J) 8,972.90 9,901.84 10,055.41 19,377.30 19,895.35 19,032.64 17,924.67
IW x (thickness^2) cut volume steel pulverisation yield (J) 15,783.46 17,417.48 17,687.62 34,084.96 34,996.22 33,478.69 31,529.75
IW x (thickness^2) cut volume steel melting yield (J) 115,525.93 127,486.04 129,463.28 249,482.45 256,152.33 245,044.92 230,779.80
IW x (thickness^2) cut volume steel vaporisation yield (J) 946,127.45 1,044,077.68 1,060,270.73 2,043,196.70 2,097,821.28 2,006,854.46 1,890,026.83
IH x (thickness^2) cut volume steel frag yield (J) 3,053.51 3,526.50 3,729.25 7,241.16 8,367.98 7,112.36 7,539.11
IH x (thickness^2) cut volume steel v frag yield (J) 8,345.76 9,638.54 10,192.69 19,791.35 22,871.15 19,439.32 20,605.71
IH x (thickness^2) cut volume steel pulverisation yield (J) 14,680.32 16,954.34 17,929.09 34,813.27 40,230.69 34,194.05 36,245.74
IH x (thickness^2) cut volume steel melting yield (J) 107,451.54 124,096.10 131,230.70 254,813.28 294,465.72 250,280.92 265,298.15
IH x (thickness^2) cut volume steel vaporisation yield (J) 880,000.27 1,016,314.93 1,074,745.42 2,086,854.75 2,411,597.96 2,049,735.96 2,172,723.15

Other human body harming feats[]

Biting off a tongue[]

Some ancient Asian stories involve people committing suicide by biting off their tongues. How efficient is dying in this way? (Disclaimer: Do not try this yourself.)

The average length was 9.0 cm (range: 7.5–10.5). The average width was 2.9 cm (range: 2.5–3.0) for the anterior tongue, 6.4 cm (range: 6.0–6.6) for the midtongue, and 5.0 cm (range: 4.0–6.0) for the posterior tongue. The depth was measured using the ATPase stained sections (n = 5). The average tongue depths in the medial and lateral aspects of the tongue were 14/11 mm for the blade, 17/12 mm for the body, and 17/11 mm for the base.

tldr I take 9 cm as length, 4.6833 cm as width and 1.3667 cm as thickness.

Findings for the size of the teeth are as follows:

Tooth Maxillary arch (cm) Mandibular arch (cm) Area (cm^2)
Central incisor 0.841 0.513 0.431433
Lateral incisor 0.639 0.566 0.361674
Canine 0.741 0.658 0.487578
Premolar 0.659 0.67 0.44153
Total (2 sets of different teeth on a jaw) - 3.44443

Volume of tongue actually bitten off = 3.44443 * 1.3667 = 4.707502481 cc

Depending the force applied by your jaw, the portion of the tongue can be fragmented, violently fragmented or pulverised. The energy yield, depending on the chew on the human flesh, is hence as follows:

(Fragmented) 4.707502481 cc x 4.4 J/cc = 20.71301092 J (Below Average Human level)
(Violently fragmented) 4.707502481 cc x 7.533 J/cc = 35.46161619 J (Below Average Human level)
(Pulverised) 4.707502481 cc x 12.9 J/cc = 60.726782 J (Human level)

(This is actually within normal understanding, considering one eats duck tongues and ox tongues as snacks or dishes.)

Usually one who bites off the own tongue dies very slowly by blood loss from biting off the artery that links to the tongue, and it takes a long time with long pain to die this way.

Do not commit suicide and especially do not do so by biting your tongue, thanks.

Also, this is for cutting off a tongue (by biting). The force to rip off a tongue may involve ripping off some other muscles in a human mouth cavity, which will involve much larger energy requirement as human flesh is quite malleable and ductile.

Ripping out a head from a human body[]

Credits to KLOL506 for providing the video. Also the producer Vsauce3.

Vsauce3 says it takes 5,000 Newtons of force to pull a human head from a human body.

A human head has a height of 23.9 cm for 99th percentile and 21.8 cm for 50th percentile.
Human head length (according to Wikipedia) is 8.6" or 0.21844 m for an average female and 9.1" or 0.23114 m for an average male.

Force to pull off one head = 5000 N >>>> Lifting strengh = 509.8581065 kg force on Earth (Class 1)

Energy to pull off one's head =

(Low end from female head): 5000 N * 0.21844 m = 1,092.20 J (Street)

(High end from male head): 5000 N * 0.23114 m = 1,155.70 J (Street)

Ripping out a spine from a human body[]

Credits to KLOL506 for providing the video. Also the producer Vsauce3.

Vsauce3 says it takes 1,000,000 Newtons of force to shatter a spine from a human body and to rip out a human head with some spines attached.

That translates to 1,000,000 N / 9.80665 ~= 101,971.6213 kg force on Earth (Class K) Supports Mortal Kombat characters' lifting strength in ripping off opponents' head.

That also mean to rip a head upward the Mortal Kombat style. The spine on average is 43-45 cm long.

