Grappler Baki chapter 251, Chiharu Shiba gets hit by a motorcycle during a gang fight.
Quote from the reference page for common feats:
When being hit by an object, the linear momentum of the object+person system needs to remain the same. Linear momentum is m*v
The values vary based on the object and the speed.
For example, assuming the human is 70 kg, the object is 1500 kg and that the object's speed is 11.176 m/s:
FinalSpeed = (ObjectMass*InitialSpeed)/(PersonMass+ObjectMass)
Using the values above this is 10.677707006369426751592356687898 m/s.
KE of the person is 3990.4699419854760842224836707371 Joules
Weight of a motorcycle : ~181kg according to this :,pounds%20per%20gallon%20of%20gas.
Average weight of an adult male : ~62kg according to this :
Total weight of the motorcycle : ~243kg
Shiba's weight : 72kg
Formula : (MassCar*InitialSpeed)/(MassPerson+MassCar)
Low end : If the motorcycle goes at the Average suburb speed (25 mph) : 2 675.9 J Street level
What does it compare to?[]
- 133.8% of the strength necessary to break a hole the size of a fist in a rock wall. (2'000)
Mid end : If the motorcycle goes at the Daily City travel speed (45 mph) : 8 669,9 J Street level+
What does it compare to?[]
- 125.7% of the KE of a greyhound running at 72 km/h (6'900)
High end : If the motorcycle goes at the Traditional interstate travel speed (60 mph) : 15 413.1 J Wall level
What does it compare to?[]
- 120.3% of the strength necessary to fragment a human skull (12'812.8)
- 91.3% of the KE of a cow running at 25km/h (16'878.8)