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Feats from Vietnamese movie, Superman X (Siêu nhân X).

Call an Ambulance![]

Superman X stopped an ambulance with one hand.

Type 2 Ambulance weight = 4173.5 kg

The average speed of ambulance is 15 mph or 6.7 m/s.

Super X took roughly a second to stop the ambulance.

Deceleration = 6.7 / 1 = 6.7 s/m^2

Force = Mass x Acceleration = 27962 Newtons

27962 / 9.81 = 2850 Kg (Class 5)

I could also calculate KE from the feat as well.

KE = 1/2 * 4173.50 * 6.7^2 = 93674 Joules (Wall level)

Thugs Jump Very High[]

In this scene, the thugs was able to jump up to a building so I will calc the force they need to exert to do it.

The building is 8 stories so its height is 35 m based on this calculator.

Average weight/height for Vietnamese man is:

Weight = 61.2 kg

Height = 164.44 cm

Potential Energy = 206067 J (Wall level)

I will use 1/3 body height for the jump

206067 / (1.6444 / 3) = 375943 Newtons

375943 / 9.81 = 38322 kg (Class 50)

On the other hand, I could calc how fast they need to jump to reach that height.

Displacement = (initial velocity * time) + 1/2 * acceleration * time^2

35 = (0 m/s * t) + 1/2 * 9.81 * t^2

35 = 0 + 4.905 * t^2

35 / 4.905 = t^2

sqrt(7.13) = t

t = 2.670 seconds

2.670 * 9.81 = 26.19 m/s (Superhuman)


  • Stopped an ambulance with one hand = 2850 Kg (Class 5) / 93674 Joules (Wall level)
  • Jumped on top of a building = 206067 J (Wall level) / 38322 kg (Class 50) / 26.19 m/s (Superhuman)