(Low end from female head + spine): 1,000,000 N * (0.43 + 0.21844) m = 648,440 J (Wall Level)

(High end from male head + spine): 1,000,000 N * (0.45 + 0.23114) m = 681,140 J (Wall Level) What a cursed number to Spino

Breaking a nose with a punch[]

(Courtesy from Votron5)
"Impactor energy ranged from 241 to 815 J and resulted in peak forces of 2010 to 3890 N."

Therefore energy required to break a nose range from 241 J (Athletic Human level+) to 815 J (Street level).

Note: This is a striking strength feat so no lifting strength should be calculated from this feat.

Pushing other humans[]

An average person's pushing force: 480-600N

A normal adult US man's height is 1.753 m

The human body arm (upper arm + forearm) is roughly equal to (0.1725+0.1585) of total body height.

Therefore a normal man can push at an energy of:

Low end: ((0.1725+0.1585)×1.753×480)J = 278.51664 J (Athletic Human)

High end: ((0.1725+0.1585)×1.753×600)J = 348.1458 J (Street)

Lifting strength =

(low end) 480 N / 9.81 = 48.92966 kg (At least Below average human+, possibly Average human)

(high end) 600 N / 9.81 = 61.16208 kg (Average human)

Count how many "athletic human" or "peak human" your character can push against now.


To have an idea of how bending works please familiarize yourself here first.

Okay, let's bend things.

Bending a solid baseball bat[]

A baseball bat is no thicker than 7.0 cm in diameter at the thickest part and no more than 106.7 cm in length.

I shall assume the baseball bat is bent at 90 degrees in the middle.

Bend length = sheet thickness = 7.0 cm = 2.755905512 inch

Die opening = 106.7 cm / 2^0.5 = 75.44829355 cm = 29.70405258 inch

Ultimate tensile strength of aluminium = ~455 MPa = 65992.17079 psi

(Set Factor of safety = 1)

Force to apply = 59746 pounds = 293298.5455 Newton = 29.89791493 tonnes under Earth gravity (Class 50+)

Bending energy = 293298.5455 N * 0.7544829355 m / 2 = 110644.3738 J (Wall Level)

Bending a hollow baseball bat[]

Nowadays aluminium baseball bats should weigh only 0.94 kg of aluminium. Which translates to 940 g / 2.7 g/cc = 348.1481481 cc = ~ 106.7 cm length by 2.038238001 cm diameter of aluminium

Bend length = sheet thickness = 2.038238001 cm = 0.802455906 inch

Die opening = 106.7 cm / 2^0.5 = 75.44829355 cm = 29.70405258 inch

Ultimate tensile strength of aluminium = ~455 MPa = 65992.17079 psi

(Set Factor of safety = 1)

Force to apply = 985 pounds = 4835.454545 Newton = 0.492910759 tonnes under Earth gravity (Class 1)

Bending energy = 4835.454545 N * 0.7544829355 m / 2 = 1824.13397 J (Street Level)

You should see the bat collapse or even break in the middle part when you actually witness this feat and when what you see follows real world physics.

Bending a weightlifting barbell[]

A men's Olympic weightlifting barbell is a metal bar that is 2.2 metres (7.2 ft) long and weighs 20 kilograms (44 lb). The outer ends are 50 millimetres (2.0 in) in diameter, while the grip section is 28 millimetres (1.1 in) in diameter, and 1.31 metres (4.3 ft) in length.

I shall assume the barbell is bent at 90 degrees in the middle holding at the two ends of the grip section.

Bend length = sheet thickness = 2.8 cm = 1.1 inch

Die opening = 131 cm / 2^0.5 = 75.44829355 cm = 36.48670991 inch

Ultimate tensile strength of high strength steel = 760 MPa = 110228.6809 psi

(Set Factor of safety = 1)

Force to apply = 3703 pounds = 1.853044204 tonnes under Earth gravity = 18178.36364 Newton (Class 5)

Bending energy = 18178.36364 N * 0.9267624317 m / 2 = 8423.512244 J (Street Level+)

Bending a dining spoon[]

A dining spoon.

Sheet thickness = 0.3 cm = 0.118110236 inch

Die opening = 5 cm /2 / sin(45 deg) = 3.535533906 cm = 1.391942483 inch

Die ratio = 11.78511302

Bend length = 1 cm = 0.393700787 inch

Ultimate tensile strength of structural steel = 400 MPa = 58015 psi

Bending force = 290 lb = 0.145120934 ton = 1423.636364 N (Athletic Human)

Bending energy = 1423.636364 N * 0.03535533906 / 2 = 25.16657317 J (Below Average Human)

Not quite an attack potency feat, but still some lifting strength feat.

Also, if a character bend a dining spoon with one finger, count his/her/its fingers on all hands and get the aggregate lifting strength of the whole character.

Bending a light post[]

A light pole

Square pole side length is 9.5 inch or 24.13 cm.

Pole height is 89 inch or 226.06 cm. Die opening = 62.93250353 inch or 159.848559 cm

Unfilled high density polyethylene has an ultimaste tensile strength of 3400 psi = 23.44217475 MPa

(Factor of safety = 1)

Bending force = 62645 lbs = 31.34862385 62645 ton (Class 50)

Bending energy = 31.34862385 * 1000 * 9.81 * 159.848559 / 2 / 100 = 245791.1367 J (Wall level)

Projectile feats[]

Reacting to an arrow[]

Thanks from Votron5 for providing the calculation.

