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VS Battles Wiki

Now a calc was done four years ago on Hebijo's destruction, however looking at it now it only accounts for the top three floors of Hebijo's Castle Keep when canonically in game it has 6 floors, and the calc also doesn't take into account that destroying the castle keep can also mean destroying the stone foundation underneath and that Japanese castles are not just made of wood but all sorts of materials like wood, stone, plaster and tile.  So let's fix this shall we!

Scaling the foundation[]

Unfortunately we never get a clear image of the foundations for the castle keep, so to make ends meet, I'll use the foundations of Himeji's castle to scale since both castles are similarly designed and if you can.

Foundation scale

Himeji height: 46.4 m 730 px

Foundation height: 12.45808219 m 196 px

top width: 31.02062466 m 488.04 px

bottom width: 37.88337534 m 596.01 px

1st floor height: 5.339178082 m 84 px

2nd floor height: 6.356164384 m 100 px

3th floor height: 5.784109589 m 91 px

4th floor height: 6.356164384 m 100 px

5th floor height: 9.979178082 m 157 px

volume of Himeji castle = (554*5.339178082+550*6.356164384+440*5.784109589+240*6.356164384+115*9.979178082)*.2 = 2103.01326 m^3

volume of foundation:[]

tan(x) = 12.45808219/((37.88337534-31.02062466)/2) = 3.63063814

37.88337534/2*3.63063814 = 68.7704137 m

31.02062466/2*3.63063814 = 56.31233151 m

volume = 1/3* (37.88337534^2*68.7704137-554*56.31233151) = 22499.61211 m^3

Basement area: 385 m^2

The height isn't given so I'll assume a standard room height of 2.3 m

14835.89508-385*2.3 = 21614.11211 m^3

Total volume = 21614.11211 + 2103.01326 = 23717.1253 7m^3

Himeji castle weight = 6200000 kg

density = 6200000/23717.12537 = 261.4144802 kg/m^3

foundation to total volume ratio = 21614.11211/23717.1253 = 0.9113293358

keep to total volume ratio = 2103.01326/23717.1253 = 0.08867066424

Scaling Hebijo castle[]

Now I will be using the third floor down to scale since it's closest in terms of perspective to the ground, which is according to the previous calc (with mine and Schmuck's pixel scaling):

Hebijo floor scale

Asuka: 1.55 m 11 px (or 27 px according to Schmuck)

bottom roof width: 62.56363636 m 444 px

bottom floor width: 52.87222222 921 px (Schmuck)

bottom floor height: 12.57222222 m 219 px (Schmuck)

middle roof width: 45.37272727 m 322 px

middle floor width: 38.06111111 663 px (Schmuck)

middle floor height: 17.16481481 m 299 px (Schmuck)

top roof width: 31.00281818 m 220.02 px

top floor width: 21.47037037 374 px (Schmuck)

top floor height: 10.44814815 m 182 px (Schmuck)

Scaling the building:[]

Hebijo floor scale 4

1st floor width: 103.4395577 m 715.81 px

1st floor height: 55.75680776 m 321.31 px

2nd floor width: 84.40509533 m 584.09 px

2nd floor height: 22.23608772 m 128.14 px

3th floor width: 67.48477036 m 467 px

3th floor height: 16.18510927 m 93.27 px

4th floor width: 52.87222222 m 365.88 px

4th floor height: 12.57222222 m 72.45 px

5th floor width: 37.99667134 m 262.94 px

5th floor height: 10.50548424 m 60.54 px

6th floor width: 23.9245794 m 165.56 px

6th floor height: 15.71484395 m 90.56 px

Building height = 55.75680776 + 22.23608772 + 16.18510927 + 12.57222222 + 10.50548424 + 15.71484395 = 132.9705552 m

