The size of a box water
Head (Take 0.23 cm) = 0.53 px
Panel = 15.24 px
0.23 * 15.24 / [0.53 * 2 * tan (70deg / 2)] = 4.72258905022 m
the Distance of a Shock wave
Height 4.72258905022 m = 0.93 px
Panel = 15.24 px
4.72258905022 * 15.24 / [0.93 * 2 * tan (70deg / 2)] = 55.2618470722 m
the Distance of a Shock wave = 55.2618470722 m
/ 2 = 27.6309235 m
27.6309235^3*((27136*1.37895 + 8649)^(1/2)/13568 - 93/13568)^2/1000 = 0.00169539819 Kilotons
1.7 Tons of TNT