Just... the so-called arrows can come from an ancient arrow/bolt (10 grams) moving at ~ 48.53115213 m/s, a modern arrow moving at ~ 68.58 m/s, or an advanced arrow/bolt moving at 106.68 m/s.

Also, his model is:

  • Required dodging speed = (Distance the character moved in meters) x (Speed of projectile in meters/s) / (Distance the projectile was away from the character when he/she started to move in meters)
  • Distance the projectile was away from the character when he/she started to move = Distance the projectile was away from the character when the projectile started moving - Distance the projectile moved towards the character before he/she started to move

So under his assumption, a modern bolt would have travelled 26.67 m within 0.25 s. Which means, an ordinary human with ordinary reactions cannot dodge a modern bolt without aim dodging.

Catching an arrow[]

Arrows usually weigh about 18 grams and fly at ~ 68.58 m/s. KE to stop it equals to (0.5 * 68.58^2 * 0.018) = 42.3289 J (Human level).

Ancient bolts usually weigh about 10 grams and fly at ~ 48.53115213 m/s. KE to stop it equals to (0.5 * 48.53115213^2 * 0.01) = 11.77636364 J (Below Average Human level).

A modern bolt of 15 GPI and 20 inches weighs 15 x 20 = 300 grain = 19.44 grams and are made of aluminium. It flies at ~ 106.68 m/s. KE to stop it equals to (0.5 * 106.68^2 * 0.01944) = 42.3289 J (Athletic Human level).

Snapping an arrow or bolt[]

Usually one fictional character snaps an arrow or bolt with minor cracks by a thumb to look cool. 2 cm would be enough.

Type of projectile Material Mass (g) Density (g/cc) V (cc) Length (cm) Area (cm^2) Crack width (cm) Volume destroyed (cc) M frag Energy - M frag (J) Tier Vfrag Energy - V frag (J) Tier Pulv Energy - Pulv (J) Tier
Arrow Pine, Eastern white 18 0.425 42.35294118 76 0.557275542 2 1.114551084 3.0337 3.381213622 Below Average Human 6.2053 6.916123839 Below Average Human 33.0948 36.8858452 Below Average Human
Ancient bolt Pine, Eastern white 10 0.425 23.52941176 21.59 1.089829169 2 2.179658339 3.0337 6.612429502 Below Average Human 6.2053 13.52543389 Below Average Human 33.0948 72.13535678 Human
Modern bolt Aluminium 19.44 2.7 7.2 50.8 0.141732283 2 0.283464567 68.9475 19.54417323 Below Average Human 137.895 39.08834646 Below Average Human 275.79 78.17669291 Human

Remember: this has to be done by a thumb snap to be considered a feat.

Summoning things from pure energy[]

Powerful magicians summon things. And for some cases, energy is used directly into summoning things. We know that E = mc^2 stuff and matter-energy conversion should only be used for a calculation if it is clearly stated that this is the progress used. So plug in the formula and learn it yourself.

Or, com'ere.

Lighting feats[]

Lighting up a planet[]

Here says a typical classroom takes up an area of 6.7 sq m.

Here recommends a classroom be lightened up at 300 lumen.

This light bulb makes 560 lumen with an electricity consumption rate of 5.5 watts.

The surface area of the earth is 510,072,000 sq km or 5.10072E+14 sq m.

Electric power to light up the Earth like lighting up a classroom = 5.10072E+14 / 6.7 * 300 / 560 * 5.5 W = 2.24312E+14 Watt (1 Watt = 1 J/s okay)

Energy to light up the Earth for a minute = 60 s x 2.24312E+14 Watt = 1.34587E+16 J = 3,216,711.954 ton TNT (Small City level+)

To compare, the shopping center at New York River Mall Plaza recorded a total electricity consumption in 2013 of 1.5 million kilo-watt-hour. This translates into an annual electricity consumption of 5.4 * 10^12 Joules of energy. Energy consumption rate (i.e. power consumption) by the whole plaza (in seconds) = 171232.8767 W.

The electric power to light up the Earth is "just" 1,309,982,354 times the electric power to run a shopping plaza in New York.

Okay, let's go crazy by lighting the whole Earth like bright sunlight.

Electric power to light up the Earth like lighting up a classroom = 5.10072E+14 * 107527 / 560 * 5.5 W = 5.38671E+17 Watt

Energy to light up the Earth for a minute = 60 s x 5.38671E+17 Watt = 3.23203E+19 J = 7,724,728,960 ton TNT (Island level)

Last advice: adjust yourself for lighting up other areas for other periods of time.

Lighting up a courtroom or theatre[]

Electric power to light up the Earth like lighting up a classroom = 5.10072E+14 * 107527 / 560 * 5.5 W = 5.38671E+17 Watt

Energy to light up the Earth for a minute = 60 s x 5.38671E+17 Watt = 3.23203E+19 J = 7,724,728,960 ton TNT (Island level)

Here recommends a theatre be lightened up at 1000 lumen.