Foundation height: 103.4395577 * 196/488.04 = 41.54199106 m

Building + Foundation height = 41.54199106 + 132.9705552 = 174.5125462 m

Distance traveled (building) = sqrt(132.9705552^2 + 103.4395577^2*2) = 197.6882717 m

Distance traveled (building+foundation) = sqrt(174.5125462^2 + (103.4395577*596.01/488.04)^2 * 2) = 249.7398149 m

Frame height: 63.40909091 m 450 px

63.40909091 + 55.75680776 + 22.23608772 + 16.18510927 = 157.5870957 m

132.9705552 + 41.54199106 = 199.1290867 m

Calculating the volume[]

Building volume = .2 * (103.4395577^2*55.75680776 + 84.40509533^2*22.23608772 + 67.48477036^2*16.18510927 + 52.87222222^2*12.57222222 + 37.99667134^2*10.50548424 + 23.9245794^2*15.71484395) = 177603.1765442840 m^3 = 1.77603176544284E+11 cc

Since the keep takes up 0.08867066424 of the volume for Himeji castle, I will assume it is the same for Hebijo castle as well

Total volume = 177603.1765442840/0.0886706642420351 = 2002953.04 m^3 = 2.00295304047232E+12 cc

Using Pulverization:[]

I was suggested to calc the pulverization using destruction values for 50% stone and 50% wood, now the original calc used 51.5 J/cc, which is for White Oak, as its destruction value; however that's not the wood Japanese castles were made of. I couldn't find what type of wood was used for Himeji caslte, but according to here Japanese Cypress or Hinoki wood is used to build temples, palaces, shrines, noh theatres, baths and masu (wooden sake cups). Osaka castle was built using this type of wood, so it's fair to assume Himeji and by proxy Hebijo as made of the same wood too. It has a compressive strength of 17.47 J/cc to 26.61 J/cc depending upon air quality of dryness. I'll assume the lower end since this the feat isn't performed in a lab were the Wood can be absolutely dry

Based on Image 4[]

Building volume: 1.77603176544284E+11/2*(214+17.47) = 2.05549036373527E+13 J or 4.91273987508431E+03 Tons of TNT (Low 7-C+)

Building volume + foundation volume (using pulverization for stone for foundation): 1.77603176544284E+11/2*(214+17.47) + 1983991079299.76*.9113293358*214 = 4.11179774517952E+14 J 9.82743246935832E+04 Tons of TNT (7-C+)

Considering that the two contributed to half of the feat this would make their AP:

Building volume: 1.02774518186764E+13 J or 2.45636993754215E+03 Tons of TNT (Low 7-C+) (ACCEPTED)

Building volume + foundation volume (using pulverization for stone for foundation): 2.05589887258976E+14 J 4.91371623467916E+04 Tons of TNT (7-C+)

Based on what I found out on ChatGTP[]

I consulted ChatGTP on Japanese castles, and it looks like according to the resource Japanese Castles: A Guide to the Castles of Japan the compressive strengths of the plaster would be 5-10 MPa, and quering further it said that the percentages of volume for the materials would be around 70% Wood, around 20% Plaster, and around 10% Rock/Stone. So I'll edit my values to match that (I'll assume 10 MPa for this).

Building volume: 1.77603176544284E+11*(214*.1*10+17.47*0.7) = 6.32782357709630E+12 J or 1.51238613219319E+03 Tons of TNT (Low 7-C)

Building volume + foundation volume (using pulverization for stone for foundation): 1.77603176544284E+11*(214*.1*10+17.47*0.7) + 1983991079299.76*.9113293358*214 = 3.96952694457696E+14 J 9.48739709506921E+04 Tons of TNT (7-C+)

Considering that the two contributed to half of the feat this would make their AP:

Building volume: 3.16391178854815E+12 J or 7.56193066096595E+02 Tons of TNT (8-A+)

Building volume + foundation volume (using pulverization for stone for foundation): 1.98476347228848E+14 J 4.74369854753460E+04 Tons of TNT (7-C+)