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VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki


Zerg fell down an elevator shaft. It’s near the end of the video you can find it.

Assuming he fell around the 15th or 16th floor, which is sort of shown in the video, and a floor is equal to a story which is 14 feet, he either fell 210 or 224 feet. Converting it into footpounds like the original blog did would make it be

676.2 or 721.8 footpounds, which is achieved by multiplying weight and height.

Convert those into joules and it’s either the low end of 916 or the high end of 978 joules. Both of these are 9-C (Street Level) feats.

Blog I used as reference for the footpounds and story heights: https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Buttersamuri/Some_common_feats

I don’t entirely condone this nor do I care about the validity but I calculated it so I might as well stick it on a blog. Voila.

RC rams into Potatohead[]


Obviously he survived this feat because it’s a Disney movie. However, calculating kinetic energy would be good.

Finding weight for RC is difficult but I’m gonna compare it to a car I found on amazon that weighs about 9.1 ounces or .56 pounds. RC is an older model of toy so I’m gonna make a high ball of 1 pound.

Now the rocket was going fast. Like it was out speeding some normal speed cars. Pretty quickly may I add. Now according to a certain source, a two inch shell firework goes about 80 mph.


I’m going to assume that a rocket like the one they have works very similar. Just to be safe let’s for for an end of about 60 since those cars may Have been going slower than average speed limit. So, kinetic energy.

80 high end: (1 pound multiplied by 80 MPH) 290 joules, 10-A

80 low end: (.56 pounds multiplied by 80) 162 joules, 10-A

60 high end: 163 joules, 10-A

60 Low end: 91 joules, 10-B I believe.