So the power to lighten up a theatre/courtroom/mechanical workshop etc is 1000 / 560 * 5.5 W = 9.821428571 J/s (Below Average Human level)

Assume something shines with light as bright as sunlight... the brightness would be 107527/1000 times brighter than normal theatre lighting power. Yet power to light up would still be 107527 / 1000 * 9.821428571 = 1056.06875 J/s (Street level)

Feats re Melting, Heating and Freezing[]

Surviving the Heat of Lava[]

Continued from this.

Part 1 - heat transfer through radiation

Lava can be between 700°C and 1250°C. Given that we likely don´t know the heat of the lava let's work with 700°C (low end), 975°C (mid end) and 1250°C (high end).

Emissivity of Lava is between 0.55 and 0.85. At the given temprature it should be around 0.65.

The average human body surface area is 1.73 m^2.

At last we input all this stats in this calculator. That results in 57184.65661 J/s (low end), 154747.4713 J/s (mid end) and 343182.0965 J/s (high end).

Part 2 - heat transfer through conduction

Human Skin is around 3 mm thick.

It has a thermal conductivity of about 0.209

Normal skin temperature is about 33°C

Now we use this calculator. That gives us 80389.06333 J/s (low end), 113532.98 J/s (mid end) and 146676.8967 J/s (high end).

Total energy equivalent to tank lava per second = radiation energy + conduction energy = 137573.7199 J/s (low end), 268280.4513 J/s (mid end) and 489858.9932 (high end) Wall level

Surviving the Heat of Lava - Maximum internal energy intake[]

Maximum internal energy intake If an object is heated it usually doesn´t get hotter than the source of the heat. If the object is as hot as the heat source the energy itself emits to its surroundings should be equal to the energy it is infused with.

That means there is a maximum amount of thermal energy an object can take in through a certain source of heat.

In order to calculate this energy we will just measure how much energy will be necessary to heat the object to this temperature, from the point that it has no internal energy, which should be 0K - except normal human skin temperature is about 33°C which translates into 273.16 K + 33 K = 306.16 K.

The specific heat capacity of a human body is 3470 J/ kg°C

Average weight of a grown human is around 62 kg.

We already know lava temperatures from above.

Ultimate energy equivalent to tank lava = 143498380 J (low end), 202661880 J (mid end) and 261825380 J (high end) - all Small Building level

Vaporising the Earth's Ocean[]

Volume of seawater on Earth = 1.335 * 10^9 km^3 = 1.335E+18 m^3

Average temperature of seawater = 17 °C

Specific heat capacity of sea water at 17 °C = 4006 J / kg°K

The density of surface seawater ranges from about 1020 to 1029 kg/m^3. Here I pick 1024.5 kg/m^3 as a mid point.

Mass of seawater = 1.335E+18 * 1024.5 = 1.36771E+21 kg

Change in temperature = 83 °C

Energy to raise seawater to boiling point = 1.36771E+21 * 83 * 4006 = 4.5476E+26 J = 1.0869E+17 tons TNT

Latent Heat of Vaporization = 2264705.7 J/kg

Energy to vaporise seawater at boiling point = 2264705.7 * 1.36771E+21 = 3.09745E+27 J = 7.4031E+17 tons TNT

Energy to boil all the seawater on Earth = 3.55221E+27 J = 8.49E+17 tons TNT (Multi-Continental level)

Freezing the Earth's Ocean[]

Yada yada - except:

... near the poles the temperature in equilibrium with the sea ice is about −2 °C - this makes the freezing point of seawater -2 °C

Change in temperature = (17 - -2) = 19 °C

Energy to drop seawater to freezing point = 1.36771E+21 * 19 * 4006 = 1.04102E+26 J = 2.48809E+16 tons TNT

Latent Heat of Fusion = 334000 J/kg

Energy to freeze seawater at fusion point = 334000 * 1.36771E+21 = 4.56814E+26 J = 1.09181E+17 tons TNT

Energy to freeze all the seawater on Earth = 5.60916E+26 J = 1.34062E+17 tons TNT (Multi-Continental level)

Covering the Earth Surface in Fire[]

Fire is hot because the conversion of the weak double bond in molecular oxygen, O2, to the stronger bonds in the combustion products carbon dioxide and water releases energy (418 kJ per 32 g of O2)
~ Wikipedia about fire

The wikipedia has found for me that the surface area of the Earth is 510,072,000 km^2 or 5.10072E+14 m^2.

Because the flame can be as small as a camp fire or as big as dwarfing Mount Everest or even the Karman line, I am giving a table to illustrate different volume of such fire.

20.95% of the Earth air is oxygen.

O2 density is about 1.3311~1.42902 kg/m³. I'll use a low-end because the low end represents the RTP condition.

