Drawcia turned interstellar parts of reality into a painting and manipulated parts of it, letting this to happen:
We aren't explicitly told that Drawcia did it, but a gray wave that consumes space has no reason to appear out of nowhere from one moment to another. The stars are squares because they are a painting, we do know that Drawcia warped things to look like artistic interpretations of themselves, for example the star seen in Popstar has Kirby's face in it.
"Using Kep's calculation basis for the distance between the average star distance that the human eye can see couple with the average numbers of stars which the human eye can see on a clear sky which is around 2500 along with the average star size:
- Average star distance that human can see in starry night: (4 to 4000 light years)/2 = 2002 light years = 1.894e19 meters
- I will be using the Gravitational Binding Energy of the sun for the average stars= 5.693e41 joules
The radius of the sun for the average star: 695510000 m
4*5.693e41*(1.894e19/695510000)^2 = 1.688e63 joules, (Multi-Solar System level)"
Quoted from this blog, the energy required to destroy a dimension with a starry sky.