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VS Battles Wiki

Credit to: Darkanine


Currently, there is this feat from Leon Cromwell (Web Novel)

His attack is akin to disintegration so I wanted to see if I could get a concrete calculation value.

I used will vaporization so the attack and is strongest light which is stronger than disintegration.

Vaporisation: Applied when the matter that was destroyed was vaporized during the attack. Much like for Pulverization, we usually use this value when we see no remains of the matter that was destroyed in the attack, but in addition, there has to be a considerable amount of visible vapor and/or character statements that imply vaporization, usually the latter. The value is 25700 (j/cc).

The Calculation[]

El Dorado is akin to a continent so I will use Australia size for context. Australia has a land area of 7.692e+15 m^2. I'll use the average elevation of Australia: Australia has an average elevation of 330 Meters

Now assuming he's going to vaporize the entire continent at about the size of Australia

Australia has a total surface area of 7.692e+15 m^2

Volume = Land Area * Elevation

7.692e+15 * 330 = 2.538e+18 m^3

2.538e+18 * 1000000 = 2.538e+24 cm^3

2.538e+24 * 25700 = 6.522e+28 JoulesMulti-Continent level+