Yield of burning oxygen = 418000 J / 32 g oxygen

Flame height (m) Flame volume (m^3) Mass of oxygen (g) Yield (J) Yield (ton TNT) Tier
0.3048 (1 foot) 1.5547E+14 4.33552E+13 5.66327E+20 1.35355E+11 Large Island
1 (1 meter) 5.10072E+14 1.42241E+14 1.85803E+21 4.4408E+11 Large Island
1.684 (average height of a human) 8.58961E+14 2.39535E+14 3.12892E+21 7.4783E+11 Large Island+
3.1 (1 storey building height - low end) 1.58122E+15 4.40949E+14 5.75989E+21 1.37665E+12 Small Country
4.3 (1 storey building height - high end) 2.19331E+15 6.11638E+14 7.98952E+21 1.90954E+12 Small Country
15.5 (Allowable overall height of a 3-storey building in Singapore) 2.19331E+15 2.20474E+15 2.87995E+22 6.88323E+12 Small Country+
21.336 (height of the United States White House) 1.08829E+16 3.03486E+15 3.96429E+22 9.47488E+12 Country
296.3 (height of Yokohama Landmark Tower) 1.51134E+17 4.21461E+16 5.50534E+23 1.31581E+14 Large Country
374 (height of Central Plaza Hong Kong) 1.90767E+17 5.31983E+16 6.94903E+23 1.66086E+14 Large Country
829.8 (height of Burj Khalifa) 4.23258E+17 1.18032E+17 1.54179E+24 3.68497E+14 Large Country
1505 (height of Mount Tai) 7.67658E+17 2.14073E+17 2.79633E+24 6.6834E+14 Large Country+
8848 (height of Mount Everest) 4.51312E+18 1.25855E+18 1.64398E+25 3.92922E+15 Continent+
100000 (height of Kármán line) 5.10072E+19 1.42241E+19 1.85803E+26 4.4408E+16 Multi-Continent

Melting a passenger train[]

Specific heat capacity of aluminium = 900 J/kg/K

Melting point of aluminium = 660.32 degree Celsius

Heat of fusion of aluminium = 10710 J/mol = 398305.7851 J/kg

Energy to raise aliminium to melting point from room temperature = 381010 * 900 * (660.32-25) = 2.17857E+11 J

Energy to turn aliminium from solid to liquid = 381010 * 398305.7851 = 1.51758E+11 J

Energy to melt a train of aluminium = (2.17857E+11 + 1.51758E+11) = 3.69615E+11 J = 88.34020867 tons TNT (City Block level+)

Vaporising a passenger train[]

Boiling point of aluminium = 2470 degree Celsius

Heat of vaporisation of aluminium = 284000 J/mol = 10561983.47 J/kg

Energy to raise aliminium to boiling point from melting point = 381010 * 900 * (2470-660.32) = 6.20556E+11 J

Energy to turn aliminium from liquid to vapor = 381010 * 10561983.47 = 4.02422E+12 J

Energy to melt a train of aluminium = (2.17857E+11 + 1.51758E+11 + 6.20556E+11 + 4.02422E+12) = 5.01439E+12 J = 1198.468526 tons TNT (Small Town level)

Vaporising a human body[]

Discarded end


Okay, First off. To vaporize a human thoroughly at once, let’s assume the temperature change is 1800°F or 982.2°C https://www.cremationresource.org/cremation/how-is-a-body-cremated.html

The normal human body temperature range is typically stated as 36.5–37.5 °C (97.7–99.5 °F) and we shall use 37°C.

So the temperature change is by 945.2°C

A handy calculator

The average human is 62 kilograms


We will start with water.


60% of human mass is water, or 37.2 kilograms. Blood contains about 7% of total body weight so pure water weight = 32.86 kg

The heat capacity of water is 4182 joules per kilogram at 20 °C

Plugging the values into this calculator

Heat energy spent to change temperature is 129889875.5 joules

We will use this calculator to find the latent heat of the water, which says water has a latent heat of 2264.7057 kJ/kg.

Plugging in the mass of water gives us 74418229.3 joules

Adding these two values together we get 204308104.8 joules


Average amount for body fat is 2.348 kilojoules per kilogram

Fat seems to be 17% of body mass, or 10.54 kilograms going by the numbers shown

Plugging it into the specific heat energy calculator, we get 23391733.98 joules


Protein makes up 16% of body mass, which means it makes up 9.92 kilograms of the body

Muscle has a heat capacity of 3.421 kilojoules per kilogram

Plugging it into the specific heat energy calculator, we get 32076609.66 joules.


For minerals, it makes up 6% of body mass, or 3.72 kilograms.

We will bone for this, specifically cortical bone, which is 1.313 kilojoules per kilogram.

(ditto) we get 4616697.072 joules


Carbohydrates make up merely 1% of human weight, or 0.62 kilograms

Heat energy of sugar (carbohydrate) is 1.255 kilojoules per kilogram.

(ditto) we get 735460.12 joules


Blood is about 7% of total body weight and has a heat capacity of around 3617 J/kg.

Thus, this equates to 4.34 kg of blood * 3617 * 945.2 degrees celsius = 14837541.66 J

Latent heat of vaporisation = 4.34 * 2264705.7 = 9828822.738 J

Total heat to boil blood = 24666364.39 joules


Adding them together, we get 289,794,970 joules (Small Building level)

As noted, we took values that were simplest and closest analogs, plus we did not include the latent heat from anything other than water.



