Megatron throws Dark Energon into the space bridge[]
Already found the size of the space bridge here
First I find the width of Megatron's torso area
Now I can find the distance with the next image and the formula 2atan(tan(70/2)*(object size/panel height)):
Megatron: 2atan(tan(70/2)*(31/480)) = 3.50546901 degrees
Space bridge: 2atan(tan(70/2)*(315/480)) = 34.5452135 degrees
Distance between the two: 4452.502671 - 38.51049981 = 4413.99217 m
The video runs at 25 fps, the chunk is thrown at frame 2341 and reaches the bridge at 2629, which is 288 frames
288/25 = 11.52 seconds
4413.99217 m per 11.52 seconds = 383.159043 m/s (Supersonic)
I realized that 30 ft is an estimate a bit too small for Megs.
86 px - Jack, 16 year old = 173.4 cm
477 px - 961.765117 cm
159 px - 961.765117 cm
173 px - 1046.44883 cm
182 px - 1100.88836 cm
Not only that but the space bridge's size also needs to be adjusted.
Nemesis - 16 px - 1405.7647 m
Space bridge - 140 px - 12300.4411 m
But we can still work with what we had in the previous calc.
516 px - 1046.44883 cm
133 px - 269.724214 cm
I also need to correct the angsizing formulas.
Megatron: 2atan(tan(35deg)*(31/480)) = 5.17850123 degrees
Space bridge: 2atan(tan(35deg)*(315/480)) = 49.3586215 degrees
13384.2670065491 - 29.822 = 13354.445 m
13354.445 m per 11.52 seconds = 1159.24002 m/s (Supersonic+)
Two Vehicons push a huge boulder down[]
Megatron is 30 feet or 9.14400 meters (he's not as we learned in the recalc but this calc doesn't need to be changed, I think).
Density of granite is at least 2.65 g/cc
14597413.9 kg / 2 = 7298706.95 kilograms or 7298.70695 tonnes (Class M)
Being fodder/jobber tier, pretty much everyone scales above the Vehicons.
Optimus, Starscream and Knockout tank a huge explosion[]
Calculating this explosion. I already found the ship's length here, at 1405.7647 m.
The fireball reaches the screen in this shot. How far is the ship from the screen?
Angsizing equation: 2atan(tan(35deg)*(object size/panel height))
2atan(tan(35deg)*(240/720)) = 26.2755625 degrees
Distance: 3011.46008812531 m
Now for the calculations
We find the volume of the fireball:
The density of orange fire is 0.24 kg/m^3.
114398398426.49 x 0.24 = 2.74556156e10 kg
The temperature of orange fire is 1200°C, and the specific heat capacity of air is 919 J/kg*°C. The air temperature in the Arctic (where that scene takes place) is around −30 to −35 °C (I'll just use 30), making the change in temperature 1230°C.
2.74556156e10 x 919 x 1230 = 3.10350042e16 J = 7.4175440249 megatons (City level)
The shockwave of the explosion manages to reach other Transformers who are fighting kilometers away, but how strong was that shockwave and how far did it go?
Angsizing equation: 2atan(tan(35deg)*(object size/panel height))
2atan(tan(35deg)*(42/720)) = 4.67794229 degrees
So the explosion reached 17208.3433310990 m or 17.2083433 kilometers
Air blast radius (near-total fatalities) formula: Y = ((x/0.28)^3)/1000 with Y in megatons of TNT and x the radius in km
((17.2083433/0.28)^3)/1000 = 232.136317 megatons (Mountain level)