So, I don't really know the context for this, but this guy just kills a fuckton of people, apparently before they even realize that, ye, rad
Feat happens here~
Feat asked by Anarchy2198 here~
She ran a lot[]
So, there is alot of scans to work with here, so let's start, apprently she just walked and did no movements to cut the people, at least this is what I interpreted, so we'll just calc how far she runned. For safety, I'll calc just the distance that we see she running, cause while the places should be nowhere near close, there is no way to figure out how far away they actually are, at least not with what I was given. Also, most of this is angsize
First Scan: How far away she was from those men in black at the first place[]
Alrighty, so first, let's calc how far away was Quanxi from that soon to be dead guy.
First, let's calc how big is the ear of the soon to be dead guy
Average height of man in japan is 1.708 meters, the head+neck of a person is 10.75% of a person's total height, giving us 0.18361 meters for them
His head + neck is 114 px, giving us 0.0016106140350877 meters per pixel
His ear is 24 px, giving us 0.0386547368421048 meters for it
Quanxi doesn't really have a cannon height, so I'll use the height of a average woman, which is 5 foot 4 inches, or 1.6256 meters, normally manholes are 22 inches in diameter, or 0.5588 meters
Quanxi is 250 px tall
The panel height, not conting the black bars, obv, is 546 px
Distance from point of view to object = object size*panel height in pixels/[object height in pixels*2*tan(70deg/2)]
Distance from point of view to object = 1.6256*546/[250*2*tan(70deg/2)]
Distance = 2.53518436054 meters
The manhole is 54 px
Distance from point of view to object = 0.5588*546/[54*2*tan(70deg/2)]
Distance = 4.03458159229 meters
Distance of Quanxi from the manhole is 1.49939723175 meters
Soon to be dead guy's ear is 27 px
Panel height is 408 px
Distance from point of view to object = object size*panel height in pixels/[object height in pixels*2*tan(70deg/2)]
Distance from point of view to object = 0.0386547368421048*408/[27*2*tan(70deg/2)]
D = 0.41710206725 meters
The manhole now is 77 px
Distance from point of view to object = 0.5588*408/[77*2*tan(70deg/2)]
D = 2.11431191764 meters
So the distance from that guy and the manhole is 1.69720985039 meters
That gives us a total distance of 3.19660708214 meters
Second Scan: How far away the men in black were from the crowd[]
Now the distacne between those men from the crowd
The man's ear now is 43 px
Panel height is 489 px
Distance from point of view to object = 0.0386547368421048*489/[43*2*tan(70deg/2)]
D = 0.31389640868 meters
I'll assume the same size for that guys's head + neck as the soon to be dead guy, which is 0.18361 meters
The head + neck of that guy is 39 px
Distance from point of view to object = 0.18361*489/[39*2*tan(70deg/2)]
D = 1.64393183267 meters
So the distance is 1.33003542399 meters
Third Scan: The crowd[]
So, the crowd, I'll be using the average height for japanese man for all of them, which is 1.708 meters
According to that body segment data that i posted early, the leg-foot is 47.9% of the body's height and the trunk is 30%
So that is 0.818132 meters for the leg and 0.5124 for the trunk
The leg is 114 px
The panel's height is 536 px
Distance from point of view to object = 0.818132*536/[114*2*tan(70deg/2)]
D = 2.74679684907 meters
The trunk is 178 px
Distance from point of view to object = 0.5124*536/[178*2*tan(70deg/2)]
D = 1.10178569865 meters
So the distance is 1.64501115042 meters
Fourth Scan: Some people in a building, I guess[]
So, this is one where I think that the angle stays consistent towards the panel, so pixel scaling may be ok for this, but just in case I'll make both AS and PS, both will use the same scan cause yes
Angular Size[]
The leg and the upper arm of a person are 24.7% and 17.2% respectively, giving us 0.421876 meters and 0.293776 meters, also respectively
The leg is 65 px
The panel height is 1094 px
Distance from point of view to object = 0.421876*1094/[65*2*tan(70deg/2)]
D = 5.07028074716 meters
The upper arm is 58 px
Distance from point of view to object = 0.293776*1094/[58*2*tan(70deg/2)]
D = 3.9568434143 meters
So the total distance is 1.11343733286 meters
Pixel Scaling[]
Using the Leg for scaling, it gives us 0.0064904 meters per pixel
The thing that they are is 1098 px, giving us 7.1264592 meters
Fifth scan: Shopping I guess[]
Now, this was originally 2 different panels, but they are complementary, with some basic editing you can see that they fit nicely and have the same panel height, so that is neat
Anyhow, will use the same vallue for the lower leg and full leg as the previous calcs, since it is kinda curved, I'll make 2 separate calcs for this, one for the far righ to the center, and one from the center to the far left
The far right leg is 48 px
The panel height is 1095 px
Distance from point of view to object = 0.421876*1095/[48*2*tan(70deg/2)]
D = 6.87228123437 meters
The center leg is 162 px
Distance from point of view to object = 0.421876*1095/[162*2*tan(70deg/2)]
D = 2.03623147685 meters
So the distance of the right corner to the center is 4.83604975752 meters
The far left leg is 70 px
Distance from point of view to object = 0.818132*1095/[70*2*tan(70deg/2)]
D = 9.13866339737 meters
So the distance from the center to the left is 7.10243192052 meters, giving us a total of 11.93848167804 for that hall
Sixth scan: How far away was she from the stairs[]
For the final scan, we'll see how far away she was from the stairs, which is where her trajectory ended
Assuming the same thing for that guy's head+neck
His h+n is 123 px
The panel height is 443 px
Distance from point of view to object = 0.18361*443/[123*2*tan(70deg/2)]
D = 0.47221324875 meters
The percentile of women's upper arm is 17.3% of their height, considering that Quanxi is 1.6256 meters, that is 0.2812288 meters
Her upper arm is 42 px
Distance from point of view to object = 0.2812288*443/[42*2*tan(70deg/2)]
D = 2.11815360857 meters
So the total distance is 1.64594035982 meters
Total Distance moved[]
Pure angle size: D = 3.19660708214+1.33003542399+1.64501115042+1.11343733286+11.93848167804+1.64594035982
D = 20.86951302727 meters
Angle size + Pixel Scaling from that scan: D = 3.19660708214+1.33003542399+1.64501115042+7.1264592+11.93848167804+1.64594035982
D = 26.88253489441 meters
Timeframe and speed[]
Now, according to Anarchy and from the scans, Quanxi moved fast enough that no one seemed to notice her until she stopped in the stairs right there, so for the time frame we can use 0.013 seconds based on this and this
V = 20.86951302727/0.013
V = 1605.3471559438461538 m/s or Mach 4.6803124079995514688, Supersonic+
V = 26.88253489441/0.013
V = 2067.88729957 m/s or Mach 6.0288259462682216, Hypersonic