Okay, First off. To vaporize a human thoroughly at once, let’s assume the temperature change is 1800°F or 982.2°C

The normal human body temperature range is typically stated as 36.5–37.5 °C (97.7–99.5 °F) and we shall use 37°C.

So the temperature change is by 945.2°C

A handy calculator

The average human is 62 kilograms


We will start with water.


60% of human mass is water, or 37.2 kilograms.

The heat capacity of water is 4182 joules per kilogram at 20 °C

Plugging the values into this calculator

Heat energy spent to change temperature is 147045142.1 joules

We will use this calculator to find the latent heat of the water, which says water has a latent heat of 2264.7057 kJ/kg.

Plugging in the mass of water gives us 84247052.04 joules

Adding these two values together we get 231292194.1 joules


Average amount for body fat is 2.348 kilojoules per kilogram

Fat seems to be 17% of body mass, or 10.54 kilograms going by the numbers shown

Plugging it into the specific heat energy calculator, we get 23391733.98 joules


Protein makes up 16% of body mass, which means it makes up 9.92 kilograms of the body

Muscle has a heat capacity of 3.421 kilojoules per kilogram

Plugging it into the specific heat energy calculator, we get 32076609.66 joules.


For minerals, it makes up 6% of body mass, or 3.72 kilograms.

We will bone for this, specifically cortical bone, which is 1.313 kilojoules per kilogram.

(ditto) we get 4616697.072 joules


Carbohydrates make up merely 1% of human weight, or 0.62 kilograms

Heat energy of sugar (carbohydrate) is 1.255 kilojoules per kilogram.

(ditto) we get 735460.12 joules


Adding them together, we get 292,112,695 joules or 0.06981661 ton TNT (Small Building level)

As noted, we took values that were simplest and closest analogs, plus we did not include the latent heat from anything other than water.

Other feats[]

Creating a volcano[]

Select the volcano size from the below data sources which can be directly taken from:

Guess why Screwattack said in Ryu VS Jin that Kazuya Mishima's AP is about 100 megaton TNT, possibly less. (Hint: Mid value between a Krakatoa eruption and a St Helens eruption is 112 megatons TNT)

Oh yeah we have a simplified lava eruption formula

  1. Lava is 40km underground
  2. Measure time for lava to reach the ground (in seconds)
  3. We have lava eruption speed (v = d/t) (measured in m/s)
  4. Measure the area of the volcano mouth (A measured in m^2)
  5. Volume of lava erupted per second = vA (measured in m^3/s)
  6. Lava has a density of 3,100 kg/m^3
  7. Volcano eruptrion power = 0.5 * 3,100 * vA * v^2 (measured in Joule/second or Watt)

Pushing the Earth from the Solar System with One Push[]

Mean distance between Sun and Earth (r1) = 1.496E+11 m
Gravitational constant (G) = 6.674E-11 N*m^2/kg^2
Sun mass (M) = 1.9884E+30 kg
Earth mass (m) = 5.97237E+24 kg

By Ep = |(G*M*m)/r1 - (G*M*m)/r2|
Where r2 tends to infinitely large and (G*M*m)/r2 tends to zero value

Escape KE = 5.29792E+33 J = 1.26623E+24 ton TNT (Planet)

Escape velocity = 42120.56416 m/s = Mach 122.8004786 (Massively Hypersonic)

Lifting strength = 5.97237E+24 kg (Class Y)

Punching up a sandbag[]

Punching up a sandbag midair is easier than most people may think. We may do that too with some tandem of accumulated punches.

Your typical sandbag.

It comes at 100 cm height and 25 cm diameter. And weighs 1.18 kg by itself.

Volume when filled = pi * (25/2)^2 * 100 = 49087.38521 cc (cubic centimeter) or 0.049087385 cum (cubic meter)

Surface area = side + top and bottom = pi * 25 * 100 + pi * (25/2)^2 * 2 = 8835.729338 cm^2

Packed dry sand density = 1682 kg per cum

Sand weight in a fully filled sandbag = 1682 * 0.049087385 = 82.56498193 kg

Weight of one whole sandbag = 83.74498193 kg

Punching it up at half its own height (say 0.5 m) = 83.74498193 * 9.81 * 0.5 = 410.7691364 J (Street level)

Normally a sandbag for novices is filled with cotton and other materials instead, and would weigh 20 kg - I will also consider it as a low end.

Weight of a filled sandbag for novice = 21.18 kg

Punching it up at half its own height (say 0.5 m) = 21.18 * 9.81 * 0.5 = 103.8879 J (Athletic Human level)

What about a larger sandbag say 120 cm height and 40 cm diameter?

Volume when filled = pi * (40/2)^2 * 120 = 150796.4474 cc (cubic centimeter) or 0.049087385 cum (cubic meter)

Surface area = side + top and bottom = pi * 40 * 120 + pi * (40/2)^2 * 2 = 17592.91886 cm^2

Sand weight in a fully filled sandbag = 1682 * 0.150796447 = 253.6396245 kg

Material weight = 1.18 kg / 8835.729338 * 17592.91886 = 2.349511 kg

Weight of a larger filled sandbag = 253.6396245 + 2.349511111 = 255.9891356 kg

Punching it up at half its own height (now 0.6 m) = 255.9891356 * 9.81 * 0.6 = 1506.752052 J (Street level)

Piercing a sandbag[]

When Cap Am and Dan Hibiki can do this...

Theory: Sandbags are good at absorbing impact energies by spreading the energy taken among the sand inside the bag.

Therefore, theoretical energy intake to pierce a hole in a sandbag by punching = energy in destroying the surface area of the bag plus the energy of all the sand in the said bag.

Surface area of a punch by Votron5 gripping = 25.929159 cm^2

A training sandbag is made of the polyester 30% Carbon Fiber (30 CF) PET, whose density usually sticks to 1.4 g/cm^3
Sandbag material volume = 1.18 * 1000 / 1.4 = 842.8571429 cm^3
Sandbag thickness = 842.8571429 cm^3 / 8835.729338 cm^2 = 0.095391915 cm
Volume of sandbag destroyed in a punch (with 2 sides) = 0.095391915 cm * 25.929159 cm^2 * 2 = 4.946864268 cm^3
PET destruction energy = PET Ultimate Tensile Strength = 140 MPa = 140 J/cc
Energy on destroying the bag = 4.946864268 * 140 = 692.5609975 J

Go back to the sand.

Pulverisation of soil = 1 J/cc

Energy of sand/soil pulverised =
(Small sandbag) 49087.38521 * 1 = 49087.38521 J
(Large sandbag) 150796.4474 * 1 = 150796.4474 J

Energy taken in piercing a sandbag with a punch =
(Small sandbag) 49087.38521 + 692.5609975 = 49779.94621 J (Wall level)
(Large sandbag) 150796.4474 + 692.5609975 = 151489.0084 J (Wall level)

Yep piercing a sandbag by a punch takes more energy when it only takes 20,195 J for shooting a .50 BMG bullet flying at 882 m/s from a Serbu BFG-50A semi-automatic rifle. This is because pressure focuses force applied on a smaller surface area and allows fewer time and space for the neighbouring sand to absorb the energy.

Being crushed by a Mount Tai[]

... Actually you only need to make a hole to hold yourself, just like digging up from the underground.

Crushing a Mount Tai[]

... Mount_Tai stands 1,505 m tall and covers an area of 25,000 ha or 250000000 m^2. And is composed of granite. Assume cone structure.

Volume = (1/3 * 1505 * 250000000) = 1.25417E+11 m^3 = 1.25417E+17 cc

Granite fragmentation yield = 14 J/cc * 1.25417E+17 cc = 1.75583E+18 419,654,238.37 tons of TNT (Mountain)

Granite low violent fragmentation yield = 103.42 J/cc * 1.25417E+17 cc = 1.29706E+19 J = 3,100,045,809.43 tons of TNT (Large Mountain+)

Granite high violent fragmentation yield = 175 J/cc * 1.25417E+17 cc = 2.19479E+19 J = 5,245,677,979.60 tons of TNT (Island)

Granite pulverisation yield = 203.25 J/cc * 1.25417E+17 cc = 2.54909E+19 J = 6,092,480,282.03 tons of TNT (Island)

Granite vaporisation yield = 27050 J/cc * 1.25417E+17 cc = 3.39252E+21 J = 810,831,939,133.21 tons of TNT (Large Island)

Lifting a Mount Tai[]

Granite is 2.7 g/cm^3

So mass of Mount Tai = 1.25417E+17 cc * 2.7 g/cm^3 = 3.38625E+17 g = 3.38625E+14 kg (Class T)

PE from lifting it at a human arm length = 9.81 * 3.38625E+14 kg * 0.7 m = 5.5941E+15 J = 1,337,021.64 tons of TNT (Large Town+)

PE from lifting it at an average human height = 9.81 * 3.38625E+14 kg * 1.684 m = 2.32534E+15 J = 555,769.09 tons of TNT (Small City)

Typical fighting stats[]

Typical fighting stats - punching[]

Some punching speed - Source 1

Some punching speed - Source 2

Normal human punching speed (scaled to punching speed of a normal researcher) = 15 miles per hour = 6.7056 m/s (Average human)

Athletic human punching speed (scaling to average punching speed of Hatton) = 25 mph = 11.176 m/s (Peak human)

Some low-end peak human punching speed (scaling to peak punching speed of Hatton) = 32 mph = 14.30528 m/s (Superhuman)

A higher peak human punching speed (scaling to peak punching speed of Keith Liddell) = 44 mph = 19.66976 m/s (Superhuman)

A higher peak human punching speed (scaling to peak punching speed of Keith Liddell) = 45 mph = 20.1168 m/s (Superhuman)

Typical fighting stats - sword striking[]

Some sword striking speed - Source 1

Some sword striking speed - Source 2

Some sword striking speed - Source 3

Athletic human sword slashing speed (single strike by engineer Sean Franklin) = 70 km/h ~= 19.4444 m/s (Superhuman)

Peak human sword stabbing speed (single strike by ajslim @quarte-riposte.com) = 80 mph ~= 35.7632 m/s (Subsonic)

Peak athletic human sword slashing speed (single strike by Isao Machii) =
At least 158.29 km/h ~= 43.96944444 m/s (Subsonic)
Possibly 350 km/h ~= 97.22222222 m/s (Subsonic)

Typical fighting stats - knife throwing[]

Some knife throwing speed - Source 1

Some knife throwing speed - Source 2

Low end athletic human knife throwing speed = 26 mph = 41.842944 kph = 11.62304 m/s (Peak Human)

High end athletic human knife throwing speed = 30 mph = 48.28032 kph = 13.4112 m/s (Superhuman)

Low end peak human knife throwing speed = 33.88958482 mph = 54.54 kph = 15.15 m/s (Superhuman)

Mid end peak human knife throwing speed = 35.79098067 mph = 57.6 kph = 16 m/s (Superhuman)

High end peak human knife throwing speed = 37.69237652 mph = 60.66 kph = 16.85 m/s (Superhuman)

Typical fighting stats - baseball throwing[]

Baseball travel speed - Source from Guinness

Peak human baseball throwing speed = 105.1 mph = 169.1420544 kph = 46.983904 m/s (Subsonic)

Typical fighting stats - baseball batting[]

Baseball bat swinging speed - Source from Quora

"Average" professional baseballer bat swinging speed =
(Low tier) 70 mph = 31.2928 m/s (Superhuman+)
(Mid tier) 75 mph = 33.528 m/s (Superhuman+)
(High tier) 80 mph = 35.7632 m/s (Subsonic)

Baseball bat swinging speed - Source from Guinness

Peak human baseball bat swinging speed = 108.1185874 mph = 174 kph = 48.33333333 m/s (Subsonic)

Typical fighting stats - gun quick drawing and shooting[]

This site says:

Average shooter can fire Colt Model 1911 bullets at 70-85 rounds per minute, i.e. 0.857142857 second/round to 0.705882353 second/round. ("Below average human" perception)

Average "enthusiastic shooter" can fire Colt Model 1911 bullets at 120-180 rounds per minute, i.e. 0.5 second/round to 0.3333 second/round. ("Below average human" perception)

Expert speed-shooters can go 420-430 rounds per minute, i.e. 0.142857143 second/round to 0.139534884 second/round. (Normal Human+ perception)

Jerry Miculek himself emptied a five-shot revolver in 0.57 seconds in a group the size of a playing card, making the firing frequency 0.114 second/round (Athletic human perception).

For extended shots, he also did fire 27 rounds through a 9mm version of the 1911 in just 3.7 seconds or about 0.137037 second/round (Normal Human+ perception). This is for extended pistol trigger pulling.

Bob Munden Fastest Quick Draw (Shooting 2 target 6 feet apart within 1/10 second)

Peak human gundrawing speed = 1/20 second/round (Superhuman perception)

He himself claimed that he can shoot at within 2/100 sec/round (Subsonic perception) but that is unsupported by scientific recording.

Other real life statistics[]

Other real life statistics - Faster than Eye[]

An MIT findings says:

In the past, normal humans are perceived to perceive images in 1/10 second. (Peak Human perception)

A 2014 finding says peak humans are able to perceive images in 13/1000 second. (Subsonic perception)

Another unsupported research claims that

UK Air force pilots were able to recognise an image of a plane that was flashed on screen for as little as 1/220th of a second. (Subsonic+ perception)

Other real life statistics - Walking[]

Wikipedia says. Typical average walking speed is 1.4 m/s and hastier average walking speed reaches 2.5 m/s. Scales to every character who runs as fast as a human can walk (mostly small-sized characters), e.g. coconut crab. Also useful on calculating cinematic time.

Other real life statistics - Typing[]

Typing speed of an average human is 40 wpm or 200 characters per minute, i.e. 3.33 key strikes per second (ks/s) (Below average human perception)

Typing speed of professional typists reach 60 to 75 wpm or 300 to 375 characters per minute, i.e. 5 ks/s to 6.25 ks/s (Average human perception)

Here says:

The highest typing speed ever recorded was 216 wpm (1080 characters per minute or 18 ks/s, Superhuman), set by Stella Pajunas in 1946, using an IBM electric typewriter.

Currently, the fastest English language typist is Barbara Blackburn, who reached a peak typing speed of 212 wpm (1060 characters per minute or 17.66666667 ks/s, Peak human+) during a test in 2005, using a Dvorak simplified keyboard.

Here says:

It takes 0.25 N ~ 1.5 N for a keyboard strike.

Assume 1 cm travel distance to make a complete strike,

Energy to press a key/button:
Low end: = 0.25 * 0.01 = 0.0025 J (Below average human)
High end: = 1.5 * 0.01 = 0.015 J (Below average human)

Lifting strength (in kg on earth):
Low end: 0.0025 / 9.81 = 0.000254842 kg = 0.254842 gram (Below average human)
High end: 0.001529052 / 9.81 = 0.001529051988 kg = 1.529051988 gram (Below average human)

Use for enemies that can be defeated by literally pressing a button. Or, for giant-/mini- sized monster rescaling calculations.